-a£e 20------------------------------------ Il!''Portiani» (Dbseruer_____________ ________ lune 9 ,2010 SAFEWAY Recipes by allrecipes.com W E DELIVER GRU ♦r, v o u r H o m e or Ingredients for life.® G et FREE d on y o u r 1 ;o to Safeway SUMMER natural |X )r k Rancher's Reserve1 Boneless Beef Bottom Round or Round Tip Steak Deviled Chicken Breasts Boneless W hole Pork Loin Sold in the bag Or Boneless Pork Sirloin Chops Extreme Value Pack SAVE up to $ 2 .00 lb Extreme Value Pack Or Roast SAVE up to $3.00 lb EATING Club Price Ingredients • • • • • • • • • 1/8 cup Italian-style dried bread crum bs 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 cup dry w hite w ine 1/2 teaspoon ground savory 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 (4.5 ounce) can sliced m ushroom s 1 tablespoon lem on ju ic e 1 tablespoon honey m ustard ; -r„M Eating Right® Boneless Skinless Chicken B reasts or Thighs Fresh Pork Spareribs ira« VTUrfe o r jltovv Pezxckes (»•Wb» MuJOrwi, »I»*»' Or Boneless Pork Sirloin Roast. SAVE up to 50 c lb SAVE up to $ 1 50 lb Or Tender or Thin Sliced, $2 49 lb. Directions 1. Place breadcrum bs in a large, resealable plastic bag. A dd chicken, seal bag, and shake to coat chicken w ith breadcrum bs. 2. H eat oil in a large, nonstick skillet over m edium heat. A dd chicken. C ook 3 m inutes on each side, or until brow ned. A dd w ine, savory, salt, and m ushroom s to the chicken. C over, and reduce heat. Sim m er for 15 m inutes, o r until chicken is done. R em ove chicken and m ushroom s w ith slotted spoon, and place on serving plate. 3. A dd lem on ju ic e and m ustard to skillet, and stir well. H eat jM | I Alaskan Cod Fillets lb _ Club Price t t waterfront BISTRO® Extra Large Cooked Shrimp |h All size packages Previously frozen SAVE up to $2.00 lb Club Price tBB 31 to 40 ct. 2 lb. bag. Bulk, $6.99 lb. Previously frozen SAVE up to $5 00 on a 2-lb bag through. Serve sauce w ith chicken. Sweet »VW vy* CWeFri»- 12-Pack Deschutes, Bridgeport or M acTam ahan’s Club Price 12 az t o t' cs Select«) rartotim Plus deposit m Oregon SAM-up to $511 S ig nature Cafe'" Pizza Club Price * ■ S a le w a y V arie ty Breads 2 2 to 2 3 6-oz Selected varieties SAVE up to S i 00 24-nz Selected varieties Club Price SI 50 ea Club Price t t SAVl up to 58« on 2 m ix & m a t c h ---- » PEACH BREAD General Mills Cheerios Ingredients 8 9-oz orKeitow 's Frosted Ftokes 14-0/. $1 99 Club P r i « • • • • • • • • • • • 3 eggs 2 cups w hite sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract l cup vegetable oil 2 cups diced canned peaches, drained 3 cups all-purpose flour l teaspoon baking pow der I teaspoon salt l teaspoon baking soda 3 teaspoons ground cinnam on 1/2 cup chopped w alnuts (optional) M ass A o axxw ío í