Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 09, 2010, Page 12, Image 12

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a,n' fJortlaui» (Dbseruer
C lassifieds
Innovative community bank wants to hire local neighbors
Umpqua Bank will be joining the Alberta community this summer.
Recognized as one of the country’s best employers four years running
by Fortune Magazine, Umpqua is hoping its new neighborhood store
can be run by folks from the neighborhood. Umpqua associates enjoy
a dynamic culture and excellent benefits. If you'd like to leave the
norm behind and change the way the world sees banking, explore
the possibilities at Umpqua.
Umpqua Bank currently has the following opportunities for our new
North Portland location.
Universal Associate (full time) - Job #13533
Universal Associate (part time) - Job#13535
Interested? For further details, or to apply to the 8 ' A • n • k
above positions, please visit www.umpquabank.com/careers .
Umpqua Bank is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Soittóet« fiuufaty Caibccue r nc
7339 MLK Jr. Blvd.,
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone (503) 978-9229
(503) 978-9229
C L O SE D M onday
T uesday-S aturday 1 1AM - 11PM
Sunday 12:30 PM - 6 PM buffet
( l 1A M -33O PM )
2P C S C A T F IS H , 1 W IN G W /F F & T O A S T $6.00
2 W IN G , 1 PC C A T FISH W /FF & T O A S T $ 5 .5 0
2 BBQ PO R K RIB S, 1 W IN G W /FF & T O A ST $7.00
I H O TL IN K , 2 B B Q PO R K R IB S W /FF & T O A ST $6.00
1 B BQ PO RK RIB, 1 C A T F IS H , 1 SN A PPE R , 1 W IN G $7.50
2 PCS C A T FISH , 3 SH R IM P, W /FF & T O A S T $7.00
PU LL PO R K SA N D W IC H , W /FF o r C oleslaw *
June 9, 2010
Astronauts to Visit OMSI
As part of
60th anniversary
How hard is it to train to becom e an
astronaut? W hat is it like to w alk in
space? H ow do you exercise in zero
gravity? Find out the answ ers to these
questions and more w hen the O r­
egon M useum o f Science and Indus­
try (O M SI) w elcom es N A SA astro­
nauts Dottie M etcalf-Lindenburger
and J im D utton for free special speak­
ing engagem ents as part o f O M SI's
60th anniversary celebration o f the
Kendall Planetarium.
A stronaut D utton w ill visit O M SI
Saturday, June 12 w ith p resen ta­
tions at 2 p.m . and 3:30 p.m . in the
O M S I p la n e ta r iu m . A s tr o n a u t
M e tc a lf-L in d e n b u rg e r w ill v isit
O M S I on Saturday, June 19 w ith
presentations at 11a.m . and 3 p.m. in
the O M SI auditorium .
T he events are free, but space is
lim ited and reservations are required
by em ailing rsvp@ om si.edu o r call­
ing 503-797-4677 w ith y o u r nam e,
contact inform ation and nu m b er o f
Dottie Metcalf-Lindenburger
Jim Dutton
V ancouver. Dutton is originally from
D u tto n
M e tc a lf - E ugene and now lives in N ew berg.
L in denburger w ere both part o f a
T he astro n au t visits are part o f
recent re-supply m ission to the In­ O M S I's 60th an n iv ersary celebra­
ternational S pace Station. D utton tion o f the K endall Planetarium . The
w as the pilot on the crew o f S T S -131 free anniversary ev en t w ill be held
and has logged o v er 362 hours in S atu rd ay ,Ju n e 1 9 ,from 10a.m . to 4
sp ace.
p.m . on the O M SI front plaza. S ev­
M e tc a lf - L in d e n b u r g e r
h a s eral local astronom y groups will offer
logged o v er 362 hours in space. hands-on activities and telescopes
Prior to jo in in g N A SA , she w as an for sky view ing. Several historic
Earth science and astronom y teacher artifacts, including the original plan­
at H udson's Bay H igh School in etarium projector, w ill be on display.
All Side D ishes a re $3.00 W ith A n y A b o v e C o m b o
C O L P o NI
#8) D A R K W /FF & T O A S T $4.50
#9) 2PC W H ITE W /FF & T O A S T $5.00
# 1 0 )4 P C W /l S ID E S O F C H O IC E $ 9 .5 0
# 1 1 ) 8PC W/2 SIDES O F C H O IC E S $ 17.00
Free Fountain
Drink with
Lunch Special
YAM YAM’s offer
B ids /S ub - B ids
SGL - Automotive Carbon Fibers: Chinook
Moses Lake, Grant County WA.
Bid Date: Tuesday - June 22, 2010 @ 2:00 pm
Project Description: Construction of a new manufacturing facility
with offices & warehouse.
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
SE Stark S t Portland. Oregon »
11001 E. Montgomery, Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Phone: (509) 534-0451- Fax: (509) 535-6622
We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub/supplier bids
and pre-bid contact from all interested firms, including disadvantaged,
minority, women, disabled veterans, and small business enterprises.
Dr. Dre
Hip Hop Hit
Maker Honored
D r. D re a lre a d y h a s a fe w
G ram m ys and now he has another
aw ard on his m antle - V IB E .c o m ’s
G reatest P roducer o f A ll Tim e.
D re had an e asy tre k to the
fin a ls in th e m a g a z in e ’s o n lin e
c o n te s t, tru m p in g A tla n ta p ro ­
d u c e r DJ T o o m p in th e first ro u n d ,
fe llo w W est C o a s te r D J Q u ik in
the second and De La S o u l’s P rince
P au l in th e th ird . T h e v e te ra n a lso
ed g ed o u t B om b S q u ad in the E lite
8 ro u n d to g o up a g a in s t K an y e
W est in th e fin al four, w h e re a 68
p e rc e n t a d v a n ta g e e a rn e d him a
sp o t in th e fin als.
Dre to Id V IB E he w as hum b led by
the aw ard.
“ I ju s t go in the studio. I try to do
m y thing to the best o f m y ability;”
he said.