April 2i. 2010__________________________ îh» Tiuri lanì» (Obseruer Pase 21 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE____________ SPINAi COLUMN Dr. Billy R. Flowers An ongoing scries of questions and answers about Am ericas natural healing profession Part 34. Osteoperosis and Bone Loss Reversal : C ould my g o lf sw ing However, people who play golf n ess. M ost in ju rie s o f th e se hurt my back? or racquet sports are more prone types respond well to c o n ser­ : People who exercise regu to injuries because o f the fre ­ vative chiropractic treatm ents. larly and perform stretch­ quent tw isting and bending m o­ A c h iro p racto r can show you ing and strengthening exercise tions. And casual athletes could how to prevent these in ju ries are less likely to injure their be more at risk for injuries as well; with pro p er co n d itio n in g and b a c k s. T h e ir s u p p o rtin g depending on their level o f fit­ technique. m uscles, such as their stom ach, ham strin g s, and g lu teals are stronger and more flexible from 2124 N .E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 regular conditioning. 0 Flowers' Chiropractic Office Successful Jefferson High School alumni are depicted in the home-grown book ‘10 0 Years o f Excellence. ' P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 Glorious Years c o n t i n u e d f r o m Front Rogers says, “ but it was the schol­ ars who really stood out. We learned about people we h adn’t known anything about. It was just fascinating.” The book includes the follow ­ ing: Edw ard Perkins, a career am ­ bassador who helped broker the end o f the racial apartheid system in South Africa. Dr. W alter Reynolds, the first A frican-A m erican graduate of what is now the Oregon Health and Sciences U niversity. Carl Talton, the first African- Am erican chair of the Portland Developm ent Com mission. Industrialist Art Riedel. George A zum ano, interned in a detention cam p with other Japa­ nese Americans during World War II, who founded one of the c ity ’s leading travel agencies. Duncan Cam pbell, self-m ade tim ber tycoon who used his wealth to create the non-profit Friends of the C hildren, together with other good works. R eporter Anne Sullivan. D istinguished choreographer Patti Benson. M uralist Isaka Sham sud-Din. Jazz guitarist Norman Sylvester. A tto rn e y and c o n g re ssm a n W endell W yatt N ancy R yles, a R epublican state senator so w ell-respected that, for her final term , she ran unopposed. Tony Hopson, a sports star who went on to co-found the non-profit Self-Enhancem ent, Inc., together with fellow alum Ray Leary. Ancer Haggerty, a Vietnam War Silver Star honoree who became a state and federal court judge. A ctress Virginia Ann Patton M o ss, w ho p la y e d Ja m e s S tew art’s sister-in-law in the film “It’s a W onderful L ife.” N obel Prize w inner W arren W ashington. And let us not forget Charles W ashington, the publisher of the Portland Observer. The sheer num bers of worthy nom inees, and in som e cases the lack of available information, meant th a t so m e g o o d c a n d id a te s w eren’t included. “W e’re keep­ ing track o f them ,” Rogers says. M any of those who were included “not only gained prom inence in their field, but really m ade m ajor contributions to society and the w orld,” she says. In addition to the three princi­ pal authors, many other people lent a hand in the book’s produc­ tion. “It took longer than we thought it would, but it was a great jo b by a lot of people,” Rogers says. “ 100 Years o f E xcellence” is available at A insw orth Drug and Gifts, 4027 N. Interstate Ave., or online atjeffersonalum .com . P O R T L A N D ’ S A F R IC A N A M E R IC A N FORUM - HOSTED BY TH E NORTH W EST L E A D E R S H IP AREA F O U N D A T IO N You are cord ially invited by the Portland African Am erican Leadership Forum to learn about potential perspectives on addressing inequities in Portlan d’s African Am erican com m unity. ► W h a t s h o u ld P o r t l a n d ’s A fric a n A m e ric a n l e a d e r s ’ c o lle c tiv e s te p s to w a rd r a c ia l e q u ity a n d j u s t i c e lo o k lik e ? ► W h a t is T r a n s fo r m a tio n a l C h a n g e a n d how m ig h t it lo o k in P o r t l a n d ’s A fric a n A m e ric a n c o m m u n ity ? O ur h o n o ra ry g u e st sp e a k e r for th is even t is Dr. John p o w e ll from the K irw an In s titu te fo r the Study o f R ace and E th n ic ity at th e U n iv e rs ity o f O hio. * ÜLz - Dr. p o w e ll is an in te rn a tio n a lly re c o g n iz e d a u th o rity in the areas o f c iv il rig h ts, c iv il lib e rtie s , and is s u e s 'r e la t in g to race, e th n ic ity , p o v e rty and the law . DATE: T h u r s d a y , A p r i l 2 2 , 2 0 1 o T IM E : 5 : 3 0 TO 7 : 3 0 L O C A T IO N : S elf E n h a n c e m e n t , I n c . 3920 N K erby A v e . P o r t l a n d , OR RSVP: 97227 S t e p h a n H e r r e r a 5 0 3 .2 8 0 .2 6 0 0 X 634 S H E R R E R A @ U L P D X .O R G * T h i s is a n i n v i t a t i o n o n l y e v e n t * Advertise with diversity in 111C Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 orth pm ads@portlandob server.com