Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 28, 2010, Page 3, Image 3

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    A p ril 28. 2010
^ jß o rtla n b QDhserorr
The Week ¡n Review
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H ealth Special Edition
Women in Trades Fair Coming Up
Are you a woman looking for an will cover apprentice programs and
unconventional career change, but tra in in g o p p o rtu n itie s in the
aren’t sure where to turn?
trades. The “green econom y” is
On Saturday, May 1, check out expected to grow, and m any jobs
the 18th Annual W omen in Trades will require skills needed for blue-
Career Fair. Sponsored by Oregon collar jobs.
Tradesw om en Inc., an organiza­
Employers will be on hand to talk
tio n d e d ic a te d to c o n n ec tin g about working as an electrician,
wom en to jobs in trades, the fair carpenter, roofer, and other voca-
tions. There will also be hands on
opportunities to try out operating a
crane, soldering a copper pipe,
faming a house and more.
I t’s from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the
NECA/IBEW Electrical Training
Center, located at 16021 N.E. A ir­
port W ay.) Free parking, free
childcare, free adm ission.
Shaler Halimón Jr.
Steve Fung
Frank Rockenback
Outstanding TriMet Operators Named
TriMet has recognized three op­ and attendance with nom inees
erators as Operator o f the Y ear. The voted on by their peers.
awards are based on outstanding
Shaler Halimon Jr. was honored
driving records, customer service as TriMet's Bus Operator o f the
Year. Frank Rockenback was cho­
sen as MAX Operator o f the Year.
Steve Fung obtained the top honor
for a part-time bus operator.
PCC Students Recognized
Five students at Portland Community College's Cascade Campus recently received scholarships
from the Oregon NASA Space Grant Consortium. The scholarships are meant to recognize and
support students pursuing careers in space, science, engineering, and education. Three students
received $3,000 prizes in the form of Pre-Service Teacher Scholarships, and two other received
$2,000 Freshman/Sophomore Undergraduate Scholarships. Frpm left are Cascade Campus
President Algie Gatewood, Suzanna Kangas, Christopher Wade, Nils Wagman, Portland Teachers
Program Director Deborah Cochrane, Ronald Perry, Anna Jacobsen, and Cascade Campus Dean of
Instruction Scott Huff.