Page 2 (Dbseruer Republicans Block Financial Reform V oting in a block, the S e n a te ’s 41 R epublicans and N ebrask a’s D em o­ cratic S enator halted discussion o f a bill that w ould tighten regulation on the n a tio n 's financial system . T he S enate needs 60 votes to m ove forw ard on any bill. R epublicans contend that they w ant m ore atten ­ tion given to aspects o f the sw eep ­ ing, bill like a $50 billion fund that w ould pay for the w ind-dow n o f faltering financial firms. D em ocrats contend that R epublicans are p lay ­ ing politics. Goldman Sachs Under Fire A Senate investigative co m m ittee called G oldm an Sachs executives to C apitol H ill to talk about th eir a l­ leged schem e to bilk investors w ith securities designed to fail. D uring gration law . The law m akes it a crim e vealed a m ore detailed plan that not to carry im m igration docum ents, involved converting M arshall H igh and g iv es p o lice sw eep in g new School in o u ter southeast Portland pow ers to detain people suspected into a m agnet. B enson Polytechnic o f being illegal. T he law has been H igh School wi 11 also take on a m ore harshly criticized, specialized focus. See page 8. w ith the M exican y z Two Dead After Being Hit by Bus governm ent advis­ O n Saturday, five people w ere hit on ing its citizens that N orthw est G lisan and B roadw ay they m ay be h a­ P ortland by a T riM et bus, leaving rassed in the state. tw o dead. T he survivors have su s­ The new law is a l­ tained injuries. T he incident is c u r­ m ost certainly going to be c h al­ rently being investigated. lenged in court. Week The R eview the hearing, the ex ecutives w ere harshly criticized, and w ere called “ b o o k ies” by one law m aker. The Securities Exchange C om m ission has also opened up a suit against the financial giant alleging it m isled investors and w as betting against the m ortgage m arket. Boy Scouts Lawsuit Settled O n Friday, a M ultnom ah C ounty ju ry o rdered the B oy S couts o f America topay $ 18.5 million to Kerry Lew is, a 38-year-old, w ho w as sexu- a lly abused w hile in the Scouts. The aw ard is the la r g e s t th e o rg a n iz a tio n has ev er had to pay out. A ttorneys for Lew is see it as w akeup call to the organization to b e tte r sa fe g u a rd a g a in st sex u al predators. Arizona Enacts Tough Immigration Law A rizo n a’s R epublican governor, Jan B rew er, signed w hat is w idely seen as the n a tio n ’s m ost stringent im m i­ April 28. 2010 Smoking Down in Oregon High School Redesign Moves Forward A new report by the O regon X D epartm ent o f H um an S er­ vices has determ ined that the sm oking is dow n in the B eaver State. H ow ever, there it still | show s that there is room for im ­ provem ent. Se H ealth. Portland Public S c h o o ls’ plan to revam p its high school sys­ tem m oved forw ard on M onday w hen Superin- tendent C arole Sm ith re­ L e g e n d s <>- A * ~ /1 - ’ •*«'- f ■ ■ " ■I Full course meal with your choice of Top Sirloin Steak (6 oz.), Grilled Chicken Breast or Grilled Salmon Filet, includes complimentary dessert to share. 5& *» AS W , * w enn V ‘ J • .«* ¡rJ & r i • ?• VidF b ■i’î ' S W » iPIRJT MOUNTAIN C A ilN O The Northwest's Premier Entertainment Destination H w y 1 8 • Grond Ronde, OR • SPIRITMOUNTAIN.COM Not valid foi taka out Gratuity and Alcohol not included. Otter expires April 30 No substitutions Manogomont reserves all nqhts t % I I • » » ♦