Art Hop Focus: Community Day-long celebration Takes place Saturday ‘City o / Roses’ Scholarships College opportunities abound page 11 inside 40 IjJoFtlanò baeruer see Arts and Entertainment, page 11 •^community service Volume XXXX, Number 19 Established in 1970 Committed to Cultural Diversity w w w Wednesday • May 12, 2010 Push Back High schools redo generates opposition J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver Four hundred to five hundred stu­ dents, faculty, and alum ni from Benson Polytechnic and M arshall high schools converged on a school board m eeting on M onday night to push back against a controversial proposal from the superintendent that w ould drastically alter both schools. U nder Portland Public Schools Superintendent C arole S m ith’s plan, M arshall w ould becom e a focus school and B enson w ould becom e a specialized school open to ju n io rs and seniors only w ho w ould attend part-tim e to pick up technical skills. S upporters o f both schools point by continued on page 18 photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserver Benson High School students and supporters march from the northeast school to Portland Public Schools' headquarters in north Portland on Monday to protest a plan that would significantly alter the school. Racial Inequities Grow Wider Report finds m inorities falling behind M inorities in M ultnom ah C ounty fare far w orse on m any social and econom ic indicators than other parts o f the country, and the quality o f life for these com m unities has even declined in som e respects, accord­ ing to a new report released last week. The findings w ere the culm ina­ tion o f nearly tw o years o f research by the C om m unities o f C olor C oali­ tion, com posed o f eight com m unity organizations. T he report w as pro- Home Repairs Fight Displacement Bernice Hornbuckle received a low-interest loan to make major repairs to her home in the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area. The Portland Housing Bureau is hoping more people like Hornbuckle will take advantage of similar programs, keeping wealth in the commu­ nity. See story, page 4 photo by J ake T homas / T he P ortland O bserver duced in partnership vyith the N o rth­ w est H ealth Foundation, Portland State U niversity, and city and county g o v ern m en ts. Som e o f the m ost unsettling in­ equities include: Local m inorities earn h a lf the am ount o f m oney as their co u n ter­ parts. Individually, the incom e o f whites w as typically around $33,095, while people o f color earned $ 16,636. A third o fm in o rity children in the Portland area live in poverty, w hile that n um ber for non-m inorities is 12.5 percent. W hites are tw ice as likely to have a b a ch e lo r’s o r advanced degree as minorities. continued on page 4