-a£e —--------- ------------------------- Jl"' |Jnrthuib (Dhseruer____________________ Aprii 21.2010 by M ayo SAFEWAY O C linic S taff ( mayoclinic . com ) Pasta Salad with Vegetables S fo iw w . • 12 ounces farfalle (bow tie) pasta • 1 tablespoon olive oil • 1/4 cup low-sodium chicken broth • 1 garlic clove, chopped • 2 medium onions, chopped • 1 can (28 ounces) unsalted diced tomatoes • 1 pound mushrooms, sliced ■ 1 red bell pepper, sliced ■■GSr*',' • 1 green bell pepper, sliced !' , Directions Jr4 r Æ o * F R E E V d e o liv r d e e r r y . S a fe w a y x o m w •oster •arms RANCHERS Ingredients LJk / Home or O^tce_ Ingredients for life Weight Management Recipes • 2 medium zucchini, shredded • 1/2 teaspoon basil • 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1 8 romaine lettuce leaves VER GROCERIES ONLY EXTREME ;. ’1 Rancher’s Reserve® Beef 7-Bone Steak Club Price HH 1. Fill a large pot 3/4 full with ^ ^ J H . ... • : ; Jf&W L . water and bring to a boil. 2. Add the pasta and cook until ‘ al dente to 12 min- B I B I ^ B H H H H H H M H H B utes, or according to the package directions. Drain the pasta thoroughly. Place pasta in a large serving bowl. Add the olive oil and toss. Set aside. 3. In a large skillet, heat the chicken broth over medium heat. Add the garlic, onions and tomatoes. Saute until the onions are transparent, about 5 minutes. Add the remaining vegetables and saute until tender-crisp, about 5 minutes. Stir in the basil and oregano. fo s te r Farm s Fresh Whole Chicken Bone-In. Extreme Value Pack. Or 7-Bone Pot Roast or Blade Roast, SAVE up to SI.20 lb. L iz illy yrowu Or Spilt. »M i » lim it 3 SAVE up to 5 0e lb See W eekly Ad Sow m the bag SAVE up lc $ 2.0 0 lb I W w e f í n iU w I r a r t s c ' Samjgrs han Par* a»eí ar M e a liirk s .m u y Dean 8ac«i crSausapís seiectsd ■.»'iel«s C tó P n a S rS Ir a Club Price Red Seedless Grapes Fresh Cooked Nor them Shrimpmeat Club Price SAVE opte S t.21 lb. Club Price HR Weather permitting SAVE up to S3 0 0 lb Fresh Express Salads Red Oelicious Apples Imported SAVE up to $2.71 lb Club Price Club Price M Sara Lee Mix and Match Boneless W hole Pork Loin Club Price t t SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! Club Price 9 Io 12 02 packages Selected varieties SAVE up Io $1,50 ea French County Chicken with Mushroom Sauce Ingredients • • • • • • • • • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, each 4 ounces l tablespoon fresh rosemary (or 1 teaspoon dried rosemary) 2 tablespoons olive oil 4 shallots, thinly sliced 1/4 pound mushrooms, thinly sliced B J r 1 tablespoon all-purpose (plain) flour H ? 1/4 cup white wine H . 1/2 cup low-sodium chicken stock 1* 2 tablespoons chopped parsley K t Club Price General Mills Cinnamon Toast Crunch S afew ay Apple Juice 64-02, D airy Glen M ilk Gabon Whole 2% . 1 * or Pal Free, lim it 2 Selected varieties SAVE op te 20c Club Price Club Price «V 12,8-02 o t T rtx 10.7 02 Cereal Club Price $2.0(1 na. SAVE up to S 3 1 8 on 2 Kendall- Jackson Iffl or Chateau Sie Weiten« 750-ml. Selected varietals. SAVE up to $ 6 .0 0 Directions 1. Place the chicken breasts between wax paper and pound with a mallet to flatten. Cut each piece in half lengthwise. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm. 2. In a small frying pan, heat 1 tablespoon o f the olive oil over medium heat. Add the shallots and saute for about 3 minutes. Add the mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes more, stirring occasionally. 3. In a small bowl, whisk together the flour and wine until all the lumps are gone. Add the flour mixture to the shallots and mushrooms. Stir in the chicken stock and cook over medium-high heat. Stir until the sauce thickens, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add the rosemary. 4. In a large, nonstick skillet, heat the remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil over medium heat. Add the chicken and saute until no longer pink or until a thermometer inserted into the chicken reads 170 F, about 5 minutes. 5. To serve, transfer 2 chicken breast halves onto each plate. Spoon mushroom sauce over the chicken and garnish with parsley. Serve immediately. Single Bottle Sale Price ,.5 -q t Selected varieties. SAVE up Io $ 3 50 Club Price < ■ - - -s. îvï ? j ! ■ Ä» J— «î sL j» i 4V J * M 5 12 2 5& 1 6 « . S m t e ) vsneties OubFncs $2 5 0 m SAVE up to SI 98 a 2 750-ml. or larger Club Price Potatoes aa < SH 9 I I K y k W-lb.tìuq Russet N abisco Chips Ahoy! or R iti C rackers D reyer’s Ice Cream Club Price M l Six Pack Carrier Price «em kt A aurrbnM » a M k^i Nutritional Analysis (per serving) Serving size: 2 chicken breast halves Calories 239 Cholesterol 66 mg Protein 28 g Sodium 98 mg Carbohydrate 6 g Fiber 0.5 g Total fat 9 g Potassium 485 mg Saturated fat 1 g Calcium 30 mg Monounsaturated fat 1.5 g iW O f i lB R I R I R I EVI EH ERI X I * M i l - tall E b I HM Efil Em I w t o TMUR fri £ Ä Ä 5 sat sun fl»u Tues08> * * * mon ru e s Prices o n th is p a g e a r e e ffe c tiv e Wednesday, April 21 thru Tuesday, April 27,2010. A LL L IM IT S A RE PER H O U S E H O L D , PER D A Y. S e le c tio n va ries b y sto re . W h ile su pplies last. 20,0 h ’* Sä’e w s t» « « Oregon ««rep» Milfon -Freewater) and SW Washkwton stores servino Wahkiakum CnwHtx meicmsof S? sattom. No honor sales for nanfe liquor sates at licensee Safeway stares «Hy © ?010 Safeway Inc Availability o! «oms may'wry bystore oiaseo ano ree items no liquor sales