(Observer April 2010 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver.com. Fear, Anger and Denial by B entley de B ardelaben “Baby killer,” “ Reload,” and “Hell no, you can’t,” are some o f the phrases pronounced by con­ servative Republican leadership Randy Neugebauer (Texas), Sarah Palin (Alaska) and John Boehner (Ohio) about the passing o f Presi­ dent O bam a’s health care reform bill. Prior to its passage, openly gay Con­ gressman Barney Frank (Massachusetts) was called the “f ’ word. Even members o f the Congressional Black Caucus were called the “n” word, with one person, Emanuel Clever (Missouri), being spat upon as members of the Tea Party chanted, “Kill the bill!” through the halls o f Congress. Sadly, M ichele Bachmann (Minnesota) stated that because there was no video or audio evidence o f such incidents, the incidents never happened. How ludicrous is that? These constant hurls of insult, disrespect, and threat to our nation’s African American or gay American leaders by other voices of leadership and their following have presented a constant trek up the hill o f hatred for awhile. As a person who has trained hundreds, perhaps thousands, in cultural diversity workshops, I believe that racism is a possible underlying cause o f the recent insanity. I have often wondered what will result from people’s fear o f the changing demographic landscape of the United States by 2040-2050. After all, the media continues to hype these projected changes: “Whites no longer to be the majority by 2050.” Since the election o f Barack Obama, we have been told there was record turnout for people o f color and the youth who helped to make history. While that has seemed won­ derful for some o f us, it angers, frustrates, and incites others. Presidential candidate Obama received more death threats, and continues to receive more death threats, than any other U.S. President. Simply stated, racism is the cause for that. It is not my intent to say that all European Americans are racists. However, my profes­ sional experience has taught me that most European Americans do not have to think about their skin color as the means holding them back from accomplish­ ing their dreams or desires. Unfortu­ nately, this is not the case for people of color, not one. With a struggling economy, along with constant barrage o f hate monger­ ing from the right wing media and some conservative legislative leaders, we may be seeing only the beginning of a new trend. It is my hope that we can begin to speak openly and civilly about our anxieties. Other­ JJnrtlanb QDbsenwr Symptoms of America’s changing majority wise the waters ahead will be even more d i f f i ­ cult to navigate for our elected leaders. That would not be good for any o f us, black, white, brown, red or yellow skinned, for we all love our country and are proud to be American. Only together can we go through these difficult times. Bentley de Bardelaben is executive fo r administration and communications fo r Jus­ tice Ministries in the United Church o f Christ. With a struggling economy, along with constant barrage o f hate mongering from the right wing media and some conservative legislative leaders, we may be seeing only the beginning o f a new trend. N é W s ÎT ô A'. r- 0LLE6E BASKETBALL LEADS TO DISMAL RATES ESPEgtAUY AJKO^G- BLACK STUDBÀVS Established 1970 USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ____________ 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 Charles H. 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