Pilge 6_______ _______________ ffl*t Portiani* (Obstruer H E A LTH 4ATTERS £ F a B living \ W/ REBEKAH STAR 10 Things You Should Know About Losing Weight M any A m ericans struggle to lose w eight everyday. Som e try to lose w eight w ith diet alone and som e people try to lose w eight w ith e x er­ cise alone. In y our efforts to lose w eig h t you sh ould keep certain things in m ind to m ake sure you are su cc e ssfu l and h e alth y on y o u r w eight loss jo u rn ey . Know Your Numbers It is im portant to know w hether you need to lose w eight and how m uch w eight is safe for you to lose. C alculate y our body m ass index and that w ill give you a general idea o f how m any pounds you need to lose to get to the top o f the healthy w eight range for y o u r height. B ody M ass Index is not the only num ber you need to know . T ake the tim e to m easure y o u r w aist and calculate y o u r body fat p e rcen tag e (o r have it done for you by a personal train er at y o u r gym ). A s you lose w eight, keep track o f these num bers b e­ cause any lean m uscle m ass you gain can give you a false reading w hen calculating y o u r B ody M ass Index. Eat More Frequently ,une 9>2010 _ ............ In order to keep y o u r m etabolism Even though these carbs w ill break w orking efficiently and to keep your dow n quickly in your body, they are body from thinking it's starving, eat still a source o f fiber, vitam ins and every tw o to four hours. T hese m eals minerals. w ill be sm aller than a typical three- Safe Weight Loss Amount m eal-per-day diet, enabling you to Safe and long-lasting w eight loss eat m ore frequently. E ating m ore frequently also keeps y o u r blood occurs at a rate o f about 1 to 2 lbs. su g ar and insulin m ore stable. Each per w eek. W hen you first start to tim e you eat, be sure to have lean change your diet and exercise ro u ­ tines, you m ay experience m ore protein, com plex carbohydrates and fiber to keep y o u r body full and w eight loss due to loss o f w ater w eight. Ify o u continue to lose m ore fueled. than 1 to 2 lbs. p er w eek, see your Clean Up Your Diet doctor to m ake sure there is no m edi­ Long- lasting w eight loss requires cal explanation for the additional a lifestyle change. Y ou can n o t co n ­ w eight loss. tinue to eat the things that caused Drink Plenty of Water you to be o v erw eig h t in the first A lth o u g h th is is a c o m m o n place. Steadily increase the am ount o f fresh fruits and vegetables in w eight loss tip, you continue to y o u r diet, drink m ore w ater, drink read about it because it is good less soda, and avoid fried, fatty advice. The hum an body is m ade up foods. K eep dow n the am ount o f o f m ostly w ater. W ater helps flush sim ple carbohydrates in y o u r diet toxins out o f the body, reduces bloat­ by only consum ing sim ple carb o ­ ing, and helps keep y o u r body ru n ­ hydrates in the form o f w hole fruits. ning as it should. D rink at least 64 oz. o f w ater p er day and even m ore on the days you exercise. No Overnight Success Just as gaining w eight took tim e, losing the extra w eight w ill also take som e time. Losing weight too quickly can do dam age to y o u r body and put you in a p o sitio n to not be able to keep the w eight off. T ake your tim e losing w eight and you will have m ore success. Muscle is Good Dr. Billy R. Flowers (above center) and his skilled s ta ff are ready to help those in need. THE SPINACOi.UMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession Part 5. WHIPLASH: It doesn’t take a serious accident to cause serious damage. : How bad an accident does it take to actually cause whip­ lash? n e ck , arm o r sh o u ld er, n au sea, b lurred vision and headaches. If not treated im m ediately, these prob­ lem s can lead to oth er m ore severe : W hile m ost people think o f ones. To com plicate matters, it som e­ w hiplash only as the result o f tim es takes years before w hiplash a rear end collision, it can o ccu r sy as m p to m s occur. a result o f a fall o r other sudden jolt. In car collisions, speeds as What should I do i f l 've had low as 5 M PH (a brisk w alk) have a fa ll or a car accident? caused w hiplash. W h at’s m ore, m ajor studies show there is virtu­ ally no correlation betw een d am ­ age to the car and its occupants. A : How can I tell i f whiplash has happened to me? Q A • W hip lash o ften e x h ib its sy m p to m s such as a sore : D o n ’t take any chances. A S chedule a com plete ch iro ­ p ra c tic e x am im m e d ia te ly . O u r o ffic e s p e c ia liz e s n o t o n ly in re ­ lie v in g w h ip la sh sy m p to m s, b u t a lso in m a k in g su re th o se p ro b ­ lem s d o n ’t b e co m e b ig g e r o n e s d o w n th e road. F o r d ia g n o sis o f p o s sib le w h ip la sh , o r a n sw e rs to a n y q u e stio n s y o u m ig h t h av e a b o u t y o u r h e a lth , p le a se c all us at th e n u m b e r liste d rig h t b elo w . Flowers' Chiropractic Office 2124 N .E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 Phone: (503) 287*5504 Each pound o f m uscle y ou put on your body increases y o u r body's ab ility to bum calories. For every pou n d o f m uscle you build, 50 ad d i­ tional calories are burned p er day. H ow ever, m uscle w eighs m ore than fat so the num bers on the scale m ay not be exactly w hat you w ant to see at tim es. D espite the num bers on the scale, the density o f m uscle is differ­ en t than fat. M uscle takes up less room on the body than fat, so you w ill be leaner and look sm aller w ith m ore m uscle on y o u r body than w eighing the sam e but w ith m ore fat. Cardio Cardio, in the form o f aerobic exer­ cise, is one type o f exercise that can help your body bum fat. A erobic exercise includes brisk w alking, run­ ning, sw im m ing, cycling, and any other activity that raises your heart rate over a sustained period o f time. D epending on how m uch w eight you have to lose, your cardio should last at least 20 m inutes per session, three days per w eek. If you have substan­ tial w eight to lose, w ork on m aking your cardio m ore intense and aim ing for 60 m inutes four to five days per week. If you are ju st beginning to exercise and cannot exercise for 20 m inutes at one time, breaking your sessions up over the course o f the day still w orks as long as each ses­ sion is at least 10 minutes. Strength Training Strength training is also an im por­ tant part o f a w eight loss routine. C onsult a certified personal trainer to develop a program that will work all o f the m ajor m uscle groups in tw o to three sessions per week. Strength training can be done with free weights, w eight m achines, body weight, resis­ tance tubing or a com bination o f all o f these things. Each session should last no m ore than an hour to avoid injury and overtraining. Flexibility The third co m ponent o f a w eight loss program is flexibility. T his in­ cludes stretching during a cool dow n and taking classes such as yoga. Increasing y o u r flexibility increases y o u r range o f m otion and ability to do exercises w hile keeping your m uscles lim ber and less prone to injury.(livestrong.com ) Ifyo u add changes into your life incrementally, you will be greatly rewarded. Let's make an effort to be a healthy example fo r our commu­ nity! Please visit our Facebook page- FaB Living w/Rebekah Star, and post your questions and com­ m ents. U ntil n e xt week, L ive FaBulously! Run on Empty to Bum Fat R unning on em p ty m ay not be such a bad idea after all. T hough m an y athletes eat before training, som e scien tists say that ify o u really w an t to get rid o f m ore fat, you should skip the pre-w o rk o u t snack. Studies suggest exercising while your body is low on food m ay be a good w ay to trim excess fat. In a recent paper, European researchers found that cyclists w ho trained w ith­ out eating burned significantly m ore fat than their counterparts w ho ate. M uscles usually get their energy from carbohydrates, which is w hy athletes like Lance A rm strong and M ichael Phelps scarf dow n enorm ous am ounts o f food before a race. B ut if you haven't eaten before exercising, your body doesn't have m any carbo­ hydrates in reserve. That forces it to bum fat instead, scientists say. "W hen y ou exercise (after fast­ ing), y o u r adrenalin is high and your insulin is low ," said Peter H espel, a p ro fesso r o f exercise physiology at the U n iv ersity o f L euven in B el­ gium . "T hat ratio is favorable for your m uscles to oxidize (break dow n) m ore fatty acids." H espel said that people w ho exercise w ithout hav­ ing eaten b u m m ore fat than they w ould if they had grabbed a bite b eforehand.