May 26. 2010 îl!‘^lortlanì» (Observer Health Reform Changed Landscape Makes healthcare a civil right that enable the uninsured to pur chase health insurance at reason­ able rates. A t the sam e tim e, sup­ p o rte rs p u rp o s e ly d o w n p la y e d oth er provisions that m ay have been unpopular, such as one o f the largest expansions o f by D r . H esrif . M .T re ,\ dwell social program s that ben­ W hen h ealth re fo rm w as efit the n atio n ’s poor. signed into law. V ice President L et’s not be m istaken. Joe B iden w as ridiculed for his The health reform legisla­ use o f an off-color adjective in d e ­ tion m ay be the m ost im portant Civil scribing the legislation to P resident R ights legislation since the 1960s: O bam a. But lost in the rhetorical U nder health reform , 32 m illion u n ­ battle over health reform is the fact insured A m ericans w ill receive cov­ that Mr. B iden’s w ords w ere accu ­ erage. T he new law m andates that rate: T his is a big deal! every A m erica m ust obtain health By getting the landm ark legisla­ insurance, w hile providing sig n ifi­ tion enacted. President O bam a has c a n t g o v e rn m e n t a ss ista n c e for transform ed his presidency and ush­ those w ho cannot afford it. This will ered in fun d am en tal ch an g es to save lives. It virtually gives all A m eri­ A m e r ic a ’s h e a lth c a r e s y s te m , cans a right to health insurance and changes that will have a profound pro v id es w ays for the p o o r to o b ­ impact on m illio n so f A frican A m eri­ tain it. cans and other people o f color. The Since 1965, M edicaid has p ro ­ lack o f health insurance is a factor in vided health services for the poor. one ofthe biggest inequities in A m eri­ T he new law will expand eligibility can society - the health disparities to include all individuals u n d er age that prem aturely end lives and cause 65 w ith incom es up to 133 percent o f undue pain and suffering in m inority the Federal Poverty Level, nearly com m unities across the country. $15,000 a year. It m eans that low- In a savvy m ove to gain m a in ­ w age earners w ithout children or stream support for the bill, the a d ­ disabilities w ill now be eligible for m inistration prom oted provisions M edicare, allow ing them to receive such as requiring m ost US citizens a health benefit package that will and legal residents to have health cover essential m edical services and in su ra n ce , p re v e n tin g in su ra n ce provide m any w ith their first health com panies from denying coverage insurance. In addition, people earn ­ because o f pre-existing conditions ing m ore than $ 15,000 may qualify to and creating state-based exchanges receiv e g o v ern m en t sub sid ies to help pay for health insurance. A disproportionate num ber o f A frican A m ericans w ill qualify for these benefits. A lready, 24 percent o f A frican A m ericans are covered by M edicaid, and that num ber will in c re a s e s ig n ific a n tly w ith the p ro g ram ’s expansion. In total, ju st m ore than h a lf o f those w ho cu r­ rently qualify for M edicare are racial or ethnic m inorities, m eaning that m any poor w hite fam ilies w ill also benefit. A frican A m ericans are 12 percent o f the n a tio n ’s population, but 16 percent o f the uninsured, so a disproportionate num ber o f the 32 m illion uninsured w ho will receive coverage w ill be people o f color. The real-life benefits o f health insurance are substantial. In 2003, the Institute o f M edicine issued a report saying that the ef­ fects o f being uninsured extend far beyond the health o f fam ily m em ­ bers to their financial stability and general w ell-being. It noted, for in­ stance, that a m ajor health problem in an uninsured fam ily can cause a financial disaster, w hile also greatly increasing stress and anxiety in an uninsured household. R esearch has show n that the lack o f health insurance has been a con­ tributing factor in m any o fth e health disparities that ravish com m unities o f color. For instance, people w ith ­ out health coverage are less likely to seek preventive care and m ore likely to receive a late diagnosis o f serious illnesses. In fact, the health ou t­ com es diverge so m uch that adults w ithout health coverage have a 25 percent greater chance o f dying and dying prem aturely than those w ho have private health insurance, ac­ cording to one study that m o n i­ tored people over a 17-year period. D elays in screening for and d iag ­ nosing serious illnesses have co n ­ tributed to higher m ortality rates for A frican A m ericans com p ared w ith w hites w ho suffer from breast c an ­ cer, prostate cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. H ealthcare reform should prevent the kind o f tragic loss suffered by A lyce D river o f M aryland, w hose 12-year-old son, D eam onte, died in 2007 from an infected tooth because s h e -d id n ’t have health insurance. D eam onte w as taken to a local hos­ pital w here he w as d iagnosed w ith a tooth abscess and sinusitis. He w as g iv e n a n tib io tic s an d sen t hom e. But his unem ployed m other d id n ’t have health insurance or the $80 to have the tooth extracted. B acteria from the tooth m igrated to D eam o n te’s brain, killing him. W ith healthcare reform . President O b am a has g iv en c h ild re n like D eam onte a chance. He has changed the landscape. H ealthcare w ill be a Civil R ight in A m erica. Dr. Henrie M. Treadwell is di­ rector o f Community Voices o f Morehouse School o f Medicine, an organization working to improve health services and healthcare access for all. Safety, Stability for Foster Kids: by E rinn K elley -S iel M a y is N a tio n a l F oster C are M onth, a tim e to turn our atten ­ tion to the children and youth in care and to honor the dedicated foster fam ilies, relatives, volunteers and child w elfare professionals w ho g et in v o lv e d w ith c h ild re n and young people to help change their lives for the better. Last year in O regon, m ore than 13,000 children spent at least one day in som e kind o f foster care b e ­ cause they could not rem ain safely at hom e w ith their parents, usually because o f drug and alcohol abuse and/or dom estic violence in their hom es. C hildren in foster care need safety and stability. In O regon, w e're w ork­ ing to becom e the safest foster care system in the country. T h e g o o d n ew s is w e a re g e t­ tin g c lo se r to re a c h in g th a t g o al: L a st y e a r, o u r s ta te 's fin a n c ia l su p p o rts fo r ch ild re n in fo ster care in c re ase d , and the n u m b e r o f c h il­ d re n in fo s te r c a re w h o w e re a b u s e d by th e ir fo s te r p a re n ts d e c lin e d by 32 p e rc en t. P la c e ­ m e n ts w ith re la tiv e s in c re ase d by m o re than 20 p ercen t, and the n u m ­ b e r o f c h ild re n w ho had tw o o r fe w e r p la c e m e n ts in c re a se d by 10 p e rc e n t. In a d d itio n , 10 p e rc e n t fe w e r c h ild re n in O re g o n sp en t tim e in fo ste r c are in 2 0 0 9 c o m ­ p a re d to 2 008. T hese m ilestones o f im prove­ m ent could not have been reached w ithout the great w ork o f o u r staff, the co m m itm ent o f foster and rela­ tive c areg iv e rs, q u ality serv ices delivered by o ur partner providers, and the support o f com m unities across O regon. N evertheless, w e stillh a v e a lo n g w ay to go to be sure that all children in O regon are safe, w ell, and co n ­ New Prices Effective May 1,2010 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Minimum Service CHG $45.00 A sm all distance/travel charge m ay be applied CARPET CLEANING 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area (Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 stairs - With O ther Services)-. $25.00 Area/Oriental Rugs: $25.00 Minimum Area/Oriental Rugs (Woolf. $40.00 Minimum Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $ 10.00 each area (Requiring Extensive Pre-Spraying) MHMS - ' We have a long way to go Page 9 nected to their fam ilies, their co m ­ m unities and their cultural identi­ ties. Ideally, all fam ilies w ould have the su p p o rt they need to safely parent and prepare their children for ad u lth o o d . Ideally, no child w ould need the g o v e rn m e n t to keep them safe. H ow ever, k eeping c h il­ d ren safe an d fa m ilies stab le are g o a ls th at C h ild w e lfa re c an n o t a c c o m p lish alo n e. W e need the h elp and su p p o rt o f in d iv id u a ls and c o m m u n itie s in ev ery city and to w n in O reg o n . T h a t's w h ere you c o m e in. No m atter how m uch tim e you have to give, each one o f us has the p o w er to do som ething positive that w ill change the life o f a child or young person in foster care. Be a m entor or coach to parents w ho are struggling, o r to a young person in foster care. B ecom e a foster parent. V o lu n te e ra to n e o fo u r child w elfare offices to transport children or p ar­ ents to services or visitations. G ive a foster parent o r relative caregiver a break by providing respite chi Id care. T utor a young person in foster care and su p p o rt th eir acad em ic and lifelong success. These are ju s t a few o f the m any w ays to have a positive effect on the life o f a child in foster care. W e need m ore everyday people to com e for­ w ard because no child should be w ithout a strong relationship w ith a caring adult to depend on. If you are already a fo ster parent, or involved in the lives o f children and fam ilies in y o u r co m m u n ity - th a n k you. O ur k id s and fam ilies need your support, and you can m ake a difference. I f you w ant to becom e involved in the lives o f children and youth in foster care in your com m unity, please call your local D HS office, e-m ail us or visit our w ebsite. Erinn Kelley-Siel is the director of the Children, Adults and Fami­ lies Division ofthe Oregon Depart­ ment o f Human Services. UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Sofa: $69.00 Loveseat: $49.00 Sectional: $ 109 - $ 139 Chair or Recliner: $25 - $49 Throw Pillows (With Other Services)'. $5.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning • Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning • Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment *~ \ • Spot & Stain Removal Service • Scotchguard Protection • Minor Water Damage Services SEE CURRENT FLYER FOR ADDITIONAL PRICES & SERVICES Call for Appointment (503) 281-3949