lune 9, 2010 'ri" Portiani» (Dhserurr Page 7 Medical Student Earns Prestigious Award Honored for excellence, minority outreach O m ar W ashington o f northeast Portland, a second-year student at the UC Davis School o f M edicine, has been honored w ith a prestigious 2010 M inority Scholars A w ard by the American Medical Association Foun­ dation. W ashington is one o f only 13 students nationw ide to receive the award, w hich is accom panied by a $ 10,000 scholarship. The annual aw ard recognizes aca­ dem ic excellence, a strong com m it­ m ent to im proving m inority health and outstanding prom ise o f a future career in medicine. "O m ar W ashington is an excep­ tional student w ho has fostered ef­ forts to increase diversity in the phy­ sician w orkforce at the local and na­ tional levels and to deliver preven­ tive health care to the m edically underserved in our com m unity," said Claire Pom eroy, vice chancellor for hum an health sciences at UC Davis and dean o f the School o f M edicine. " He exem pl i fies our schoo l’s com m it­ m ent to diversity and social justice, and w e are proud to have him as a m em ber o f our student body." W ashington received his under­ graduate degree in m icrobiology at Portland State University in Portland, O re., and entered the School ofM edi- cine in 2008. H e is an active m em ber o f the Student N ational M edical A ssociation, the oldest and largest student organization for m edical stu­ dents o f color in the country. He also serv es as the regional liaison to the M inority A ssociation o f Pre-m edical Students. W ashington m entors several u n ­ derg rad u ates from d isadvantaged backgrounds interested in p u rsu ­ ing careers in m edicine. H e also o r­ ganizes sem inars and events for stu­ dents from throughout the region to help prepare them for m edical school. R ecognizing the im portance o f early "M y goal is to ex cite students to the possib ilities in health care and to support, en courage and assist them in their individual jo u rn ey s," W ashington w rote in his applica­ tion for the aw ard. "U pon co m p let­ ing m y m edical degree, I hope to w ork at an academ ic institution where I can continue to help guide young, s ta n d in g m e d ic a l s tu d e n t w ith strong leadership and interpersonal skills," said D arin Latim ore, director o f M edical S tudent D iversity at UC Davis School ofM edicine. "His calm, m a tu re a p p ro a c h to a d d re ss in g h ealth-care co n cern s helps build consensus in the com m unity and fosters o ur overall efforts to deliver eag er m edical students and host program s for d isadvantaged youth, to en courage them to seek careers in m edicine." W ashington also serves as co ­ d irecto r o f the Im ani C linic, a free Omar Washington outreach, he w orks ex ten siv ely w ith elem en tary and h ig h -sch o o l stu­ d e n ts, p a rtn e rin g w ith A fric a n - A m erican ch u rch es and sports o r­ ganizations to co m b in e academ ic inform ation w ith com m unity activi­ ties. com passionate, culturally sensitive care that m eets the needs o f diverse patient populations." The UC Davis School ofM edicine is am ong the nation's leading medical schools, recognized for its specialty- co m m u n ity clinic that offers p re­ and p rim ary-care program s. T he ventive health services to a histo ri­ school offers fully accredited master's cally A frican -A m erican n eig h b o r­ degree program s in public health and hood, and partners w ith leaders in in informatics, and itscombined M.D.- the c o m m u n ity to fo ster health. Ph.D. program is training the next T hrough annual events like the Ulezi generation o f physician-scientists to Fam ily H ealth Faire, clinic stafTofifer conduct high-im pact research and b lo o d -p r e s s u re s c r e e n in g s a n d translate discoveries into better clini­ health ed u catio n , and help build cal care. A long w ith being a recog­ relationships w ith com m unity orga­ nized leader in m edical research, the nizations d ed icated to ad vancing sch o o l is c o m m itte d to serv in g ed u catio n and health. underserved com m unities and ad­ "O m ar W ash in g to n is an out- vancing rural health. / Special broadcast from Congressman DeFazio Earl Blumenauer Congressman David Hinson Office of Secretary of Commerce Director of MBDA Special Project Announcement from the Smithsonian Institution Ted Aadland President AGC America Anthony Robinson MBELDEF, NAMC Hall of Fame Harry Alford President National Black Chambers of Commerce and FHWA ” ■ • .. ■ J Isaac Vice President Portland Trail Blazers - Building new Jazz and Destination Row JumpTown Fred Hansen - special recognition General Manager TriMet Brian Terrett Legacy Health System une. OREGON NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MINORITY CONTRACTORS