» I Page 10 JJorttanb (Ohseruc t'r Advertise April 28. 2010 with diversity /'// 71 K‘ P< >rtland Observer Call 503-288-0033 ads @ portion dob sen Joe Kassab Jewelers and Melvin Broadous, Re/max Equity Group Presents: The Legendary Bobby Caldwell and the Portland Jazz Orchestra with Special Guest Patrick Lamb Jimmy Maks Friday April 30th NW 10th Ave. Portland, OR 97209 221 Two shows: 7:30pm & 10:00pm Jfc-. $30.00 Reserved $25.00 General Admission Tickets at www.ticketsore90n.com To make reservations call Jimmy Maks and reserve a seat with your ticket at 503.295.6542 www.patricklamb.com www.jimmymaks.com Bobby Caldwell sings “ W hat you Won't do For Love” and other hits ¡•ATmiÇK LAMB fa V 503 485-4945 The Portland Chapter of The Links, Incorporated Invites you to join us at the Sheraton Portland Airport Hotel for: The "Sneakers Ball" Saturday, April 24, 2010 8235 NE Airport Way No-host bar and silent auction begin at 6:00 PM Sit down dinner at 7:00 PM Wear your tux, gown, or after five attire and that favorite pair of snazzy sneakers to Dance, Dance, Dance! Music by The LaRhonda Steele Band fNTEOTAINMENI Facebook Crowd Still Wants Privacy ■ Tech-savvy generation sim ilar to past (A P) — All the dirty laundry younger people seem to air on so ­ cial netw orks these days m ight lead older A m ericans to conclude that to d a y 's te c h - s a v v y g e n e r a tio n doesn't care about privacy. Such an assum ption fits happily with d eclarations that privacy is dead, as online m arketers and social sites such as Facebook try to p er­ suade people to share even m ore about w ho they are, w hat they are thinking and w here they are at any given time. But it's not quite true, a new study finds. D espite m ounds o f anecdotes a b o u t c o lle g e s tu d e n ts sh a rin g b ooze-chugging party photos, p o st­ in g r a u n c h y m e s s a g e s a n d badm outhing potential em ployers online, young adults generally care as m uch about privacy as older A m ericans. The report, from researchers at the U niversity o f C alifornia, B erke- ley and the U niversity o f P en n sy l­ vania, is am ong the first q u an tita­ tiv e s tu d ie s lo o k in g at y o u n g people's attitudes tow ard privacy as governm ent officials and co rp o ­ rate ex ecutives alike increasingly grapple w ith such issues. "It is going to co u n ter a lot o f assum ptions that have been m ade about young adults and their atti­ tudes tow ard privacy," said M ary M adden, senior research er at the Pew Internet and A m erican Life Project. A m ong the findings: • E ighty-eight percent o f people o f all ages said they have refused to give out inform ation to a business because they thought it w as too personal o r unnecessary. A m ong Archie Introduces Gay Character Riverdale High is getting its first gay character. Archie Comics announced Thursday that in an issue out Sept. 1, the long-running comic will introduce its first "openly gay" ch aracter, Kevin Keller. The strapping blond will defeat Jughead in a burger eating contest, win the af­ fection of V eronica and wrestle over how to gently All Proceeds will benefit T he Portland C h ap ter o f The Links, Inc. Hours 12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. Tueday thru Saturday Sunday after 3:00 p.m. Special R equest: please bring one pair o f Sneakers to support T he Portland C hapter o f T he Links, Inc. Haiti R elief efforts. Dinners $9.50 Sandwiches $8.50 And Soul Food Try us once you 'll come back again I • A comic book cover featuring Veronica th a t’s coming out this fall intro­ duces a new classmate named Kevin Keller, the first gay character in the Archie Comics series. < . between 19th & 20th on Alberta Street 5 0 3 -7 5 3 -0 8 6 8 Tickets - $60 Ticket Information: 503-707-7204 rebuff her flirtations. Jon Goldwater, co-CEO of Archie Comics, says the intro­ duction of Kevin is "about keeping the world of Archie Comics current and inclusive." Dixion ’s Rib Pit Prize for the best matching attire and sneakers! Scholarship Fund and Program s y o u n g adults, 82 percent have re­ fused, com p ared with 85 percent o f those o v er 65. • M ost people — 86 percent — believe that anyone w ho posts a p h o to o r v id eo o f them on the Internet should get their perm ission first, even if that photo w as taken in public. A m ong young adults 18 to 2 4 ,8 4 percent a g re ed — not far from the 90 percent am ong those 45 to 54. • Forty percent o f adults ages 18 to 24 believe ex ecutives should face ja il tim e if th e ir co m p an y uses som eone's personal inform ation il­ legally — the sam e as the response am ong those 35 to 44 years old. H a p p y 9 0 th B ir t h d a y Lucille Johnson from your family we love you!