Page 16 *r’’* Ç o rtlan b (Observer June 2, 2010 THE LAW OFFICES OF Patrick John Sweeney, P.C. Arizona Law Called Shameful Patrick John Sweeney Attorney at Law Oregon panel calls for action 1549 SE Ladd Portland, Oregon Portland: Hillsoboro: Facsimile: Email: Proclaiming Arizona’s new immi­ gration law as an “open floodgate for blatant legalized discrimination,” Jose Ibarra, chairman o f the Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs, has condemned Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer for signing the legislation. The new law provides for en­ hanced police enforcement against both citizens and noncitizens by Arizona police based upon “rea- (503) 491-5156 (503) 615-0425 (503) 244-2084 Your Care Our First Priority dom. The commission urges Oregon residents to contact their congres­ sional representatives and demand that Congress and the White House act immediately for a just and com­ prehensive reform o f immigration law, before another act o f copycat legislation ensues in other states. “Without a shadow o f a doubt, Arizona’s new law is inhumane, in­ effective, and a shameful page in American history,” said Ibarra. “We cannot stand by the sidelines and allow this to happen.” Pursuing the American Dream Encore theater performance celebrates pride Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician An encore presentation o f Teatro M ilagro’s national touring produc­ tion American Sueño will be pre­ sented Friday in conjunction with Portland Latino Gay Pride. American Sueño shares the sto­ ries o f four marginalized individuals in search o f their version o f the American Dream: Augustin Obrero, a musician, and his sister Monica, struggle between living with their family traditions and searching for new lives o f their own. Mimi, a drag performer, yearns to find true love, regardless o f her gen­ der identity; and the homeless Cruz, We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy' Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! sonable suspicion” that a person is without proper citizenship. “This new law contradicts the values and compromises the integ­ rity upon w hich A m erica was founded,” said Ibarra. “Any His­ panic in Arizona now faces legal­ ized bigotry and severe disparate treatment, which will inevitably re­ sult in rampant violations o f civil rights.” Ibarra called on Hispanics ev­ erywhere to boycott Arizona as a tourist destination as long as the new a law remains a threat to ffee- (503)228-6140 photo by Free Community Workshop: Connecting Schools and Communities With Dr. Anders*»nJ. Franklin— civil rights activist, educator, and 2010 commencement speaker for the Graduate School of Education and Counseling at Lewis »SiC'larlc. Saturday, June 5 1:30-3:30 p.m. Self Enhancement, Inc. 3920 North Kerby Ave., Portland » k SEI Lewis ¿X Clark Graduate Sch*w»l of Education and Counseling ts K enneth A aron When disaster strikes his family, Augustin (Joaquin Lopez) is forced to take on his parents' financial responsibilities as his sister, Monica (Sylvia Malan) struggles between living with the traditional values o f her family and searching out a new life o f her own in American Sueho. a mere shadow o f a woman she once was, searches for a way o ff the streets. To realize their dreams, they each must decide, “What am I will­ ing to sacrifice in order to make my American Dream a reality?” The Friday, June 4 performance is at 8 p.m. at Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. Tickets can be pur­ chased by calling 503-236-7253. » Justice Play at Roosevelt An original play about social justice, written and perform ed by sophom ore students at Roosevelt High School, will be presented free to the public at two separate venues this week. The creators are students en­ rolled in the Spanish English Inter­ national School who worked under the tutelage o f professional theatre artists from Miracle Theatre Group. The play, En Voz Alta, along with original music and a mural will be presented at 12:20 p.m., Thursday, June 3 in the Roosevelt auditorium and then again at 2 p.m., Saturday, June 5 at the Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. Before their enrollm ent in the Spanish English program , many o f the participating students had no arts training w hatsoever. The play offered them their first op­ portunity to play an instrum ent, draw or perform in front o f an audience.