Page 4 'ri!‘|)ortlauh (Obstruer Public Services Career Day Before som eone can be an “everyday hero” such as a police officer, firefighter or param edic - he or she must first learn the ropes. One o f the best places to do so is the Public Services Education B uilding at Port­ land C om m unity C o lleg e’s Cascade Campus. The public will get a close-up view o f what it takes to be a first responder during the building’s annual Open House, set for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 27, at the corner o f North K illingsw orth Street and M ississippi A venue. The event will feature inform ation and dem onstrations from the various program s housed in the Public Services Education Build­ ing - Fire Protection T echnology, Crim inal Justice, Em ergency M edical Services, E m er­ g e n c y M a n a g e m e n t and E m e rg e n c y Telecom m unicator 9-1 -1. The centerpiece o f the d ay ’s events will be two mock vehicle rescues, scheduled for 11 a.m. and 2 p.m ., in w hich students from several program s will collaborate to sim ulate a drunk driving accident. V isitors will also have the chance to tour a mock crim e scene, check out the b uilding’s em ergency vehicle bays and see the training center w here stu­ dents learn to be 9-1-1 operators Democrat for State Senator District 22, Portland, Oregon Come learn about your rights to keep your N/NE neighborhood free from polluters PORTLAND, Ore. - Around the country, minority and low-income communities have been overexposed to toxic dump sites, contaminated air from congested traffic and other health hazards from industrial carelessness. Did you know you have a right to hold polluters accountable for the chronic health problems affecting your community? Early next month, representatives from the Oregon Department o f Justice (DOJ) and Department o f Environmental Quality (DEQ) will listen to and address environmental concerns in North and Northeast Portland. This community forum is sponsored by Sen. Chip Shields, and graciously hosted by the North Portland Chairs Network, a monthly meeting o f the chairs o f North Portland neighborhood associations. The details are: Date: Monday, June 7, 2010 Time: 7 - 8 PM Where: 8105 N Brandon, Kenton Historic Firehouse A representative from DEQ will briefly present information on how businesses and industries are permitted to operate in the state, as well as discuss what kind o f oversight and follow-up the agency does with businesses that violate their permits. DOJ will outline how that state agency investigates and prosecutes criminal polluters. Most o f the forum will then discuss practical steps that ordinary residents can take to make sure environ­ mental concerns are being reported and dealt with. The last 20 minutes o f the forum is reserved for a question-and-answer period. Be safe Stay off the tracks TriMet and MAX Operator James W. want you to travel safely. T R IM M E T May 26. 2010 Dear Deanna! My marriage is in shambles be­ cause my husband is a slob. I’m stressed because I find myself cleaning the house 3 or 4 times a day and I never know what I’ll get when I walk in the door. We argue about this on a regular basis because he refuses to change. Once, I didn’t clean and his dirty underwear stayed in the same spot for a week. His hygiene is bad as well and we’re not inti­ mate. How can I get him to choose his marriage before it’s too late and I leave him? -Joyce; Dallas, Texas Dear Joyce: It’s amazing you were so in love with Pig Pen that you didn’t smell or see any of this coming. You need to realize he has always been a slob, this is who you married and he’s comfortable. The next time you clean, toss everything in the garbage including clothes, personal items and dishes and let him know that you’re tired and have a new cleaning method. Make it clear that from this point forward everything out of place has a new place called the gar­ bage and keep it moving. Dear Deanna! My mother is being taken advan­ tage of by her best friend. My mother is retired has plenty of money saved up and she’s enjoy­ ing the fmerthings in life. Her best friend is a moocher and makes my mom pay for everything. My mother is lonely and doesn’t have any friends so she thinks nothing of it. This woman is going through her money left and right and I know she’s going to look up and one day be broke. How do I get through to her? —Concerned Daughter; Oklahoma City Dear Daughter: Your mother is enjoying life and her friend. Before you place judg­ ment or get in the middle of things ask your mom if she’s preparing for a rainy day. If she is, you can rest assured that she knows what she’s doing and is planning her Ask Deanna\ Real People, Real Advice An advice column known for reu/ity based subjects! finances wisely. You’re on the outside looking in and have no idea of their friendship. You can calm down and chill and let you mom and her girlfriend do their thing and feel secure knowing that if she needs you, she’ll let you know. Dear Deanna! For the first time in my life, I am happy with a man I feel is my soul mate. He is everything I imagined and I can even live with his flaws and shortcom­ ings. I love him dearly but he is overly critical and is very hard on me. When I make mistakes he treats me like a child. He talks about my hair, my make­ up and the way I eat. He is a great guy and I know he means well. How do I let him know how this makes me feel without jeopardizing the relationship? - -Maria; Charleston, S.C. Dear Maria: Y ou’re a star struck groupie in this relationship. As soon as he gets tired, he’ll drop you like a hot coal and move on to another woman. If he sincerely cared there w ouldn’t be any feelings o f disrespect, ridicule or one­ sided criticism . You need to take the risk and tell him how you feel and that you w on’t tolerate his treatment. If he’s w illing to heed your advice that’s a good thing. If he turns out to be a pig then realize he doesn’t give a damn and keep it moving. Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M. IVrite Ask Deanna! at the email or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website: M W . askdeanna. com