lune 2, 2010 ^ 'I J o r tinnì» (Observe t-r IN S ID E This page Sponsored by: Page 3 '■•ed ’ever What's on your list today? The Week ¡n Review H ealth Bicycle Safety First Busy streets get the red flag by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver C lassifieds O pinion pages 14-15 - EL O bservador C orry H u ff has alm ost been clo b ­ bered m ore tim es than he cares to rem em b er riding his bike through Portland. Last sum m er, he w as riding his bike dow nhill on B arbur B oulevard in s o u th w e s t P o rtla n d w h e n a m inivan pulled out in front o f him . He slam m ed on the brakes m issing the van by inches. “ She w as co m p letely o b liv io u s,” said H u ff o f the d riv e r’s reaction w hen he confronted her. “ H ad no idea 1 w as even th ere.” A s the so g g ier seasons give w ay to su m m er and m ore Portlanders take to the streets on bikes, sce­ narios H u ff w ent through m ight becom e m ore com m on. But there are a couple things that cyclists and m otorists can do to m ake the road a safer place. O ne o f the big things bicyclists can do to stay safe is to stay o ff roads that a re n 't m eant for bikes. A ccording to G reg R aism an, traf­ fic safety specialist w ith the Port­ land D epartm ent o f T ransportation, 80 p ercent o f bicycle crashes o ccur on 30 percent o f streets. M ost o f those streets, said R aism an, are ar­ terial streets- i.e. M artin Luther King photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserver Jr. and C olum bia b oulevards- d e­ Willamette Pedestrian Coalition Director Steph Routh puts safety signed fo r sw iftly m oving vehicles, first by not riding her bicycle on major thoroughfares that accom­ modate automobiles but little else, like Northeast Martin Luther not bicycles. T he city has invested heavily in King Jr. Boulevard behind her. bike lanes and a netw ork o f “neigh­ good w ay to share the road, said sionally is p assin g through inter­ b o rh o o d g re e n w a y s,” w hich are R outh, but it could put cyclists at s e c tio n s o n th e s id e o f a car. roads that have sparse and slow greater risk w hen they unexpectantly M ennesson said that bicyclists can m oving car traffic and are m ore suited em erge from the gap. easily put them selves in a d riv e r’s for w alking and riding bikes. I f you A lthough bicy clists are only re­ blind spot and in harm s w ay. w ant to enjoy the city on tw o w heels, quired to have front and back lights, A cco rd in g to analysis o f P ort­ said R aism an, stay on these streets. Routh said it’s a good idea to get land Police B ureau data by the B TA , A ccording to R aism an, about 24 reflective tape on both sides o f the about 13 p ercent o f all accidents p ercent o f Portland is w ithin five bike. that o ccu r are due to a cy clist ru n ­ m iles o fa neighborhoods greenw ay, “ I think drivers really appreciate ning a stop sign o r traffic signal to and the city is on track to get 90 it,” she said. ab o u t 11 p ercen t for drivers. O ne o f percent. M argaux M en n esso n , sp o k e s­ the m ost com m o n causes o f an ac­ “ W e ’re on track to build a net­ person for the B icycle T ran sp o rta­ cident is w hen a d riv er m akes a turn w ork that connects the entire city ,” tion A lliance, en co u rag es bicyclists in front o f a bicyclist, often referred he said. to ride d efen siv ely , and seconds to as a right o r left hook, w hich Steph R outh, the director o f the R aism an ’s su g g estio n to stay on m a k e s up a b o u t 15 p e rc e n t o f W illam ette Pedestrian Coalition, said the back roads. c ra sh e s. that new cyclists w ill try to stick to “ W e gen erally en courage e v ery ­ M e n n e s s o n a ls o e n c o u r a g e s the side o f a road to let drivers pass one to be really aw are o f others on d riv ers to keep their eyes p eeled for by, and w ill duck into gaps betw een the ro ad ,” she said. bikes on the road. R outh also adds p arked cars to give m otorists m ax i­ A com m on m istake o f people w ho an even m ore basic w ord o f advice. m um space. T his m ay seem like a m ay only take to tw o -w h eels o c ca ­ “ Relax, you ’ 11 get there,” she said.