April 21.2010 ilu' Portiani* ODbsrrorr Page 9 Long Time Advocate Runs for Office Markgraf promotes jobs, new 1-5 bridge Tom M arkgraf has a long po­ litical w ork history spanning mental health services, transit- oriented public works projects including various MAX lines and the streetcar, and a stint as an adviser to Congressm an Earl Blumenauer, D-Portland. Now M arkgraf, w hose fam ily has been living in north and north­ east Portland since the 1920s wants a seat on the Multnomah County Commission. Why are you running? projects going. You get the Sellwood Bridge going. You get the Columbia River Crossing going, which is a disaster. If you can get it going you can get 27,000jobs, and those are family wage jobs. How is the Columbia River Crossing a disaster? Tom Markgraf mental health. I was the board chair o f Mental Health Services West, which was the largest health care provider in the state as the provider for the mentally ill in Multnomah County. I was Earl Blumenauer's transporta­ tion advisor, and I have a history o f getting federal money for lo­ cal projects, and getting local projects ready for federal money. I'm running because right now in the county and the region there is a big need for more jobs. I've got a lifetime o f history working to create jobs and I have a lot of e x p e rie n c e w ith issu es the county deals with. I'm the only How do you intend to create one running who has ever led an jobs? organization that has dealt with By g ettin g in fra stru c tu re Well the existing bridge is a disaster. It's spewing pollution. You have cars stopped and trucks stopped beginning at two o'clock every afternoon. I live four blocks from the freeway, and I wash my house every year, and it’s a yellow house and it becomes indigo ink; it's filthy. The deal with the bridge is it's got to be replaced. It was designed in 1907. It was designed for horses. My grandfather used to drive the streetcar across that bridge. I don't think that people real­ ize that 40 percent of the building trades are unemployed and don't expect any work in the next few years. That's devastating, and if the elected leadership in this community doesn't get its act you see a big gap in understand­ together, they really are going to ing what's happening. You see miss its opportunity to get money dysfunction with the police; you from the federal government. see that we're housing mentally Do you think the environ­ ill people in jails, which is maybe mental justice impacts o f the the most expensive place to house bridge have been adequately them rather than hous ing them in addressed? places with mental health pro­ I think the analysis that has fessionals. T hat’s the humane been done has been huge. I think way to deal with mentally ill and they've looked at a lot o f those it's the cheapest. We need to issues. What amazes me is that train police officers. it's been a six year process, and North and northeast Port­ it seems like for the first three land has changed a lot. Do years you didn't have the com ­ you see the county as having munity paying attention while the any role in mitigating or eas­ project was beating the drum ing that change? saying ‘look at this,’ and then all When you say “ease” what o f a sudden you have interest do you mean? My family has groups, who haven't done any of been in this neighborhood since the analysis or even read the 1920. People are getting priced analysis ju m p in g on, and that’s out. This is a concern that people scary. have. What do you want to do with A big problem is moving county mental health services pro­ services to where people need vided by the county? them. Rockwood is an area that If you look at mental health really needs county help and at- and you look at what's going on continued on page 17 at the county and in the region YES. SHE’S TALKING TO YOU. Because a lot can happen in 25 years. Portland will be different and today’s children w ill be all grown up. Many of us love what Portland has to offer, especially its natural beauty and quality of life. But today we face some real challenges that impact our day-to-day lives. How we respond to them will affect the children and grandchildren of tomorrow. That’s why your ideas for the Portland Plan are essential to make this a thriving and sustainable city for everyone. Through community input in Phase One of the Portland Plan and visionPDX, we heard that education, jobs, equity, public health and sustainability are im portant to the people of this city. Now it's time to take the next step. The Phase Two community workshops w ill focus on setting direction - identifying our goals and choosing targets that will help us meet them. We want your input, so come to a workshop or take an online survey at www.pdxplan.com . There’s talking about it. And then there’s actually doing something about it. PORTLAND PLAN PHASE II WORKSHOP SCHEDULE SOUTHEAST April 26,2010.6:30-9:00pm Central Catholic High School 2401 SE Stark Street NORTHEAST April 29.2010, 6:30-9 00pm Beaumont Middle School 4043 NE Fremont Street NORTH May 1,2010.lO am -l2:30pm University Park Community Center 9009 N Foss Avenue* CENTRAL CITY May 10, 2010,6:30-9:00pm University of Oregon ¡n Portland /0 NW Couch Street EAST May 15,2010,10am—12:30pm David Douglas High School 1001 SE 135th Avenue* WEST May 18,2010,6:30-9:00pni Jackson Middle School 10625 SW35th Avenue www.PDXPIan.com I Twitter: ©PDXPlan, #PDXPIan I Facebook: www.facebook.com/PDXPIan The Portland Plan team is committed to providing equal access to information and meetings. If you need special accommodations, please notify us five (5) days prior to the event by phone at 503-823-7700. by the TTY line at 503-823-6868. or by the’Oregon Relay Service at 1-800-735-2900. City of Portland I Metro I Multnomah County I Portland Public Schools I Parkrose School District I Centennial School District I David Douglas School District I Reynolds School District I Portland State University Oregon Health & Science University I University of Oregon I Portland Community College I Mt. Hood Community College I TriMet I Portland Development Commission I Housing Authority of Portland I Worksystems ' Fast Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District I West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District I Multnomah County Drainage District ‘ Childcare provided