lune 9, 2010 Page 9 sportiani» (Obstruer X r ts z V fNÏFCI IMIIIVISHIM Friday August 6th, 2010. Place to be announced Lion King National Tour Andre Jackson as ‘Simba’ and ‘The Lion King’ ensemble sing “He Lives in You. ” The Fred Meyer Broadway Across America touring show opens Wednesday, June 16 at Keller Auditorium with performances continuing through July 11. Mock’s Crest’s Comic Operetta The G ilbert and Sullivan com ic o peretta T he M ikado, is now p lay ­ ing through June 27 w ith T hursday, F riday and Saturday perform ances at 7:30 p.m . and S unday p erfo r­ m ances at 2 p.m . in M ago H unt C en ter T h eater at the U niversity o f P ortland C onsidered by m any as the m ost popular operetta ev er w ritten, The M ik ad o ’s setting is in 1895 at a form al garden party at a V ictorian country house in southern England w here all things A sian are in vogue. T he p lay ran for 672 n ig h ts at L o n d o n ’s Savoy T heatre in 1885. T h e p la y is a p ro d u c tio n o f M o ck ’s C rest Production, a sum m er professional theater com pany that w as created in 1990 to produce high q u ality com ic op era, e m p lo y in g som e o f the Pacific N o rth w e st’s fin­ est actors, singers, directors, and d esig n ers. It w as founded to enhance the E-maii to: (preferable) Voice mail: Carol Erdmann 503-982-3051 Snail mail: JHS Class of 70 / PO Box 19905 / Portland, Oregon 97280 The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (A A M C ) Presents an OLD SCHOOL PARTY 60’s & 70’s - Oldies but Goodies Saturday, June 26,2010 Billy Webb Elk’s Lodge 6 North Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon Mock’s Crest Productions presents the Gilbert and Sullivan’s classic comic operetta The Mikado at the University of Portland in north Portland. cultural fabric o f the N orth Portland co m m u n ity and to p erpetuate the U niversity o f P o rtla n d ’s long trad i­ tion o f support for the arts. Tickets are $30 for adults, $25 for Free Fishing for Kids The annual Clackamas River Jun­ ior Fishing Clinic takes place Satur­ day, June 12 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Prom ontoiy Park near Estacada. T his free clinic features a fish­ ing derby d esigned for children Saturday August 7th, 2010: Embassy Suites Portland Airport Hotel (rooms available for only $.109 + tax) Cost for reunion: Classmates $65 spouse or companion $35 Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible to age 14 and under and lots o f activ i­ ties that w ill en tertain and educate the w hole fam ily. L u n ch and d rinks w ill be p ro­ vided, bu t children are encouraged to b rin g th eir ow n fishing rods and seniors and students, and $23 per person for groups o f ten o r m ore. All seats are reserved and m ay be o r­ dered through the H unt C en ter Box O ffice by calling 503-943-7287. coolers for taking hom e their catch L im ited q uantities o f rods and bait w ill be available for use. Prom ontory Park is located seven m iles south o f E stacada on H igh­ w ay 224. F o r m ore inform ation please call B rian E berhard o f the C lackam as R iver R anger D istrict at 503-630-8723. 9 P M - 1AM Donation: $ 15.00 per person Music by: DJ Papa Chuck Best Dressed from the 60’s & 70’s Wins: $50.00 Raffle & 50/50 Split: Tickets - $ 1.00 each Menu: Roast Beef, Chicken, Green Beans, Salad & Dinner Rolls T ickets A vai lable at: AAMC Club Members Cynthia Livingston (503)504-0640 Cannon’s Rib Express (503) 288-3836 One Stop Records (503) 285-1159 Geneva’s Shear Perfection (503)285-1159 James & Johnnie Mayfield-Vancouver (360) 576-8519 Proceeds to benefit the AAMC Scholarship Program The African American Men's Club is a non-profit organization