May 26, 2010 íl" flortlanb (Obseruer Making Amends Advertise with diversity organizers d o n ’t anticipate the project will be com pletely done in It was also the resting place of until 2 0 1 3 o r2014. other people once considered less However, com m itm ent to it re­ desirable by a m ajority popula­ mains strohg. tion aligned against them. A por- “ I t’s im portant to rem em ber • tion of the 30-acre cem etery was your p a st,” said L ouie. “ If you used for the graves of local C hi­ d o n ’t have som e sort o f m em ory Call 503-288-0033 nese, who were widely reviled o f th eir c o n trib u tio n , it w ill be ads@ portlatadob during the late 1800s, as well as lo s t.” patients from a nearby m ental in­ stitution. Referred to as “B lock 14,” it has been a long-forgotten part of the resting place. In 1947, the graves were dug up so that a building could be erected on the site adja­ cent to Southeast M orrison Street. M ultnomah County had come into ow nership of the site and planned to sell it to a developer in 2002, but activists concerned with preserving its heritage rallied, forming Friends of Lone Fir C em ­ etery. Two years later, tests re­ vealed that the rem ains of some 99 Chinese were still present at the site, giving their cause added weight. W orking with M etro, which took over the property after it was dem olished in 2005, activists are hoping to raise $2 m illion for a proper tribute to the people who were discrim in ated against in Portland’s early days. 1093 SW Tobias Way “W e're trying to m em orialize Aloha, Oregon 97006 this area so we can recognize their Only twenty minutes from Portland contribution,” said Richard Louie, the president o f the Chinese C on­ solidated B enevolent A sso cia­ tion, which is one of the groups Email: working on the project. Louie p o in ted out that the C hinese worked menial jobs, sending their paltry wages back to their families and enduring scorn and discrim i­ This facility is licensed by the Oregon State nation heaped on them by white Mortuary & Cemetery Board #0445 settlers. Effective Date April 6,2010 Louie said that the Chinese did Certi fication#8407 a lot o f the “heavy lifting”- w ork­ ing on railroads, in mines, and other tough jobs of the 1800s- to make Oregon what it is today. “This is a pioneer cem etery,” Fill Out & Send To: said M arcus Lee, a m em ber of the CCBA, “and these were the C hi­ nese pioneers. M etro recently convened a Attm Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 group of local experts to discuss s u b s c r ip tio n s are ju s t $60 p e r y e a r what needs to be done to build the m em orial, which is estim ated to (please include check with this subscription form) cost $2 million. N ame : _____________________________ __ Jane Hansen, a landscape ar­ chitect with Lango Hansen Land­ T elephone : __________________________ scape Architects, said that she A ddress : ___________ _________________ got involved in designing the site after reading coverage of it. She said that the memorial will o r e m a il su b sc r ip tio n s@ p o r tla n d o b se r v e r .c o m include an open meadow in the center, have structures to sup­ port vegetation around the edges, Advertise with diversity in and its architectural theme will pay tribute to Chinese immigrants and the patients at the asylum. Scrapping up the $2 million for ( nil 5O3-288-(X)33 ads@portlandob the project w on’t be easy, and c o n t i n u e d f r o m fron t IWlandObserver Neal’s ssionate Heart Funeral Home Page 17 EM M ANUEL C h u rch o f G od in C h rist U nited 4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­ land OR 97211 503-335-8772 You are cordially invited to worship with us in these services: Pastor & Wife - Bishop & Mrs. A .L Wright Sunday Service Sunday School 10:00A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M Worship Service 12:00 Noon Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. Weekday Service Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 P.M. Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00 Vancouver Ave. Baptist 1st Baptist Church We carry your heart in our hands, with compassion and care God’s Firm Foundation Offering the Best Prices and the Friendliest Service in Town. Fellowship, Dinner And Fashion Show presents June 4 at 6 p.m. Tickets $20/$25 at Door Come And Enjoy 503-642-4620 Rev. J. W. Hennessee, Pastor Mission Department “Ask for Margaret Neal” Q11K c r r i h P ! O U D S C riO e ’ 503-288-0033 al!l JJnrtlattb ©bserher Tl’c Pt »rtland Observer L U S ' I4CCS " Do I need a counselor? We all haw life stressors, especially in today's complex world. Balancing your home, work, and spiritual life can be owrwbelming. Internal coping skills can get us through a crisis or change; however, we may n ot haw the resources to owreome in the most cffectiw wav. Deciding i f counseling is right for w u can he a tough decision. It may initially feel like adm itting failure. Actually choosing counseling can be the key to making you and your family's dreams a reality. Counseling is like adding tools to your toolbox. We can help you find better ways to owreom e life's problems. Service» include! 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