Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, June 02, 2010, Page 17, Image 17

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    lune 2, 2010
‘rtfe Jïo rth u tô ODhseruer
Dear Deanna!
I ’m in a relationship and I think my
jealo u sly is going to ruin things. My
girlfriend is attractive, friendly and o u t­
going. It drives m e crazy w hen I see m en
m isinterpret this as flirting and start
trying to get w ith her. I have to control
m y self because I’ve m ade m y se lf look
like a fool several tim es by ju m p in g on
guys w hen there w as no need. H ow do
I deal w ith this? —Rob; Detroit
Real People, Real Advice
An advice column
known fo r reality
based subjects!
w hen she keyed m y car. She keeps
harassing m e so bad that I get so angry
that I feel like hitting her. W hat do I do?
—Sean; A storia. N. Y.
Dear Rob:
You have a serious issue that needs to be
addressed. This w om an is not your w ife
and you're taking things in the w rong
direction. You can begin to get a handle on
this by sharing your feel ings and working
together to pinpoint her behavior that
bothers you. If this doesn't help, you
personally need to seek therapy to iden­
tify the root cause o f your insecurities.
Dear Deanna!
I w anted to drop you a few lines about
m y ex girlfriend. W e broke up because
I d id n ’t w ant her anym ore and ju st told
her the relationship w as over. I replaced
the locks and changed all m y phone
num bers. She c a n ’t accept the fact it’s
over and took things to another level
salvage our 10 year marriage. He told me
that he w as very sorry for w hat he has
done but I could have reduced the pain
it I h a d n ’t follow ed him to the hotel and
caught him. He says all m en cheat at
som e tim e and it’s a m an's DNA. He
then pointed out our m ale friends that
cheat and nam ed a few celebrities. If
things d o n ’t w ork out is this w hat I have
to look forw ard to in a m arriage? —
The car repair should be easy unless you
d o n ’t have car insurance. A s for your
stalker, m ost o f the blam e is on you. She
is reacting this w ay because apparently
you caught her o ffg u a rd w ith the b reak ­
up. Y ou d id n ’t “ m an-up” w ith respect
and concern nor did you behave in a
G odly fashion. It w as your resp o n sib il­
ity to end the relationship w ith an ex p la­
nation and closure instead o f d um ping
her cold turkey. U nless you w ant to go
to jail, take out a restraining o rd er and
keep y our m outh shut.
Dear Deanna!
I learned that m y husband has been
cheating on me. I am currently trying to
decide if I can forgive him and if w e can
Y our husband is sorry indeed because
he got busted w ith another w om an and
tried to flip the script and put the blam e
on you. All m en d o n ’t cheat and infidel­
ity has to do w ith lust, im m aturity and
being selfish. If he and his friends all
have cheating in com m on, th e y ’re birds
o f a feather that sh o u ld n ’t be m arried.
Y our husband has confirm ed h e ’s a
cheater and h e ’ll cheat again. Ify o u find
y o u rse lf in another relationship w ith a
good m an, give him a fair chance and you
w o n ’t be disappointed.
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M.
W rite Ask D eanna! a t the em ail
askdeannal@ yahoo.com or 264 S.
LaCienegaBlvd Suite 1283Beverly Hills,
CA 90211. Website; h w . askdeanna. com
In Loving Memory
Timothy Edward Lewis
A going home funeral service for
Timothy Edward Lewis was held
May 26 at Calvary Christian Church.
He was bom April 4, 1959 to
Margaret Lee Milton and Thomas
Wilson. He departed this life on
May 21, 2010. He accepted Jesus
Christ as his Lord and Savior.
As a young boy, he attended
Carnegie Elementary in Chicago. At
age 6, he moved to Portland with his
family and continued his education
at Vernon Elementary, Dunaway
Middle School and Lincoln High
School. He had a great passion for
sports, including basketball, foot­
ball and baseball.
He was employed with Columbia
Sportswear for 10 years.
Although he was a shy and quiet
man, he had a smile that could light
up a room. He was a devoted friend
and loving dad.
Left behind to cherish his memory
are his three daughters, Marion
Lewis, Nicole Lewis and Donnissa
Holloway; his mother; three sisters,
Diana McKnight, Dorothy Lewis
and Marcia Dial; and an aunt, Geor­
gia Mae Bostic.
He was preceded in death by his
grandfather, Otis Lewis; grand­
m o th e r F lo ra L ew is; u n cles,
Theopolis and Julius Wright; and
aunt, Minnie Harris.
4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­
land OR 97211
You are cordially invited
to worship with us in
these services:
Sunday Service
Sunday School 10:00 A.M
Y.P.C.E. 6:30P.M
Pastor & W ife -
Bishop dc A /rj. A.L. Wright
Worship Service 12:00 Noon
Evangelistic Serv ice 7:00 PM.
Weekday Service
Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 P.M.
Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00
Vancouver Ave. Baptist
1st Baptist Church
G od’s Firm Foundation
Fellowship, Dinner
And Fashion Show
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Christ United
Terribly Disappointed; On-Line Reader
Dear Disappointed:
Dear Sean:
Page 17
June 4 at 6 p.m.
The Portland Observer
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