May 5. 2010 ^¡P o rtia n i» (Dhseruer ■ * W« Elevator and structure sup­ ports go high into the sky as Legacy Health builds a new children's hospital adjacent to Emanuel Hospital on North Gantenbein Avenue. W iifefîî.!« - Ex, ^ ü s e J«, r ^ ^ f c uòvi/rt^ f0 9 re s s; f o a e d fe d i(, ^ n s HoSpltal -9 9 0! neai!hykjds P hoto by M ark W ashington / T he P ortland O bserver C lassifieds / B ids Legacy Health is reaching for the sky with the construction of its new Children’s Hospital next to Legacy Emanuel Hospital in north Portland. A central element of the new nine- story building has been put in place with a 165-foot structural supports and elevator shafts for the new health care facility. “It’s exciting to watch the new hospital taking shape,” said Carla Harris, the chief administration of­ ficer for Legacy Emanuel. Next up for the project are struc­ tural steel beams, decking, floors, and perimeter walls. That work is scheduled to begin next month. The entire project should be complete fall of 2011. Portland Housing Bureau Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288-0033 Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@ M EM ORIAL (.ENTERS O /O P's - Solos & Teams Class "A" Western States and Dedicated Runs, 2 yrs exp., clean DMV, weekly pay. Dependable Highway Exp. 8 8 8 -4 3 4 -3 6 6 9 C remation & B urial < / Aw* '* Low Cost Cremation & Burial Funerals & Memorials Portland 832 NF. Broadway 503-783-3393 ' Bid Package # 1 0 E - Courtyard CMU & Brick Bids Due: May 13th 2:00pm Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (5 0 3 /2 2 7 -3 4 2 4 ) or r-i Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 805 SW Broadway. Suite 2100 - Portland. OR 97205 - CCB LIC# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises. Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet in Bend Pine Administrative Site Phase 1 1K P< MtlandObsetver Call 5(1-288-0033 ad s @ port 1 andob se t Bend, OR Project #RC16 Bid Date: 5/11/2010 @ 2:00 pm Go to for Bid Documents Bid Date: May 1 1 ,2 0 1 0 @ 2:00 PM Request for Proposals ROBINSON and Northeast Portland Total funding available is $ 120,000. Deadline for RFP submission is May 28, 2010. FAX 541-617-1488 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises, City of Portland & PDC Community Budget Hearing! The City Council will be present to hear your testimony on the Proposed Budqet! T H U R S D A Y E V E N IN G , M A Y 20 6 :0 0-8:30 pm (testimony begins at 6:30 PM) PORT OF PORTLAND P o s s ib ility . In e v e r y d ire c tio n .™ CAREER OPPORTUNITIES The Port of Portland is a regional government operating airports, marine terminals and industrial parks in the greater Portland metropolitan area, to fulfill its mission of providing competitive cargo and passenger access to world markets while enhancing the region’s quality of life. To view current job openings and to access the application form, visit the Port’s website at or call (503) 944-7400. Robinson Construction Co. 563 SW 13th Street, Suite 101 Bend, OR 97702 541-617-1424 CCB#63137 WA#R0BINCC#125L5 CONSTRUCTION CO. Homeowner Retention Support in North The Portland Housing Bureau seeks a com m unity-based organization(s) with services in North or Northeast Portland to provide direct outreach and support to low and moderate-income homeowners who are at risk of losing their homes. The goal is to help low-income senior citizen homeowners in N/NE Portland retain both their homes and equity interest. © Oregon State Hospital - Salem www.Tora - PlanWell - Public Projects Drivers: Apply today: CROWN SUB BIDS REQUESTED To Place Your Classified Advertisement Advertí Children’s Hospital Rises Page A B University Park Community Center 9009 N Foss Ave. Parking Lot Available, Bus Routes: 4, 35 Find schedules, budget decisions and testify online: A D A a c c e s s ib le A c c o m m o d a tio n s : c a ll 8 2 3 - 2 5 5 9 in a d v a n c e The Port of Portland is an AA/EEO employer committed to workforce diversity and affirmative action. Milwaukie T D D : 8 2 3 -6 8 6 8 — •...... 17064 SF McLoughlin Blvd. 503-653-7076 Tualatin STAR 8970 SW Tualatin Sherwood Rd 503-885-7800 Star Park is looking for individuals with excellent customer service skills and a positive attitude to join o u r team of p a rk in g fa c ility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with Opportunity for adva n cem en t. No e xp e rie n ce necessary, must be dependable. Salem 412 Lancaster l)r. NF 503-581-6265 t SIMPLE CREMATION FUNERAL MASS IMMEDIATE BURIAL S495 $1,475 S500 No Hidden Costs, Guaranteed Privately Owned Cremation Facility Locally owned and operated by Oregon families w ww. ANcwTradi t ion .com 8.50+/hr, medical, dental, 401k w/match, sick & vacation pay. Job Hotline: 503-988-5035 TTY: 503-988-5170 an equal opportunity employer PARK M ULTNOM AH CO UN TY 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221 Portland, OR 972 05 w w w