A p ril 21, 2010 ilu' Portiani* (Observer Advocate c o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 9 tention. One of the notions is to create the Justice Center area of Rockwood at a transit stop so you can create a transit-oriented development because right now the services are so bad and the poverty is so bad. I was doing work with Gresham a few years ago and to witness the housing stock and the desperate situa- tions of low-income people, it's amazing. It's as bad or as worse as north and northeast Portland in the 1980s. The crime rate has just gone through the roof, and there is fewer police per thou­ sand than any other place in the state, and you don't have the services to deal with that. What are your thoughts on the never-opened Wapato Jail? [State Senator] Chip Shields has a pretty good notion for the state to buy it, and the state is reluctant because it doesn't fit their needs or requirements. I'm not totally sold on that idea. I think the sheriff has a great idea. Each county is required to train their guards and each county has an uneven training proce­ dure that should be more profes­ sional because prison guards need to be trained well because it's such a dangerous situation for everyone. So he has a notion of why don't we turn that into a training center? 2010 Joyce Washington Classic « Game Day: Saturday, May 8 Page 17 Advertise with diversity in lk P ortland O bserver Call 503-288-0033 ads@portlandob server.com BUSINESS/J/rccZory State Farm* I nterstate D ental C linic Providing Insurance and financial Services Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois 61/10 5835 N Interstate Ave, P ortland, O R 97217 Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue, Portland. OB 9/217 503 286 1103 Fax 503 2861146 ernie.hill.h5mb@statefarm com watch video at http:// www.yellowpages.com/ Info- 266889 1/lnterstate-Oental-Cllnlc 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® (503)946-6273 edw arw ard2 @ aol.com Doors ODen at 3 n.m . Location: A Self Enhancement 3920 N. Kerby Ave. website: www.cosmeticdentalportland.com/ Default.htm H igh School A ll-S tar B asketball L ineup Joyce Washington Scholarship 2010 Women’s All -Star Teams Joyce Washington Scholarship 2010 Men’s All-Star Teams Head Coach: Floyd Hall Head Coach: M ichael H arper PIAYERS HIGHSCHOOL PLAYERS HIGH SCHOOL A riel R eynolds Jefferson D enaya Brazzle Jefferson K atelyn L oper Postfalls M ikayla Elliott Franklin S h a ’nice Storey St. M ary ’s Z oie Sheng St. M ary ’s M arin H obson Franklin K risten Sw im Franklin M ackenzie L am som Lincoln K rystal Forthan Texas BJ Jones A ntoine H osley D om inique G iles N oah K o n e’ N elson N athan M addox M itch B eckw ith Jay G oldsby J e ff Parrish Jr C huck Shields C h risto p h er W ells R eedL ew allen Sam V an Buren C am eron Houle 1 Head Coach: A licia Riddle PIAYERS HIGHSCHOOL JudeS chim m el Franklin S am antha M cloud Franklin Razja G oodm an Grant A rquaezia Jackson Jefferson K iara Berry Grant M arch ae’ F esser D e La Salle B ailee Jurgenson Franklin M arranda Santiago M arshall Sarah C abantoy M arshall D om inique Butler M arshall Jefferso n Jefferso n M arshall Jefferso n C leveland M arshall M arshall H eritage C leveland Franklin Riverdale Riverdale C leveland E v e n ts bq P e la n a , L L C I ’latrnijm D e l a n a M a x w e ll~ ( 2 ,o lJ in s f HaKhcr C.i’hsuitiition by Ai’powtmrnt 5 o y -7 5 "M O 7 S w w w .b e lla .e v e n ts @ q a h o o .c o m w w w .h e ila e v e n ts 1 .v p w e b .c o m Horace S. Simpson Textured HairSpecialist/Designer Beautyfirst & Salon C lackam as Prom enade 8946 SE Sunnyside R oad Clackamas, OR 97015-7778 Head Coach: M ichael H olton Assistant Coach: M ichael M angum PIAYERS HIGHSCHOOL JD E sters K enneth A cker T rev o r R itchie T errence R oss A ustin B ooker T im othy Lott A nthony H olton R obert L azenby T re B attle A ndre Pennington Justin M inton M ichael M angum Jr. * W omen’s Coach of the Year: Ikeya N ew ton, Jefferson H igh School Lincoln Grant W ilson Jeffersö n B en so n M arshall S u n se t W ilson Grant B en so n Franklin Jefferson M en’s Coach of the Year: Pat Strickland, Jefferson High School 503.654.4656 or 503.654.5357 Relaxer • Cut-Style • C olor ççARgg? MOONSTAR Alberta Street M arket 222 N. K illingsw orth A ve. Portland, O r 97211 TEAM V IIU .I.IK S PO R TLA N D D EVELOPM ENT C O M M IS S IO N M iz a n i P r o fe s s io n a l H a ir c a r e p r o d u c ts u s e d a n d s o ld a t th is s a lo n u p sca leb arb ersp a@ y ah o o .co m u ? z J boyds State Farm* Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 Picture Perfect Lawn Landscape Michael E Harper P H (5 0 3 ) 9 7 0 -5 7 4 3 L ic e n s e d a n d B o n d e d Portland Community College IM IV IA N C I LC B 6165 W e m oved to rP R T L A N O Bashor's PDC Thurs. 9-3 (a fter 3 b y A p p t.) Saturday 9-3 Stop by or call for Appointment A gent Sponsored by: M.OF hf-JiliAMJSPu- Availability: F o r an appointm ent, call: (503)734-5312 In memory o f Cory Neal Washington, 1965-1991 S»m 1929 ABEL B a rb e r Lß JAM ES BOYD f . M H t "t ft V S i l l i - n o i f i 3535 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97218 o ur new location: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, OR 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757