Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 2010, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 18
Æl’v |Jo rtIan b (Dhsvruer
lu n e 2, 2010
U’Licious Opens Barbecue Restaurant on Killingsworth
Jam es Harris is welcom ing new and old cus­
tom ers to his U ’Licious Sm okehouse and Grill,
now serving custom ers at a new location, 1505
N.E. Killingsworth St.
Harris prides him selfw ith bringing Portland
the best beef brisket in town. The ch ef cooks
his brisket, rib tips and other specialties on a
boiler grill, a delicious way to barbecue that
gives U ’L icious’ lunch and dinner entrees a
one-up on the com petition.
H e’s also known for other barbeque and
seafood favorites. His hom em ade potato salad
is his most popular side order.
After one bite, y o u ’ll be lined up and ready
for seconds.
Come to U ’Licious Sm okehouse and Grill
ready to eat and ready to walk away saying
“th at’s the best barbeque ever.”
U'Lie io us
Sm okehouse and
Grill owner Jam es
Harris has opened
his restaurant in a
new location at
1505 N.E.
Killingsworth St.
M ark
W ashington /
T he P ortland
O bserver
photo by
Rough Patch
office, which prosecuted this case,
were not returned.
T t iir d A p p r e c i a t i o n S e r v ic e
The newspaper also reported that
H o n o r in g
Matthews is $415,000 in default on
the property, and it will be sold in
PaMwt <£ Elect f a d y — ttitfuip 31. £ <f Eivdean 3! Modge
continued Ak fro m fr o n t
June, if not paid.
Postal/ Jeacfaei I ffieituurfidt
been a positive presence in Port­ considers a friend, as a cook from
Matthews, who has owned Yam
June 6, 2010 at 3:00 P.M.
land, his relationship with Yoakum 2000 to 2002, and even lived next Y am ’s for 13 years, said that busi­
T h em e: “A S e rv a n t's R e w a r d ” (M att. 2 5 :2 1 )
has been overblown, and his res­ door to him in a duplex in north ness tanked after the charges against
Location: True Vine Missionary BC
taurant has gotten a bad rap from Portland. His closeness to Yoakum, Y oakum and a group o f other defen­
4735 N. Commerical, Portland, OR. 97217
“snitches” arrested in the sting who said Matthews, has erroneously led dants broke in October. He said he
were angling for a lighter sentence. law enforcement to believe he was had to lay o ff all o f his employees
ATI' T4«ce Tor ( AnvZ ‘3 d u nstetes W 5U be h ostrn q a L u n ch eo n m h onor o f
He also said that he’s staying in involved in the drug ring.
and run the restaurant by himself.
(1.Leci L a d y Cl a r te a n . OP. 'Hodf^e
However, Matthews insists he The drop in customers caused him
S j i u r d i y : J u r t c 5. d O ! O L O O P .M .
never knew Yoakum was a drug to fall behind on payments, he
T hem e: “A W om an On A M issio n " (E sth e r 4 : 16h)
True Tine M issio n a ry B C , 4 7 3 5 N. C o m m erica l
plant for Birmingham, Ala. whose dealer.
claimed, but has worked out some-
P o rtla n d . OR. 9 7 2 1 7
"As far as me k n o w in g , I thing with his lender and will keep
K e y n o te S p ea k er: E v a n g e list Dr. B a rb a ra T ellis
came friends with Yoakum playing couldn't put my hands on the Bible the eatery open,
For more info call (503) 863-6545
Donation S I 5.00
dice in after-hours spots after mov­ and sw ear that he's a drug dealer
He also noted that his restaurant
because 1 never bought any from has been community oriented, help-
him, and I never sold him any, and ing out with fundraisers for high
that's som ething I don't do. I'm schools and other organizations,
not a drug person; anybody in giving ex-cons a second chance with
F u n e r a i
this com m unity who know me a job, and providing food at the
know s that I d o n 't deal w ith annual Juneteenth celebration- an
drugs," said M athews.
event that commemorates the abo-
Matthews said that drugs may lition o f slavery in the U.S.
have been dealt in his parking lot
“I’ve never been a thorn in the
over the years, but added that the community,” he said,
same is true o f many businesses-
Robbin Mayfield, associate pas-
and it’s something he can’t control, torat Victory Outreach Church, said
In September, law enforcement Matthews has allowed the use o f
agents raided Yam Y am ’s and dis- his parking lot for car washes to
Every time we arrange a personalized funeral service, we take special pride going
covered $60,000 cash in a safe, which benefit the church.
investigators claimed came from
D o n n ie
M cP h erso n
the extra mile. With onr online Memorial Obituary, now we can do even more.
laundering drug money.
M atth ew s d o n a te d m o n ey to
Friends and family can find out service information, view photos, read obituary,
"Why am I not in jail?” said Jefferson High School’s wrestling
Mathews, who has not been in­ team, which he used to coach, in the
order t lowers and leave personal messages of condolences from anywhere, anytime.
dicted. “Why not arrest me if you late 1980s and 1990s.
Simply go to our website.
can prove these allegations that you
Matthews added that not only
are bringing up against me?"
will he not shut his doors, but has
Matthews said that he usually plans for a “new Yam Y am ’s” that
keeps large sums o f money on hand includes a liquor license, lottery
"Dedicated to providing excellent service
because ofa sick cousin in Alabama games, more employees and addi-
and superior care o f your loved one "
he has attended to from time to time, tions to the menu. He said he’ll be
He also claimed that the seized open for Juneteenth, just like past
$60,000 was leftover from refinanc- years, and is having a free barbecue
ing his business, and has recovered this Thursday from noon to 2 p.m.
a portion o f it from the IRS.
"Yam Yam's will be here,” said
Dwight A. T erry
In October, the Oregonian re- M atthew s. “ I'm not going any
Oregon I icensc CO-3644
ported that an IRS investigation place."
Amv S. Terry
found that he was laundering money
For a video o f the Matthews in-
Oregon l icense PS-0395
and the $60,000 came from drug traf- terview, visit the Portland Observer
ficking. C alls to the U.S. Attorney’s website at portlandobserver.com.
T erry F amily
2337 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, Or 97227
We make the service personal,
You make the tribute personal.