Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 2010, Page 8, Image 8

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    Paße 8
Cl*‘' JJortlanò (Dbsewer
lune 9, 2010
John Olive
Is helping C harities B usinesses,
and Team O riented People to
Earn M ore Ineom e M ore O ften,
In less T im e In T he "G PN
B ailout" M em bership OPPT.
Join Today A nd Earn C heeks
R ight Away C ontaet:
Cooperative Economic Coach — John Olive E
r State Farm*
Providing I n s u r e .rid Fina'i:,; d
TexturedHair Specialist/Designer
Home Office. Bloomington. Illinois 61710
Beautyfirst & Salon
Clackam as Promenade
8946 SE Sunnyside Road
Clackamas, OR 97015-7778
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
4946 N Vancouver Avruiue Pert land OR 97? 1 7
5032861103 Fax 503 286 1146
erme dill hSrrb’ftsfatefarrg com
or 503.654.5357
photo by
Young Patient Cheer Up
Relaxer • Cut-Style • Color
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service'*
Brian Pintarelli is all smiles during a visit to his Doernbecher Children's Hospital room Friday by
four sailors visiting Portland from the USS Sampson. The guided missile destroyer and the
guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill were part o f the Portland Rose Festival fleet.
Thurs. 9-3 (after 3 by Appt.)
Saturday 9-3
Stop by or call for Appointment
s ____________________________ /
M izani P rofessional
H air care products u sed
a n d so ld a t this salon
-------------------------- ------ —
I nterstate
D ental C linic
5835 N Interstate Ave,
P ortland, O R 97217
watch video at http://
State Farm®
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
A gent
edw arw ard2
@ aol.com
W e m oved to
our new location:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Pablo and Crystal’s
House Cleaning.
13450 SE Division St.
Portland, Or 97206
Pablo Centeno
Crystal Centeno
Fax 503-227-8757
with diversity
1,16 P o rtla n d
d m 503-288-0033
U .S. N avy S pecialist F irst C lass T homas J. B rennan
Red Cross can get you started
L earning cardiopulm onary resuscitation (C P R ) and how to
use an A utom ated External D efibrillator (A E D ) can quite p o ssi­
bly m ean the difference betw een life and death for som eone
suffering from sudden cardiac arrest or other m edical em ergency.
The A m erican Red C ross encourages ev ery o n e to learn these
im portant skills that save lives.
W hy should people care? Sudden cardiac arrest is the num ber
one killer in the U nited States. It can o ccu r suddenly and w ithout
w arning to individuals o f any age or gender.
Studies have show n that w hen a person receives p ro m p t C PR ,
co m b in ed w ith the use o f an A E D , they stand a m uch b etter
chance o f survival.
In addition to offering regular classes for certification, the Red
C ross is happy to o ffer businesses and o rg an izatio n s free
inform ational presentations about the effectiveness o f C PR &
A E D s. T hey w ill also provide co n su ltatio n on O reg o n 's new
A E D law s, Senate B ills 1006 & 1033, requiring A E D s in m any
public buildings. For m ore inform ation about inform ation about
the Red C ross, call 503-585-5414.
A Red Cross simulation demonstrates
the lifesaving techniques o f CPR com­
bined with an Automated External
Defibrillator and a call to 911.
Interracial Marriage Still Rising
(A P) -- M elting pot o r racial d i­
vide? The grow th o f interracial m ar­
riages is slow ing am ong U .S .-bom
H ispanics and A sians. Still, blacks
are sub stan tially m ore likely than
before to m arry w hites.
Thenumberofinterraeial marriages
in the U.S. has risen 20 percent since
2000 to about4.5 million, according to
the latest census figures. W hile still
grow ing, that num ber is a m arked
d ro p -o ff from the 65 percent increase
betw een 1990 and 2000.
A bout 8 percent ofU .S . m arriages
are m ixed-race, up from 7 percent in
B roken dow n by race, about 40
percent o f U .S.-born A sians now
m arry w hites — a figure unchanged
since 1980. Their likelihood ofm arry-
ing foreign-bom A sians, m eanw hile,
multipl ied 3 times for men and 5 times
for w om en, to roughly 20 percent.
A m o n g U .S .-b o rn H isp an ic s,
m arriag es w ith w h ites increased
m odestly from roughly 30 percent
to 38 p ercent o v er the past three
decades. B ut w hen it cam e to m ar­
riages w ith fo reig n -b o m H ispanics,
the share d o u b le d — to 12.5 percent
for men, and 17.1 percent for w om en.
In contrast, blacks are now three
tim es as likely to m arry w hites than
in 1980. A bout 14.4 percent o fb lack
m en and 6.5 percent o fb la c k w om en
are currently in such m ixed m ar­
riages, due to h ig h er educational
attainm ent, a m ore racially integrated
m ilitary and a risin g black m iddle
class that provides m o re interaction
w ith o th er races.
T he figures com e from previous
censuses as w ell as the 2008 A m eri­
can C o m m u n ity Survey, w hich su r­
veys 3 m illion households.