28th Annual Women's Day Celebration May 22 & 23,2010 Our Theme: "What Happens When Women Say Yes To God" Romans 12:1,2 Saturday, May 22,2010 - Women's Day Brunch --1 1 :30 PM to 2:00 PM Water Resource Education Center, 4600 SE Columbia Way - Vancouver, WA TICKETS: $ 15.00 per person Call 360-828-5512 or 360-693-4566 for in fo / tickets Sunday, May 23,2010 Celebration Services C om m unity A. M. E. Zion C hurch 3605 East 13th Street - Vancouver, WA Marshall High School in outer southeast Portland is slated to become a magnet school next year. 11:00 AM Worship Service Portland Public Schools Announces Next Step in High School Redesign G uest Speaker: E lder B everly Eubanks, Pastor G race C ovenant F ellow ship C hurch - Portland, OR 4:00 PM Celebration Service K eynote Speaker: Rev. Dr. Beverly Beeler-Petty, Pastor Risen Faith F ellow ship C hurch - O lym pia, WA (BIO): Reverend Dr. Charlotte Lee Beeler-Petty founded Risen Faith Fellowship Church in 1989. She is an ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. and serves as District Elder with Bishop Curtis E Montgomery, Diocesan of the Pacific- Northwest District Council. She is Lay Director of the Western Region of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World. Inc. She received her BA in Christian Education - Seattle Pacific University; MA in Counseling & Guidance - Seattle University; Honorary Doctor of Divinity - Aenon Bible College. ■ A dvertise with dive Observer C a ll 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -0 0 : ie rv e r.c o m Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. presents the ■ A fter nearly a y ear o f careful plan­ s c h o o ls . ning and efforts to m uster up co m ­ Sm ith's plan w ould restrict tran s­ m unity support, P ortland Public fers, requiring m ore students to at­ S c h o o l's S u p e rin te n d e n t C aro le tend th eir n eig h b o rh o o d school, Sm ith laid out her plan to dram ati­ bringing m ore funds along w ith cally reshape its high school sys­ them . W ith m ore m oney, sm aller tem on M onday. schools w ould be able to offer the U n d e r the c u rre n t sy ste m , high sam e courses and program s as their sc h o o l s tu d e n ts are a llo w e d a larger counterparts. It w ould also larg e d eg ree o f leew ay in tra n s fe r­ restructure the district's attendance rin g ou t o f th e ir n e ig h b o rh o o d b o undaries. sch o o l to o th e rs. A s a re su lt, som e The redesign o f the high school sch o o ls en d up h av in g sm aller system is intended to bring the sam e stu d en t b o d ies and less fu n d in g , course offerings to all o f Portland's w hich lead s to u n eq u al c o u rse high schools, close the ach iev e­ o ffe rin g s at P o rtla n d 's 13 high m ent, and bring m ore diversity to each cam pus- ethnically and so cio ­ econom ically. But the plan also carries a m ore controversial aspect. Sm ith c o n ­ tends that the current num ber o f students in the district and the level of funding available can't bring the sam e robust course offerings to all o f its high schools w ithout turning som e schools into specialized m ag- 2010 Meet Employers net schools, w hich w ould have a special focus and a lim ited num ber o f slots for students. E v e r sin ce th e p lan w as a n ­ n o u n ced last y ear, sp e c u la tio n has sw irle d as to w h ich sch o o l w ou ld be c o n v e rte d fro m a n e ig h b o r­ h o o d sc h o o l, w h ic h is o fte n a v a lu e d c o m m u n ity a s s e t, to a m ag n et sch o o l. O n M onday, Sm ith revealed that next year M arshall H igh School in outer southeast Portland- w hich is hom e to the R en a issa n c e A rts, B izTech and Pauling schools- would becom e a m agnet school that could potentially p artner with the neig h ­ boring D avid D ouglas School D is­ trict. B e n s o n P o ly te c h n ic H ig h School, in northeast Portland, w ould becom e a specialized school open only to ju n io rs and seniors next year, w ho w ould attend part-tim e pursuing technical o r c areer-o ri­ ented pursuits. Attend Hands-On Workshops Learn about Training Opportunities Saturday, May1 9:00 am to 3:00 pm NECA/IBEW Electrical Training Center JEFFERSON 1 16021 NE Airport Way, Portland Friday August 6th. 2010: Place to be announced FREE admission, child care, parking & EcoShuttle from Gateway w w w .tr a d e s w o m e n .n e t » I ♦ » » » » Saturday August 7th, 2010 Embassy Suites Portland Airport Hotel (rooms available for only $109 + tax) Cost for reunion: Classmates $65 spouse or companion $35 Please R.S.V.P. as soon as possible to E-mail to: leilablakely@gmail.com (preferable) Voice mail: Carol Erdmann 503-982-3051 Snail mail- JHS Class of 70 / PO Box 19905 / Portland, Oregon 97280