Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 26, 2010, Page 16, Image 16

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sportiani» (Ohsvrner
M ay 26. 2010
Urban Renewal Redo
Patrick John Sweeney, P.C.
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
brought a letter from the coalition
Roy Jay, a businessm an and com ­
that argued that ex panding urban mittee m em ber w ho heads the A fri­
ex p an d in g any urban renew al d is­ renew al should be put on hold until can American Cham ber of Commerce,
trict into residential areas, citing how the PD C could prove that the Inter­ has been steadily building sypport
it has historically disp laced resi­ state C o rrid o r U rban R enew al A rea fo r a C o m m u n ity D ev elo p m en t
d e n ts.
accom plished its original objectives. A greem ent, which would direct one
Paige C olem an, the executive d i­
T he com m ittee also delayed vot­ percent o f all gross revenues gener­
recto r o f the N ortheast C oalition o f ing on an urban renew al area for the ated in the Rose Q uarter to com m u­
N eighborhoods and m em ber o f the Rose Q uarter until Novem ber, which nity organizations.
com m ittee, held a series o f m eetings has becom e m ore com plicated.
Jay, speaking before the co m m it­
on the expansion o f urban renew al
L ast year, M ayor Sam A dam s tee, w anted to m ake sure that his
earlier this year, and found that m any has m ade redevelopm ent o f the area idea w as strongly incorporated into
residents felt that it yielded too few around M em orial C oliseum a prior- any deal approving a Rose Q uarter
tangible benefits and the process
itself w as m urky.
C olem an, w ho abstained from
voting on the expansions under d i­
re c tio n fro m h e r o rg a n iz a tio n ,
Patrick John Sweeney
Attorney at Law
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Portland, Oregon
(503) 491-5156
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It's got to be enforceable. It
can't be a recommendation.
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— RoyJay, Rose Quarter Stakeholder Advisory Committee member
ity, and assem bled the R ose Q uarter
Stakeholder A dvisory C om m ittee to
review ideas for it. In M arch, the
c o m m itte e , c h a ire d by A d a m s,
w hittled the long list o f proposals
dow n to three, including the P o rt­
land Trail B lazers' Ju m p T o w n e n ­
tertainm ent district.
But action on the R ose Q uarter
has been delayed, after one o f the
p ro je c t sp o n so rs, D oug O b le tz,
raised strong concerns about the
process. H e 's pointed out that the
city has an agreem ent w ith Portland
Arena M anagem ent, a com pany with
ties to the B lazers, that effectively
gives it veto p o w er over the fate o f
the R ose Q uarter. R edevelopm ent
o f the area has com e to standstill.
T he com m ittee also voted to su p ­
port tw o p roposals aim ed at easing
the social im pact o f urban renew al,
w hich has been criticized for cau s­
ing property val ues to soar and long­
tim e residents to leave.
urban renew al area and included
legally-binding language.
“ It's got to be enforceable. It
c a n 't be a reco m m en d atio n ,” said
T he com m ittee voted to request
that the R ose Q uarter S takeholder
A dvisory C o m m ittee require that
there be a legal obligation to the
benefits agreem ent in any redevel­
opm ent deal for the R ose Q uarter.
It also expressed support for a
com m unity-based housing advocate
program run by the Portland Housing
Bureau that w ould assist vulnerable
hom eow ners in north and northeast.
It alsocalled for ongoing investments
in the area to prevent displacem ent o f
established residents.
T he c o m m itte e 's reco m m en da­
tions will be review ed by the P o rt­
land Planning C om m ission before
being sent to C ity C ouncil, w hich
will give them final approval so m e­
tim e next spring.
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