M ay 26. 2010 ®(t JJnrtlanh (Observer Page 19 Deadly, Ultra-Pure Heroin Arrives Unsuspecting users risk instant death (A P) — M exican drug sm ugglers are increasingly peddling a form o f ultra-potent heroin that sells for as little as $ 10 a bag and is so pure it can kill unsuspecting users instantly, som etim es before they even rem ove the syringe from their veins. A n A ssociated Press review o f drug overdose data show s that so- called "black tar" heroin — nam ed for its dark, g o oey co nsistency — and o th er form s o f the drug are contributing to a spike in overdose deaths across the nation and a t­ tracting a new g eneration o f users w ho are caught o f f guard by its p o te n cy . A uthorities are concerned that the potency and price o f the heroin from M exico and C olom bia could w iden the drug's appeal, ju s t as crack did for cocaine d ecades ago. The Latin A m erican heroin com es in the form o f black tar o r brow n pow der, and it has proven esp e­ cially p o p u lar in rural and suburban areas. O riginally associated w ith rock stars, hippies and inner-city ju n k ­ ies, heroin in the 1970s w as usually sm uggled from A sia and the M iddle E ast and w as around 5 percent pure. The rest w as "filler" such as sugar, starch, pow dered m ilk, even brick dust. T he low po ten cy m eant that m any users injected the drug to m axim ize the effect. B u tin recent years, M exican drug dealers have im proved the w ay they process poppies, the brightly co l­ ored flow ers supplied by drug farm ­ ers that provide the raw ingredients fo r heroin, op iu m and painkillers such as m orphine. Purity levels have increased, and prices have fallen. Federal ag en ts now com m only find heroin that is 50 p ercent pure and so m etim es as m uch as 80 p er­ cent pure. T he g reater p o ten cy allow s m ore heroin users to snort the drug or sm oke it and still achieve a sus­ tained high — an attractive altern a­ tive for teenagers and suburbanites w ho don't w an t the H IV risk o r the track m arks on their arm s that com e w ith repeated injections. In O regon, state M edical E x am ­ iner K aren G unson said the heroin problem is w o rst in co m m unities along Interstate 5. T he state had 131 h eroin-related o v erd o se deaths last y e ar — . 42 m ore than three years earlier. T he dead sim ply didn't know the risks o f the heroin they used, she said. "W e're seeing it som etim es 80 p e r c e n t p u r e ," G u n s o n s a id . "T here's no FD A approval on this Sue Tayon poses for a photo in her home holding an urn contain­ ing her daughter Nikki Tayon's ashes in Overland, Mo. Tayon's 28-year-old daughter, Nikki, died o f an overdose on heroin that was 90 percent pure, her mother said. (AP Photo) stuff. I f you're using it ev ery day, y o u r chances grow and grow that it's going to kill you." A m ong the drug's casualties w as W illiam H enderson, a 29-year-old w elder from ru ra|M issouri w ho died in his sleep in 2009, hours after snort­ ing heroin. A bear o f a m an at 6-foot- 1 and 300 pounds, he had tried the drug only a few tim es. H is w ife recalled w aking up to fin d th e a la r m b u z z in g . H e r husband's body had turned blue, and his stom ach w as cold to the touch. A n in creasin g am o u n t o f the deadliest heroin appears to be co m ­ ing from M exico. A lthough the vast m ajority still arrives from overseas, M exican dealers appear to be chip­ ping aw ay at the U.S. m arket. A s recently as tw o years ago, state and federal drug agents saw heroin arriving from Colom bia, Asia and M exico. But as the availability and quality o f cocaine and m etham ­ phetam ine have declined, M exican sm ugglers have stepped up heroin shipm ents to the U.S. Independent M exican sm ugglers have the m arket largely to them ­ selves because the m ajor drug car­ tels only dabble in heroin, prefer­ ring to focus on locally grow n m ari­ ju an a and C olom bian cocaine, ac­ cording to a D EA official in El Paso, Texas. T he agent spoke on the co n ­ dition o f anonym ity, citing security concerns and his on g o in g role in active drug investigations. H eroin m etabolizes in the body so quickly that m edical exam iners often cannot pinpoint the drug as a cause o f death unless there is other evidence to back it up — say, a needle or a syringe found n ear the body. A lso, m any victim s use m u l­ tiple drugs and alcohol, so citing a specific substance is often im pos­ sible. At the start o f the decade, roughly 2,000 people a year died from heroin o verdoses n ationw ide, acco rd in g to records kept by the C enters for D isease C ontrol. By 2008, the drug w as blam ed for at least 3,000 deaths in the 36 states that responded to re c o rd s re q u e s ts fro m th e A P. D eaths from 2009 have not yet been compiled. The AP contacted agencies in all 50 states, as well as officials in the District o f C olum bia and N ew York City, including m edical exam iners, coroners and health departm ents. The survey show ed that heroin deaths rose 18.2 percent from 2007 to 2008, and 20.3 percent from 2006 to 2008. Law enfo rcem en t o fficials and drug-treatm ent experts believe those statistics w o efu lly u n d erco unt the actual num ber o f deaths. To hook new users, d ealers are selling heroin c h e a p — often around $ 10 a bag. MM The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (A A M C ) Presents an OLD SCHOOL PARTY 60’s & 70’s - Oldies but Goodies Saturday, June 26,2010 Billy Webb Elk’s Lodge 6 North Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon 9 P M - 1AM Donation: $15.00 per person Music by: DJ Papa Chuck Best Dressed from the 60’s & 70’s Wins: $50.00 TriMet Makes Safety Changes Line 6 won’t jump 4 lanes and then m erged to the right over four lanes in ju st under 400 feet. T riM et requested that the city o f Portland change striping at the sig ­ A s part o f ongoing efforts to im ­ nalized intersection at G rand. This prove the safety o f bus operations, change m eans that buses will no TriM et is changing the w ay the Line longer use the slip lane and instead 6-M artin Luther King Jr. Blvd. bus turn left at the intersection and turn com es o ff the Hawthorne Bridge onto directly into the far right travel lane. Southeast G rand A venue, as well as T h is e lim in a te s m u ltip le la n e m aking changes to all courtesy stop/ changes in that busy area. night stop procedures. T riM et is also m aking changes to Currently, vehicles traveling east- its courtesy stop/N ight Stop p ro ce­ bound over the H aw thorne Bridge dures reg ard in g the distance re­ use a slip lane to veer left onto G rand quired betw een a non-designated before the signalized intersection at stop and an upcom ing left turn. A Grand. Line 6 buses used the slip lane courtesy stop/N ight Stop is w hen MOTHER DEAR’S Raffle & 50/50 Split: Tickets - $ 1.00 each Menu: Roast Beef, Chicken, Green Beans, Salad & Dinner Rolls ‘ Tickets Available at: AAMC Club Members Cynthia Livingston (503)504-0640 Cannon’s Rib Express (503) 288-3836 One Stop Records (503) 285-1159 Geneva’s Shear Perfection (503) 285-1159 James & Johnnie Mayfield-Vancouver (360) 576-8519 Proceeds to benefit the AA MC Scholarship Program The African American M en’s Club is a non-profit organization an operator lets a rider d eb o ard at a safe location that is not at a desig­ nated stop. TriM et will begin im plem enting a change to its p rocedures that w ill not allow the non -d esig n ated stop in the block in w hich a bus m akes a left hand turn. In areas w ith o u t stan­ dard city blocks, a m inim um o f 100 feet betw een the stop and the inter­ section is required for each lane change proceeding the left turn. The changes are in ad d itio n to a com prehensive safety review that w as ordered after a T riM et bus tu rn ­ ing left hit five pedestrians at a dow n­ tow n intersection, killing tw o people. AT H IG H L A N D O rd e rs T ak en M ay 10 - J u n e 13 O rd e rT o d a y ! c a ll 5 0 3 .2 8 7 .9 5 6 7 SUPPORT THE OREGON FOOD BANK AT HIGHLAND (A Program for families & their children)