Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 2010, Page 17, Image 17

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    lune 9, 2010
" fìnrtlanì» (Dtisvruvr
Advertise with diversity in
Jeff Closure on Table
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page
o f white students, and since then
the school has struggled to keep
attendance from dipping.
According to numbers on the
district’s website, only 23 per­
cent o f students in the surround­
ing n e ig h b o rh o o d s a tte n d
Jefferson. It also has the sm all­
est number o f students at 617.
At the school board meeting
on Monday, Regan reasoned that
the small number o f students
there made it a good candidate
to become a magnet school, as
well as its proximity to Portland
Community College’s Cascade
Campus, where a partnership
could be formed.
Hopson supported S m ith’s
original proposal, arguing that
the superintendent’s initiative
would equalize funding for the
city’s high schools by requiring
students to attend their neigh­
borhood school. He said that the
proposal would build on the posi­
tives Jefferson already has go­
ing for it and enhance the image
o f the school overall.
Hopson has also pointed out
an aspect o f the redesign that
has received sparse mention:
“academic priority zones.”
One o f the driving forces be­
hind the redesign is to close in on
the Portland’s sobering achieve­
ment gap. These zones would
direct successful and experi­
enced teachers and principals to
schools including Bridger El-
ementaiy, George Middle School,
Jefferson High School, Kelly
Elementary, King Elementary,
RooseVelt High School and Sitton
The zones would also allocate
greater support for students and
families with more intervention,
case management, and extended
learning opportunities after the
school day.
The plans for Benson remain
in controversy because Smith
estimates a reduction in atten­
dance to 400 students with some
cuts to its technical offerings.
Page 17
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“It was kind o f a win-lose
thing,” said John Slaughter,
B enson alum w ho runs the
schools mentoring program.
The redesign was supposed
to convert Benson into a two-
year program, but Smith altered
the proposal after Slaughter lead
a boisterous group o f students
that pleaded with school board
members not to take away its
status as a four-year school at a
meeting last month.
There are 1,100 students at
Benson, according to 2009 num ­
bers found on the d istric t’s
website. Slaughter said that hav­
ing such a drastic reduction in
students will affect the overall
experience at the school.
The school board will con­
sider the High School System
Design proposals again Thurs­
day when a meeting is held at the
Blanchard Education Service
Center, 501 N. Dixon. The ses­
sion will begin with a public hear­
ing at 4 p.m. followed by a 5 p.m.
work session.
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No Sign of 2nd Grader
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
S h eriffs deputies and FBI
agents posted about 40 yards
from the school stopped cars
M onday m orning and asked
passengers w hether they were
at the school Friday.
Gates said Monday that in­
vestigators need more tips. "Ev­
ery tip, no matter how insignifi­
cant you think it is, could be the
one we need."
G ates said the last known
sighting o f Kyron was about 9
L egal N otices
a.m. Friday, shortly after the
boy and his step m o th er at­
tended a science fair at the
school. She last saw him w alk­
ing down a hallw ay tow ard his
s e c o n d - g r a d e c la s s r o o m ,
w earing a "CSI" T -shirt and
dark cargo pants.
A search began after classes
let out and K yron didn't come
hom e on the bus. His step­
m other called 911 about 3:45
p.m., and sh e riffs deputies and
K-9 units began a search o f
the school and the tw o-m ile
route to his home.
Searchers spent Monday con­
tinuing to comb the forest around
the school, located in hilly coun­
tryside west o f downtown Port­
It was unclear whether Kyron
was in class Friday or when
anyone noticed he was missing
because police have been reluc­
tant to disclose public details o f
the search.
Authorities have not yet de­
termined whether Kyron was
kidnapped or just wandered off,
but they're describing him as a
"missing endangered child."
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