Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 2010, Page 8, Image 8

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i,!‘' jLlortlanb (Dbsemrer
Stimulus Money for Homebuyers
Help is still available
John Olive
Is helping C harities B usinesses,
and Team O riented People to
Earn M ore Incom e M ore O ften,
In less T im e In The "GPN
Bailout" M em bership OPPT.
Join Today A nd Earn C heeks
R ight Away C ontact:
State Farm
Providing Insui^reang
Heme Office. Bloomington. Ihinois 61/10
4946 N Vancouve-- Avenue Poniard. OR S ’? 1?
»5 0 3 2 8 146
etnie ng rS m trè s ta W m tom
borrow er m akes no paym ents throughout the stabiliza­
a hom e now that the hom ebuyer tax credit has expired?
tion program ’s loan term, the sum is paid w hen one
C an first time and returning hom ebuyers still qualify for
refinances or sells the property. H ouses m ust pass an
other funds to help with dow n paym ent, closing costs,
inspection and lead-based paint screening. In m any
and even repairs?
eases, an energy audit is required too along with other
The answ er is yes. The N eighborhood Stabilization
hom e inspections.
Program (N SP) has federal stim ulus m oney th at’s been
Local stabilization program areas include parts o f
filtered dow n through counties and m unicipalities to
C lackam as C ounty, W ashington C ounty and Gresham .
help stabilize targeted neighborhoods by assisting eli­
C lackam as C ounty also offers other hom e loan pro­
gible buyers to purchase foreclosed, and in som e cases
grams. The Portland M etro A ssociation o f Realtors
pre-foreclosed, houses that they plan to occupy.
offers a public service w ebsite with m ore details at
Eligible buyers qualify based upon m edian fam ily
how nw .com . Buyers should w ork with experienced,
know ledgeable professionals.
$$8$ '
1RS Hiring 50 New Service Reps
also have cu sto m er service ex p erien ce w hich involved
e x p e rie n c e d c u sto m e r s e rv ic e p e rs o n n e l to a ssist
frequent co n tact w ith the public, and m ay have in­
Textured Hair Specialist/Designer
and a n sw e r te le p h o n e c a lls fro m ta x p a y e rs in P o rt­
volved research in g or adju stin g cu sto m er accounts.
Beautyfirst & Salon
land. T h e se a so n a l p o s itio n s w ill la st fro m six to
A b ach e lo r’s degree o r eq u iv alen t credits qualifies an
e ig h t m o n th s.
applicant in lieu o f experience.
Clackam as Prom enade
8946 SE Sunnyside Road
Clackamas, OR 97015-7778
Ernest J. Hill, Jr.
ing upon the particular program offered. Further, a
T h e In te rn a l R ev e n u e S e rv ic e is lo o k in g fo r 50
$50,000 in the form o f a zero percent interest loan depend­
C an you still access governm ent funds to purchase
incom e and household size, and m ay borrow up to
Cooperative Economic Coach — John Olive
June 2, 2010
or 503.654.5357
The m ost co m p etitiv e applicants w ill have at least
For m ore inform ation o r to apply online, go to
one year experience w hich involved app ly in g estab ­
u sajo b s.g o v . Look for the jo b an n o u n cem ent num ber:
lished rules and procedures w hen w orking w ith records,
1OFR1-W IX 0009-0962-05PO R . Starting pay is $ 15.82
docum ents o r financial accounts. A p p lican ts should
p er hour.
Relaxer • Cut-Style • Color
24 Hour Good Neighbor Service ■
Thurs. 9-3 (after 3 by Appt.)
Saturday 9-3
»TAtl M«M
Stop by or call for Appointment
l* » V lA * l< I
Mizani Professional
Hair care products used
and sold at this salon _
I nterstate
D ental C linic
5835 N Interstate Ave,
Portland, OR 97217
r State Farm*
Providing Insurance and Financial Services
Home Office Bloomington Illinois 61710
Michael E Harper
watch video at h ttp ://
edw arw ard2
@ aol.eom
W e m oved to
our new location:
9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR
Fax 503-227-8757
Would like to
invite you
for Service every
F rid a y N ig h t a t 7 : 0 0 p m
Services will be held a t
ju s t
per year
Fill O ut& Send To:
*** P n rtk in h (O hseruer
Attrr. Subscriptions,
PO Box 3137,
Portland OR 97208
(please include check with this subscription form)
N ame : __________________________
T elephone : ______________________
A ddress : ________________________
or email subscriptions@portlandobserver.com
New Song Community Center
2511NE MLK Blvd.
Corner of NE M LK Blvd and Russell Street
Infant and Toddler care will be provided. • Doors open at 6pm for every service
For directions or more information, call