April 21, 2010 ih' Portiani» (Obstruer Local Student Honored Mameet Lewis of northeast Portland served as an academic princess during the National Cherry Blossom Festival earlier this month in Washington, DC. Lewis, a junior attending Concordia University after receiving her associate degree from Portland Community College, is a member of the Oregon and National Conference of State Societies, asso­ ciations of accomplished young women honored for their leadership, academic achievements, and interest in social, community, and world affairs. During the festival, Lewis and the princesses representing other states and several other coun­ tries participated in educational, leadership, and cultural activities that nurture international rela­ tionships and cultural exchanges. “I realize the significance of my selection, espe­ cially being a young lady of color from northeast Portland,” Lewis said. “My grandparents would be so proud of this selection and accomplishment.” A visit to the nation s capital was not new for M arnett Lewis served as an academic Lewis. In 2008, she served as an intern in the late princess during the National Cherry Sen. Edward M. Kennedy’s office. Blossom Festival.