April 28, 2010 Ilj' jJurtlanb (Obstruer Page 7 Í Lethal Fungus Strain in Oregon A new strain o f airborne fungus is spreading in Oregon that kills about one out o f four people in­ fected with it, according to research­ ers at Duke University. A new strain o f a fungus called Cryptococcus gattii has infected dogs, cats, sheep, elk, and other mammals, but you can’t pick up the fungus with contact with ani­ mals. Instead, people get it from inhaling spores released by trees. Sym ptom s, which can take m o n ths to d ev elo p , in clu d e coughs, chest pain, shortness o f breath, headache, breathing prob­ lems, and other ailments. People who pick up the fungus might have to take medication for months, or even years. Extreme cases might require surgery. "It's in the environment, and we're exposed to the environment," re­ searcher Edmond Byrnes III of Duke University M edical Center told LiveScience. "And the environmen­ tal range o f this has been expand­ ing." To date, five out o f 21 people infected in the United State have died from the fungus. Researchers are uncertain as to how the fungus, which originated in the tropics, came to Oregon via Canada, but expect it to spread. However, public health officials in Oregon want to reassure the pub­ lic that the fungus is rare, infection rates are low, and it’s treatable. People most at risk are those with compromised immune systems. “The fungus is rare, getting sick from the fungus is uncom­ mon and if people do get sick there are treatm ents. The public health threat from the fungus is low,” said Katrina Hedberg, Or­ egon public health epidemiolo­ gist, on a statement on the Or­ egon Public Health Division’s website. “Ifpeople are concerned about their symptoms, they should contact their health care provider right away.” Since 2004, there have been about 50 people identified with the illness in Washington, Oregon and Cali­ fornia. About 10 people have died. King Fanners Market Reopens A fter a highly successful first season, the King Farm ers M arket is back, bigger and better than before with more produce ven­ dors, m ore special events, music, meat, cheese, cut flowers, plant starts, hot food, cooking dem on­ s tr a tio n s , an d an a d ja c e n t ch ild ren’s playground. The m arket will open its second season on Sunday, May 2, at 10 a.m. at Northeast Seventh Avenue and W ygant (a block south o f , * **■ Alberta Street, adjacent to King r- ’ < School Park.) The market will con­ tinue every Sunday, 10 a.m. to 2 * p • p.m ., through Oct. 31. b ; * < ' S*4* -■ NT* * This year, Oregon Trail Card (food stam p) users can receive up to $10 in m atching tokens for use at the King Farm ers Market. Y o u ’re invited to jo in your photo by K enneth A aron /K ing N eighborhood A ssoc iation neighbors this Sunday and every Crowds line up for fresh produce and other foods during the Sunday to celebrate a new season inaugural season o f the King Farmer's Market, a block south o f o f the freshest local food. Northeast Alberta Street, adjacent to King School Park. ft. B U S IN E S S E S Interested in Becoming a Vendor Purchase a table for $75.00 by April 15th Contact Person Shirlene Carson 503-481-8007 exectrav@aol.com IN M O T IO N INFORMATION THAT WORKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS. We are a netw orking organization with profes­ sional contacts informing other small businesses and the community with great information to help grow your business or obtain information about other local businesses. Saturday, May 1 Mallory Avenue Community Enrichment Center (MACE) 126 N.E. Alberta St. Portland, OR 97211 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. An opportunity to network with small businesses in the Community. »111», H ealth W atch Free Body Basics —This physician recommended class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the simple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretch­ ing. Call 503-256-4000 to register. hospital resource center providing books, printed material, computer access and more for individuals and families dealing with cancer. The center is open Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Lead Poisoning Prevention - Learn Fam ilies with M ental Illness - A free, 12-week course for people whose family members live with mental illness is offered at Emanuel Hospital, Mt. Hood Medical Cen­ ter and Providence Medical Cen­ ter. The course has been described as “life-changing” by former par­ ticipants. Registration is required by calling 503-203-3326. how to protect your family from lead poisoning. Ideal for folks in live in older homes with children or preg­ nant women. Qualified participants receive a free kit o f safety and test­ ing supplies. Call 503-284-6827. P a ren tin g C la sses — Newborns don’t come with instruction manu­ als but parents and parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics from pain and c h ild b irth to breastfeeding to infant CPR and much more. For a schedule o f events, call 5 0 3 -5 7 4 -6 5 9 5 o r v isit: providence.org/classes. M anaging C hronic Hepatitis C - Third Wednesday o f each month at 5 p.m. The informative session is led by a registered nurse to help you manage side effects o f medications and dosage preparations and ad­ ministration; doctor referral required. Cardiac-Rehab Exercises—A medi­ cally supervised exercise program T o register, call 503-251 -6313. forpeople dealing with heart condi­ B etter B reath ers — An asthma tions. For information, call 503-251 - educational support group meets 6260. on the 1st Tuesday o f the month from 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at Fam ily C aregiver S u p p ortG rou p - Adventist Medical Center. For in­ - This topic-oriented group offers a safe place to discuss the stresses, formation, call 503-251 -6830. challenges and rewards o f provid­ C ancer Resource C e n te r—Provi­ ing care to an older relative or friend. dence St. Vincent Medical Center Meets the first Thursday o f each and the American Red Cross have month at 3 p.m. at Legacy Good joined forces to create the first in- Samaritan Hospital. Your Care Our First Priority Dr. Marcelitte Failla Chiropractic Physician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Call for an appointment! 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