Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 14, 2010, Page 6, Image 6

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    Page 6
Jl" Portiani» (Dbseruer
April 14. 2010
Supreme Court Justice to Step Down
Giving Obama second court pick
(AP) — Suprem e Court Ju s­
tice John Paul Stevens, the
c o u rt's o ld e st m em b er and
leader o f its liberal bloc, is re­
tir in g . P re s id e n t B a ra c k
O bam a now has his second
high court opening to fill.
Stevens said Friday he will
step down when the court fin­
ishes its work for the summer in
late June or early July. He said
he hopes his successor is con­
firmed "well in advance o f the
commencement o f the court's
next term."
S te v e n s'
an n o u n c e m e n t
leaves ample time for the White
House to settle on a successor
and for Senate Democrats, who
control a 59-vote majority, to
hold confirmation hearings and a
vote before the court's next term
begins in October. Republicans
have not ruled out attempts to
delay confirmation.
S te v e n s ' a n n o u n c e m e n t. Justice John Paul Stevens
w hich cam e 11 days before his
90th birthday, had been hinted
at for months. It's presum ed
O bam a will nom inate another
liberal, so Stevens' departure
w ouldn't alter the court's philo­
sophical makeup.
T h ro u g h o u t h is te n u re ,
w hich began after President
G erald Ford nom inated him in
1975, Stevens usually sided
with the court's liberal bloc in
the m ost contentious cases —
those involving abortion, crim i­
nal law, civil rights and church-
state relations. He led the dis­
senters as w ell in the case o f
Bush v. G ore that sealed P resi­
dent G eorge W. Bush's elec­
tion in 2000.
Stevens began signaling a
possible retirem ent last sum ­
m er when he hired ju st one o f
his usual com plem ent o f four
law clerks for the next court
term. He acknow ledged in sev­
eral interview s that he was
contem plating stepping down
and w ould certainly do so dur­
ing O bam a's presidency.
TriMet Boosts Security As Past Efforts Pay Dividends
TriM et has won a $1.9 mil
lion T ransportation Safety A d­
m inistration grant to enhance
security on the transit system
at the same tim e it is heralding
an 19 percent decrease o f re­
ported crim e on MAX
The announcement came on
the second anniversary o f the
opening o f the East Police Pre
cinct in Gresham, which has seen
a 50 percent decrease in re­
ported crime on MAX over the
past year
“T riM et’s top priority is to
operate a safe and secure tran­
sit system ,” said TriM et G en­
eral M anager Fred H ansen.
“W ith partners like TSA, w e’re
able to continue to expand our
efforts that help reduce inci­
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TriMet’s top priority is to
operate a safe and secure
transit system.
dents of crim e on the system .”
The grant will add security
cameras at nine MAX stations,
boost p e rim e te r secu rity at
TriM et facilities and fund a
backup Command Center.
The stations slated for se­
curity cam eras on the east side
include 122nd A venue, 02nd
Avenue, G atew ay Transit C en­
ter, Parkrose/Sum ner Transit
C e n te r, N o rth e a s t S ev en th
A venue, and the C onvention
Center. On the w est side, they
are the G oose H ollow /South-
west Jefferson Street , M illikan
Way, and O renco-N orthw est
231st A venue stations.
Installation will begin this sum­
mer, bringing the total number o f
stations with cameras to 74 out
or 84, many tunded with TSA
O v er the past 2.5 years,
TriM et has taken several steps
to increase secu rity on the
MAX system , including the
doubling the num ber o f transit
police officers, from 29 to 58
officers; doubling the num ber
o f TriM et sta ff dedicated to
fare inspection (from 15 to 30),
and asking its 46 supervisors
to check fares as part o f their
daily duties.
TriM et also changed code
to add intim idation as behavior
restricted on the system and
made a pledge to rem ove graf­
f i t i w ithin 24 hours at m ajor
MAX stations and transit cen­
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