A p ril 28. 2010 'rhr jJo rtlan h (Observer Page 19 NeaVs ate Heart Funeral Home “We carry your heart in our hands, with compassion and care ” 1093 SW Tobias Way Aloha, Oregon 97006 Only twenty minutes from Portland photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Jefferson alumnae Maggie Mashia, class of 1980 (from left); Donna Maxey, class of 1966; and Julie Rogers, class of 1974; authored the book “100 Years of Excellence, ” a tribute to the north Portland school and featuring 100 of its most distinguished graduates. 100 Glorious Years Jefferson alums publish tribute by L ee P erlman T he P ortland O bserver D espite w hat headlines m ay lead yo u to b e lie v e , J e ffe rs o n H igh School students have had 100 g lo ­ rious years, both in school and in their lives follow ing it. A nd it’s all there in print for you to see. Three Jefferson alum nae - D onna M ax ey , c la ss o f 1966, M ag g ie M ashia, class o f 1980, and Julie R ogers, class o f 1974 - have p ro ­ duced “ 100 years f E x cellen ce,” a tribute to the north P ortland school and 100 o f its m ost distinguish ed g rad u ates. The effort began as part o f the school’s centennial celebration in 2009. The Jefferson A lum nae A sso­ ciation polled its m em bers for gradu­ ates to be honored in a “P eople’s C hoice” pam phlet, and the nom ina­ tions were supplem ented by som e research. “ All that w as asked for w as a pam phlet, but we cam e up with som e pretty am azing people, and a one- sentence description d id n ’t do them ju s tic e ,” R ogers said. A real book w as called for, “and M aggie, D onna and 1 accepted the task ,” she said. Jefferson has long been know n as a bastion o f excellence in sports, and the book includes som e greats: Pro Football Hall o f F am er M el R enfro, H eism an T rophy w inner T erry B aker, cham pion b o x er R ay Lampkin. “W e could have filled the book with the sports figures alone,” Rogers says, “but it was the scholars w ho really stood out. W e learned about people we h ad n ’t know n anything about. It was ju st fascinating.” The hook includes the following: • E dw ard P erkin s, a career am b as­ sad o r w ho helped b ro k er the end o f the racial ap arth eid system in South Africa. • D r. W a lter R eynolds, the first A frican-A m erican graduate o f w hat is now the O regon H ealth and S ci­ en ces U niversity. • C arl T alton, the first A frican- A m erican ch air o f the Portland D e­ v elopm ent C om m ission. In d u strialist A rt R iedel. • G eorge A zu m an o, interned in a d eten tio n cam p w ith o th er Japanese A m ericans during W orld W ar II, w ho fo u n d ed one o f the c ity ’s lead ­ ing travel agencies. • D uncan Cam pbell, self-made tim ­ b er tycoon w ho used his w ealth to create the n o n -profit Friends o f the C hildren, to g eth er w ith o th er good w orks. • R ep o rter A nn e Sullivan. • D is tin g u is h e d c h o r e o g r a p h e r P atti B enson. • M uralist Isa k a S h a m su d -D in . • Jazz g u itarist N o rm a n Sylvester. • A tto r n e y a n d c o n g r e s s m a n W endell W yatt. • N ancy R yles, a R epublican state senator so w ell-respected that, for h er final term , she ran unopposed. • T on y H opson, a sports star w ho w ent on to co -fo u n d the non-profit S elf-E n h an cem en t, Inc., to g eth er w ith fellow alum R ay L eary. • A n cer H aggerty, a V ietnam W ar S ilv er S tar honoree w ho becam e a state and federal court ju d g e. • A c tre ss V ir g in ia A n n P a tto n M oss, w ho played Jam es S te w a rt’s sister-in-law in the film “ It’s a W o n ­ derful L ife.” • Nobel Prize winner W arren W ash­ ington. • A nd let us not forget C harles W ashington, the p u b lish er o f the P ortland O bserver. T he sheer n u m b ers o f w orthy nom inees, and in som e cases the lack o f available inform ation, m eant that som e good candidates w e ren ’t irtcluded. “ W e ’re keeping track o f th em ,” R ogers says. M an y o f those w ho w ere included “not only gained prom inence in their field, but really m ade m ajor co n trib u tio n s to so ci­ ety and the w o rld ,” she says. In addition to the three principal authors, m any o th e r p eo p le lent a hand in the b o o k ’s production. “ It took longer than w e thought it would, but it w as a great jo b by a lot o f p eo p le,” R ogers says. “ 100 Y ears o f Excellence” is avail­ able at A insw orth D rug and G ifts, 4027 N. Interstate A ve., o r on lin e at jefferso n alu m .co m . (503) 265-9263 Email: nealsfenueralhome @ hotmail.com “Ask for Margaret Neal” This facility is licensed by the Oregon State M ortuary & Cemetery Board #0445 Effective Date April 6,2010 Certi fication#S407 Paator A Elect Lady Bishop H . L. A Earlean P. Hodge Paator/T eacher/Revivalist Worahip Service: Sundays— 8:00 A.M. Seminars: Bible Themes—Wednesdays—7:00 P.M. “God The Father”; “God The Son”; and “God The Holy Spirit” Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us at our appointment with Jesus We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name! 11 location: 4800 NE 30th Ave. Portland, OR. 97211 To inquire about our Church please call: (503) 863-6545 or hodgehspks@msn com www nwvoiccforchnst com A dvertise with d iv e fe ty in Portland Observer ( 411.503-288-0033« ads@portla ndob server.com