Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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'rin j.lnrt lattò (Dbseruer
Colleges Boost Tuition
sharply increased the amount o f oil
The Oregon Board o f High Educa­ it was capturing from its blown-out
tion has approved tuition increases well, but U.S. officials want to know
that average about 6.2 percent state­ exactly how much oil is still gushing
wide. Portland State and the Univer­ out.
sity o f Oregon will see a slightly
smaller 5.4 percent hike while the Otis Jury Files Opened
increase at Oregon State is 5.8 per­ The Multnomah County district
attorney's office has re­
leased more than 700
No Stop to
pages o f grand jury tran-
Gushing Oil
___ scripts from last m onth’s
G as and oil
Portland police shooting
c o n tin u e to
o f K eaton O tis. The
surge out from
grand ju ry found no
the c o n ta in ­
criminal wrongdoing on
ment cap at the
the part o f police, who
D e e p w a te r
shot Otis 23 times after
Horizon oil spill site in the G ulf of he shot and wounded an officer
Mexico. BP said on Tuesday it had during a traffic stop.
Week ¡n
The Review
Isley Brother
lu n e 9, 2010
Café Explains Exclusion
A coffee shop owner held a news
conference on Monday to explain his
decision to ask a Portland police of­
ficer to leave his place o f business,
the Red and Black Cafe, 400 S.E. 12th
Dead at 56
Ave. John Langley said he did so
Marvin Isley,
because his clientele is comprised of
the bass player
people who are fearful o f police. He
w ho helped
said he didn't intend to slight the
giveR&B pow­
officer but wasjust looking out for the
erh o u se the
concerns o f his customers
Isley Brothers
their d istin c­ GM Recalls 1.5 M vehicles
tiv e sound, General Motors Co. said Tuesday it
died Sunday at was recalling about 1.5 million ve­
C h icag o hicles worldwide to address a prob­
h o sp ital. He lem with a heated windshield wiper
was 56.
fluid system that could lead to a fire.
The recall affects several pickup
trucks, sport utility vehicles, cross­
overs and passenger car models
from the 2006 to 2009 model years.
Maytag Recalls Dishwashers
Whirlpool Corp.’s Maytag unit is
recalling about 1.7 million dishwash­
ers because o f a fire hazard. The
dishwashers were sold from Febru­
ary 2006 through April 2010. Con­
sumers can schedule a free in-home
repair or receive a rebate toward the
purchase o f a new machine.
Rose City Record for Rain
W ith several weeks o f mostly damp
skies, Portland surpassed the record
for most rain for May and June com­
bined, with 7.83 inches. Forecasters
finally expect clear skies by this
Minority Contractors Gather
National agenda set over 4 days
We invite you to join us in our wooded setting
13 miles west o f Eugene near Veneta, O regon
fo r an unforgettable adventure.
Tickets on sale now:
Friday $20
Saturday $23
Sunday $20
SAVE! Buy a 3-Day
Ticket for only $51
Day o f event:
Friday $23
Saturday $28
Sunday $23
T h a t will be a $1.25 TicketsWest service
charge on all single day tickets sold.
There will be a $3 TicketsWest service
charge on all 3-day tickets sold.
Tickets are on sale at all TicketsWest
locations including most Safeway Stores.
Charge by phone:
O rder online at:
The 41st Annual National As­
sociation o f M inority Contractors
Conference will take place in Port­
land, June 16-19 at the Down­
town W aterfront M arriot Hotel.
G u id e d by the c o n fe re n c e
theme, "NAM C— Stim ulating the
Econom y,” presenters and par­
ticipants from around the United
States will share best practices
and achievem ents for m inority
contractors in the construction
and design industries.
The keynote speech will be
given W ednesday, June 16 by the
U.S. D epartm ent o f C om m erce’s
National Director o f the M inority
Business Developm ent Agency,
David A Hinson. Hinson over­
sees five regional offices and a
netw ork o f 48 m inority business
centers providing services to pro­
mote the growth and com petitive­
ness o f m inority businesses. The
overall m ission o f MBDA is to
achieve econom ic parity for the
m inority business com m unity.
“Over the last year, w e’ve made
s u b s ta n tia l in v e s tm e n ts in
A m erica’s infrastructure through
the Am erican Recovery and Rein­
vestm ent Act. MBDA has been
instrum ental in ensuring m inor­
ity-ow ned firms gain access to
contracts as a result o f the stim u­
lus,” Hinson said. “O pportunities
also exist around the world— many
developing n atio n ’s are building
ro a d s , b rid g e s , a ir p o r ts and
schools— they need the expertise
our co n stru ctio n in dustry can
provide, particularly the expertise
o f minorities who are twice as likely
to export.”
On Thursday, June 17, a live
broadcast roundtable discussion
will address issues faced by D is­
advantaged Business Enterprises
around the country in relation to
working with state D epartm ent o f
Transportation agencies. Facili­
tated by attorney M elvin Oden
Orr, the discussion will focus on
best p ra c tic e s and su cce ssfu l
Roundtable participants may
call in but space m ust be reserved
in advance. To m ake a call-in res­
ervation, contact FM Burch and
A s s o c ia te s ,
In c .,
fm burchpr@ aol.com .
On W ednesday, June 16, a
p r o je c t p r e s e n ta tio n by th e
Sm ithsonian National Museum o f
African A m erican H istory and
Culture as it seeks NAMC M inor­
ity contractors in Partnerships for
a $500 m illion museum project on
the Mall in W ashington, D.C.
“As we look to rebuild and bol­
ster our econom y with the variety
and depth o f training and infor­
mation offered at the 41 st NAMC
conference, participants will gain
a g r e a te r a w a re n e s s o f th e
most pioneering projects and pro­
gram s in vertical building, green
technology and transportation,”
said Faye M. B u rch , N A M C
c o n fe r e n c e
c o - c h a ir
an d
Principal o f FM Burch and A sso­
ciates, Inc.
f t b b E v e n ts bq Pedana, L L C
For more info: www.oregoncountryfair.org
Please get your tickets in advance. Absolutely No Tickets will be sold on-site. Purchase advance parking $7/day.
Purchase parking on-site $8/day. The Fair provides a FREE shuttle from tw o Eugene locations.
You must have an admission ticket to ride the bus or enter the parking lot.
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