June 9, 2010 dlu fJortlanh (Obsvmer IN S ID E The Week ¡n Review This page Sponsored by: Page 3 Fred Meyer page 2 Jeff Closure on Table ph - w Redesign plans hit more snags L aw &< J ustice J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver by A high school redesign pro­ posal has hit more snags, putting into doubt whether it will be ap­ proved by the school board by a June 21 deadline. The latest skid cam e M onday w hen School Board members suggested con­ verting Jefferson High School from a neighborhood school to a specialized magnet program. Superintendent Carole Smith had recom m ended m aking the d istrict’s only predom inantly A frican A m erican high school a com prehensive neighborhood school and enforcing bound­ ary requirem ents for a tte n ­ dance with lim ited transfer op­ portunities. The initial concept also called for converting Benson Polytech­ nic High School into a special­ ized tw o -y ear program and Marshall High School into mag­ net school. The seven other re­ maining high schools would be transformed into comprehensive neighborhood high schools, with roughly the same amount o f stu­ dents, funding, and course offer­ ings. But this was before news that the state was facing a massive budget shortfall, which could result in $ 19 million decrease in funding to PPS. Because o f the lack o f funds school board mem- cal programs to Jefferson, which evoked a spirited reaction at a community forum at Self En­ hancem ent Inc., a northeast charter school that serves low- income and minority students that feed into Jefferson. At the meeting, Tony Hopson, SEI president and CEO, scolded school board members and Smith for continuing a history o f ill- fated tinkering at Jefferson that One o f the driving forces behind the redesign is to close in on the Portland’s sobering achievement gap. ber Bobbie Regan and Trudy S argent, w ho co -ch airs the board, both said they couldn’t get behind the eight comprehen- siv e sch o o l m odel. M artin Gonzalez also said he w ouldn’t vote for the proposal because o f cuts to Benson. Last month, Gonzalez sug- gested moving Benson’s techni- 1 has sapped the school o f the resources it needs to thrive, Interestingly, Jefferson was converted to a perform ing arts magnet school in 1974 with the aim o f attracting more white stu- dents to the predominantly black school. The proposal failed to attractive a significant number continued on page 17 No Sign of 2nd Grader C lassifieds pages 12-13 O pinion pages 14-15 ' 7 J? F ood page 20 Vanished from Skyline Elementary tip line. Many parents were at a sci­ ence fair Friday morning before the boy vanished. Gates said investigators planned to inter­ view everyone who was at the (AP) — Relatives o f a 7-year- school. old Portland boy missing from K elly Ram irez, the sister o f Skyline Elementary School for K yron's m other, issued a state­ five days have urged those work­ m ent M onday evening thank­ ing to find him to carry on the ing everyone who has "w orked search with optimism. tirelessly on K yron's b e h a lf' Twenty-two state, local and and asked people to print and Kyron Horman federal agencies have been fol­ distribute fliers w ith the boy's lowing up on more than 1,200 sheriffs Capt. Jason Gates said photo. tips in the search for Kyron Tuesday at a brief news confer­ "Above all do not give up hope, ence. Horman, who disappeared from as we certainly never will," she He said investigators have in­ said. "He is out there and we are the northwest Portland school terviewed the families o f about going to find him and bring him on Friday. "There has been nothing o f 90 percent o f the school's stu­ home safe where he belongs." significance in terms o f results dents, and he asked those who continued on page 17 to report," Multnomah County haven't been questioned to call a