April 28. 2010 ‘rhl (Jortlanb OObseruer Tour that anti-black sentiment marked Oregon from its inception. Its original 1857 state constitution was the only one to ever explic­ itly exclude black people. continued from page 4 Although the exclusion provi­ the government began rounding sion was seldom enforced, its up Japanese families, seizing legacy continued well into the their money and businesses, and 20th century as racist public ac­ interning them. The Oregon Ex­ commodation practices became position Center was where many com m on, including sundown ended up. laws, which excluded people At the time, the center was from a town after nightfall, said the site o f many agricultural Hess. events, and was hastily prepared The Kian also built up the for the influx o f Japanese, ex­ largest presence w est o f the plained Valerie Otani, an artist Rocky Mountains, with estimates who built two traditional Japa­ ranging from 35,000 to 200,000 nese gates outside to remember members, she said. Its member­ the event. The gates are lined ship included a governor, nu­ with newspaper plates, brandish­ merous other elected officials, ing headlines like, "Portland to and police chiefs from across be First Jap-Free City." the state, who wielded consider­ "While it's a sad place, it's a able power in the state before significant place for our commu­ they withered during the 1920s. nity," she said. As the tour wrapped up, the Otani said over three thou­ bus traveled through southeast sand Japanese filled the center, Portland to the site o f a more which was lined with barbed recent flareup o f racial violence, wire, who were allowed to take w here M u lu g eta S eraw , an only what they could carry in Ethiopian immigrant, was beaten their arms, and were assigned to to death by skinheads in 1988- a stalls that previously housed ani­ reminder that white suprema­ mals. cists continued to have a pres­ "T here w ere flies e v e ry ­ ence well into the 20th century. where," said Otani, who de­ Hess mentioned that it's no scribed it as unbearably hot in accident that Oregon is one o f the summer, and saturated with the whitest states in the union, a strong stench leftover from the and that the north and northeast animals. parts o f the city have been hubs Back on the bus, the tour o f the black community for a headed toward downtown pass­ reason. Historical powers have ing by PGE Park, where thé shaped the city she said, and, K.KK once held rallies. "basically, we live with the after- "It's another one o f those math o f those powers." ghosts," said Hess, who explained SAVE THIS DATE Page 17 Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the corner o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. \V ZI Parking Area 5 co «* ÌX ■■■ Russell St. S Holmes-Shields Award for Community Leadership * SUMMER INTERNSHIP Funded by State Sen. Chip Shields and She Ida Holmes, F N P . $3,000 stipend for 10-week political leadership program in Portland, June 14-August21. Qualified applicants for the award will: • Have a strong interest in politics, activism, and com m unity organizing. • Be 19-24 years old. • Have a strong connection to North/Northeast Portland’s Oregon Senate District 22. SATURDAY, MAY 1, 2010 fo r the Annual ‘CATCH OF THE DAY’ ”55 CATFISH or TILAPIA FRY 1 lam-6pm hosted by The Men of Bethel AME Church 5828 NE 8th Avenuen • (503) 288-5429 2 Sides of Your Choice: • Be com m itted to the justice values that motivate Sen. Shields and Shelda Holmes. • Be able to learn and work campaign hours (includes evenings and weekends). People of color, women, and LGBTQ applicants strongly encouraged to apply. Black-eyed Pea Dish Green Beans Mac & Cheese Potato Salad Yams Dinners-$ 10.00 (Meal includes one dessert) Order 5 Dinners or more and WE W ILL DELIVER! NO REFUNDS! ALL phone orders MUST be picked up within 1 hour o f order being placed (called in). If The Reverend Donna Maria Davis Pastor/Teacher CONTACT: 503-233-3018 or admissions@politicorps.org to apply by May 18th POLITICORPS THEBUSPROJEGT Learn more @ www.PolitiCorps.org