Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 21, 2010, Page 10, Image 10

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11,1 ^Jortlanì» (Dbseruer
April 21, 2010
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Dr. Ann Hightower (from
left)joins Irvington Village
resident Ruth Beale,
Providence ElderPlace
executive Cindy Noordik
and Irvington resident Iola
Spencer at a special
ceremony this month
dedicated to Providence
taking over operations of
the northeast Portland
i \ j retirement facility.
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classlfieds@portlandobserver.com
28th Annual Women’s Day Celebration
May 22 & 23,2010
Our Theme: "What Happens When Women Say Yes To God"
photo by Mark
Portland Observer
Romans 12:1,2
Saturday, May 22,2010 - Women's Day Brunch - 11:30 PM to 2:00 PM
Water Resource Education Center, 46(X) SE Columbia Way - Vancouver, WA
TICKETS: SI5.00 per person
Call 360-828-5512 or 360-693-4566 for info / tickets
Irvington Village Celebrates
Sunday, May 2 3 ,2 0 10
Celebration Serv ices
C om m unity A. M. E. Zion C hurch
3605 East 13th Street - Vancouver, WA
11:00 AM Worship Service
G uest Speaker: Elder B everly Eubanks, Pastor
G race C ovenant Fellow ship C hurch — Portland, OR
4:00 PM Celebration Service
K eynote Speaker:
Rev. Dr. B everly B eeler-Petty, Pastor
Risen Faith Fellow ship C hurch - O lym pia, WA
(BIO): Reverend Dr. Charlotte Lee Beeler-Petty
founded Risen Faith Fellowship Church in 19X9. She is
an ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies
of the World, Inc. and serves as District Elder with
Bishop Curtis E Montgomery, Diocesan o f the Pacific
Northwest District Council. She is Lay Director of
the Western Region of the Pentecostal Assemblies of
the World, Inc. She received her BA in Christian
Education - Seattle Pacific University; MA in
Counseling & Guidance - Seattle University; Honorary
Doctor o f Divinity - Acnon Bible College.
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc.
presents the
The Irvington V illage, hom e to
m any o f northeast P o rtlan d ’s m ost
vulnerable seniors, w as blessed in a
special cerem o n y as the new est
Providence ElderPlace facility serv­
ing M ultnom ah C ounty.
fh e A pril 6 blessing follow ed a
year-lo n g process prom pted w hen
C ovenant R etirem ent C om m unities
approached Providence to help se­
cure the future o f Irvington V illage,
the only source o f affordable hous­
ing and M edicaid funded services
in the N ortheast P ortland co m m u ­
“ W e recognize this facility is not
j ust a critical resource for this neig h ­
borhood, it is also an im portant part
o f its h isto ry ,” said D on K eister,
director o f P rovidence ElderPlace.
“ W e w ant to m ake sure it continues
to serv e the N o rth e a st P o rtlan d
com m unity for m any years to com e.”
A bout one-third o f the residents
o f Irvington V illage are Providence
E lderP lace participants. T he non-
E lderP lace residents also have the
option ofbecom ing ElderPlace m em ­
F o rm e r S ta te S en . M a rg a re t
C arter, deputy d irecto r for hum an
services program s at the O regon
D ep artm en t o f H um an S ervices,
w elcom ed P rovidence during the
celebration. “ W e are very grateful
to P rovidence for pro tecting the
future o f Irvington V illage,” she
said. C arter w as instrum ental in d is­
c u ssio n s that led to P ro v id en c e
assu m in g o p eration o f the facility
last A ugust.
T he blessing follow ed several
m onths o f renovations at Irvington
V illage, including the construction
o f a health and social service center
on the first floor - integral to serving
E lderP lace participants. T he reno­
vation w as m ade possible by the
Spirit M ountain C om m unity Fund
and the P rovidence P ortland M ed i­
cal C en ter Foundation.
Suh Could Go No. 1
w ith sports
W ith a future m ultim illion co n ­
from the Col lege o f Engineering with tract all but assured, Suh has a l­
a degree in co nstruction m an ag e­ ready pledged to donate $2.6 m illion
to his alm a m atter to b e e f up its
A s a d e fe n siv e lin em an fo r U N , athletic facility and p rovide sch o l­
he ra c k ed up 215 c a re e r ta c k le s, arships for students.
in c lu d in g 57 fo r lo st y a rd a g e , 24
T h is p ro m p ted one M ichigan
sa c k s, six b lo c k e d k ic k s, 15 p ass sports colu m n ist, in calling for the
b re a k u p s and 38 q u a rte rb a c k h u r­ D etroit Lions to pick up Suh, to
ries. H e a lso sc o re d th re e to u c h ­ w rite, “ I think N d am u k o ng Suh has
d o w n s. Suh a lso b e c a m e the first ev ery th in g it takes to be a superstar
N e b ra sk a d e fe n siv e lin e m a n to player. It also looks like he m ight
lead the team in tack les sin ce 1973. have w hat it takes to be a superstar
A fter g raduating Suh has been p e rs o n .”
poised to jo in the N FL as a top pick,
Learn about
Saturday, M ay1
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
NECA/IBEW Electrical
Training Center
16021 NE A irp o rt Way, Portland
FREE admission, child care,
parking & EcoShuttle
from Gateway
w w w .t r a d e s w o m e n .n e t
front page 3
Police Leader Resigns
c o n t i n u e d f r o m page 3
old girl w ith a b ean b ag shotgun at a
M ax station. H um phreys w as also
m etro area,” he said in a resignation one o f the o ffic e rs in v o lv e d in
letter M onday. “ T his type o f d is­ C h asse ’s death.
traction has created a rift am ong the
S altzm an w ith d rew the suspen­
m em b ers w ho support m e and o th ­ sion after the union held a no co n ­
ers w ho are em b arrassed by m y fidence vote on him and Police C h ie f
b eh av io r and the P ortland Police R osie Sizer. The results o f the vote
A sso ciatio n needs the type o f unity w ere n ev er released.
w e shared in N o v em b er o f 2 0 0 9 .”
W esterm an ’s resignation takes
T he date refers to a m assive d em ­ effect on June 19. In the m eantim e, he
onstration the police union held after wi 11 be taking a leave o f absence whi le
Police C om m issioner Dan Saltzm an Dave Dobler, the treasurer for the
s u s p e n d e d O ffic e r C h ris to p h e r Portland Police A ssociation takes the
H um phreys for shooting a 12-year- reigns as interim union president.