Page 20 Ælft Portiani» (Obseruer June 2, 2010 SAFEWAY Summer Recipes by grocers - or Office Ingredients for life Annie’s Fruit Salsa and Cinnamon Chips G et FREE de« o n y o u r 1 01 to Safeway R A N C H E R S t>e. Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • SUMMER 2 kiw is, peeled and diced 8 ounces raspberries 1 pound straw berries 2 tablespoons w hite sugar 1 tablespoon brow n sugar 2 G olden D elicious apples - peeled, cored and diced 3 tablespoons fruit preserves, any flavor 10 (10 inch) flour tortillas butter flavored cooking spray 2 cups cinnam on sugar Rancher’s Reserve* Boneless Beef London Broil Extreme Value Pack SAVE uptoS2.8OH>, Rancher’s Reserve* Boneless Beef Chuck Steak or Cross Rib Steak Club hrica EXTREME Rancher’s Reserve® Boneless Beef Top Round Roast or Cross Rib Roast VALUE Directions 1. Ina large bow l, thoroughly mix kiwis, G olden D elicious apples, raspberries, straw berries, w hite sugar, brow n sugar and fruit preserves. C over and chill in the refrigerator at least 15 m inutes. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F ( 175 degrees C). 3. C oat one side o f each flour tortilla w ith butter flavored cooking spray. C ut into w edges and arrange in a single layer on a large baking sheet. S prinkle w edges w ith desired am ount o f cinnam on sugar. Spray again w ith cooking spray. 4. B ake in the preheated oven 8 to 10 m inutes. R epeat w ith any rem aining tortilla w edges. A llow to cool approxim ately 15 m in­ utes. Serve w ith chilled fruit m ixture. Extreme Value Pack. SAVE up to $2 80 lb Ctub P rift SAVE up to $2 80 lb p o s te r •arms S w e e t L a rg e C U e r r 'ie s ■ m i C lu b «r )() F o s te r F a rm s S p lit C h ic ken B re a s ts , T h ig h s o r O ru m s tic k s Price O f Fresh. Bone In Locally Grown SAVE up to $ 1.50 It). Pork Loin C en ter Cut Chops _ ™* <3r«rt fc. SAVE ot» to * * •*> *»■ Bone In. Or Boneless Sirloin Chop. Extreme Value Pack. Club Price tS » SAVE up to 81.50 lb. Balsamic Green Bean Salad Ingredients • 2 tablespoons chopped garlic • 1 /4 cup balsam ic vinegar • 1/4 cup olive oil • 2 tablespoons chopped shallots • 1 pound fresh green beans, trim m ed Directions C lu b Price Fresh C ooked N o rth ern S h rim p m e a t Weather permitting SAVE up tn $4 00 ib 1. Place green beans in a large saucepan. Fill w ith e nough w ater to cover green beans, and bring to a boil o v er high heat. R educe heat to m edium low, and sim m er 10 m inutes. D rain, and let cool. 2. In a bow l, stir together shallots, garlic, balsam ic vinegar, and oil. Pour o v er green beans. C over, and refrigerate at least 1 hour. Serve cold. Washington Apple Cake Ingredients • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Club Price ■ » < BUY 1 HET Dairy Glen Milk Galkin Whole, 2%, 1 * or Eat Erse C lu b 3 eggs 2 cups w hite sugar 1 cup vegetable oil 2 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 cup chopped w alnuts 4 cups thinly sliced apples 2 teaspoons ground cinnam on 2 (3 ounce) packages cream cheese, softened 1 /4 cup butter, m elted 2 cups confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon lem on ju ic e Price ■FREE EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Oroweat Variety Bread 24 01 Satini xCoui’ tAruc SAVE up to 54 29 on? Club Price » - . D 4- m ix s m a t c h w „ . ,4 — - - ' 2 J S S S 5 5 purché»» eny » ©»rv**« P Catd V** tran^tron with your Out» Í Jo« it*«"« ***** ’*** — a T r o p ic a n a N a b is c o C h ip s A h o y ! K ra ft O r a n g e J u ic e O r R itz C ra c k e rs M a c a ro n i & Cheese 89-02. ChillMi Selected varieties 9.5 to 16 02 Selected varieties 5 3 . 4 9 C lu b P r ic e - -5 0 < S a v in g * CfMb « (M atar «Mb* M * m $ 2 . 9 » C lu b P r ic e - 5 0 c S a v in g 7 2 5 -0 2 f i t C lu b P r ic e - 5 0 « S a v in g s «M mm imi tar »Mb «« mm «tarn gw tar «Mb«« A rro w h e a d T o s tito s W a te r 2 - L it e r P e p s i 2A -Pack, 1 6 9 or T o r t illa C h ip s Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon 9 to 13-02 Selected varieties Directions * 1 . 3 3 C lu b P r ic e - . 5 0 c S a v in g * 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. B utter a 9x13 inch pan. Spread apples evenly ov er the bottom o f the pan. 2. B eat eggs w ith m ixer until thick and light. C om bine sugar and oil and add to eggs. 3. Stir together flour, cinnam on, soda and salt. A dd to egg m ixture and beat in. stir in nuts and vanilla. B atter w ill be very thick. 4. Spread batter over apples in the pan. B ak e a t3 5 0 d e g re e sF (1 7 5 degrees C) for 1 hour, o r until a toothpick inserted into the center com es out clean. R em ove from the oven and cool. S pread w ith C ream C heese Icing. 5. T o m ake C ream C heese Icing: B eat cream cheese until fluffy. B eat in 1/4 cup m elted butter, then beat in con fectio n ers sugar and lem on ju ic e . Spread over coo led cake. R efrigerate. S ta r Cut E xtra L a rg e King C rab Legs Cooked Sold in a 10 ib box. Or 2-10 bag, $9.99 lb Previously frozen SAVE up to $7 99 lb 5 2 .2 7 C lu b P ric e ~ . 5 0 < S a v in g * I7-7 83: ClubFMc. O «M o* » Mt M b «M utai «bM^*tartMb«MMM Ahmeyi im (jrwet Club Card — Specials ofFVERVDMY LOW PRICES JUNE 2 3 4 5 ! 6 7 8 Prices on this page are effective Wednesday, June 2 thru Tuesday, June 8 , 2010. ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. __________________ Selection varies by store. W ED THUR FHI SAT SUN M O N T u t s # ______ Ptice;> m this ad arc effective 6 AM Wednesday, June ? thru Tuesday June I) 2010 m all Safeway stores m Oregon ¡except Milton Freewater) and S W Washington stores se rw o WbhklnkuiTi Cowlitz Clark uuaruty ngnu te w rw d S W E ADVERTISING HEMS MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE ¡NALL SCORES Some advertised prices may tie even tower m some stores On Buy One Gel One Free CBOGOT oflers customer on na T ' 1 0nJ ? L ! te’n8 0 * * second Bem ,r8e BOO) "™ onc raupon P"rchasw’ are not 1.2 price sales It only a single item purchased, the regutar price applies. Manufacturers' coupons may be used on purchased ^■’’tomer w * 1» responsible for tax ana deposits as required by law on the purchased and (tee terns No Iq u a sates ¡n excess ol 5? PO-OB patens No liquor sales for resale liquor sates at kcensed Safeway stores only © 2010 Safeway Inc AvataMty of items may vary by store