April 14, 2010 a:i’' JJortlanb (Observer Herbs and Diet Supplements Alternative remedies grow in popularity R ebekah B elle T he P ortland O bserver by Prescription prices are put­ ting the bite on household bud­ gets. The recession is am plify­ ing the pain as w orkers lose health coverage and em ploy­ ers cut back on drug benefits. M ore A m erican s are being forced to choose betw een buy­ ing food and buying m edicine. But in the herbs and diet supplement market, sales are in c re a sin g d e sp ite the bad economy, according to an Asso­ ciated Press review o f recent data from market-watchers and retailers. Medicines, both herbal and pharmaceutical, are big business. These days, Americans spend $200 billion per year on prescrip­ tion drugs and $20 billion on herbs and other dietary supplements (Britannica Online Encyclope­ dia). Bob Hodges, the owner o f the E m erald F orest H erbarium , agrees. His store at 315 N.E. Wygant St. has seen a real in­ crease o f people seeking alter­ native remedies from all walks o f life Hodges has been in his shop PHOTO by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver for over seven years and has grown with the times. He car­ Despite a poor economy, business is increasing for the herbs and diet supplement market as witnessed by Bob ries over 500 herbs as well as Hodges, owner of Emerald Forest Herbarium, located at 315 N.E. Wygant St., one half block from Northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. other health supplements like essential oils, extracts, and amino ety o f herbal aids. When choosing the best rem­ acids; along with products from Although many people feel edy or preventive medicine, most the Life Extension and NOW herbs are unscientific, primitive, o f us simply want the safest, Henrietta Browning Owner/ Tax Consulant i brands. unproved and ineffective, there most effective option available, I W hile striving to provide the is another side o f the story to whether it’s food, herbs or a best herbs available on the m ar­ these commonly accepted be­ pharmaceutical drug. I Call (503) 665-7000 For An Appointment ket, he also offers a research liefs about herbs. Over 130 mil­ Do your homework to find out I Just bring this coupon with you, and you will receive a library to help custom ers make lion prescription drugs come from all you can before making any « discount o f 20% OFF your tax return preparation fee. the best decisions when choos­ plants. 75 percent o f the hor­ herb or drug a regular part of I (valid from 1/23/10-4/15/10) ing herbs. He also will provide mones used in medicine today your health routine. Also be sure LIST OF OUR SERVICES: consultation and research on are derived com pletely from to speak with your doctor before | | • Premier Tax Preparation Services for Individuals and herbalism and related studies. plants. taking supplements. | Small Busineesses “There is a real em power­ For exam ple, digitalis is a So many people are taking • Bookkeeping and Payroll Services ment when taking control ofhelp- drug used to stim ulate the heart a ltern ativ e m ed icin es these | • Over 20 years IRS Experience ing yourself,” Hodges said. “In and com es from an herb called days that som e conventional | some cases herbal remedies for foxglove. A nother exam ple is m edical practitioners are be­ ? • Free E-File with Tax Return Preparation simple ailments such as acid re­ the effective anti-clotting agent com ing better inform ed and I • Authorized E-File with Tax Return Preparation flux, can be soothed with a very called coum arol that com es m ore accepting o f these treat­ I • Authorizes E-File Provider | • Fast Accurate Refunds simple and inexpensive combi­ from an herb—sw eet clover. m ents. I t’s im portant to be • Low Competitive Prices nation o f herbs including marsh­ Though herbal supplements aw are o f any interactions be­ mallow, licorice and slippery are an alternative to pharma­ tw een herbs and pharm aceuti­ I • Specialize in Reporting Foreclosure, Bankruptcy and | Cancelled Debt Income elm.” ceuticals, herbs actually receive cals. Y our doctor should be Hodges is also seeing a unifi­ less governmental regulation, so able to help you avoid com pli­ g • Open Year Round to Serve You • Service Provided in English and Spanish c a tio n o f E a ste rn C h in ese it’s important to be aware o f cations betw een herbs and any j We are located at: 17988 NE Glisan Street herbalism and Western herbalism how both industries are regu­ other m edications you m ight I I (just o ff 181st and Glisan Street) Portland, Or. 97230 giving consumers a wider vari- lated. be taking. ¡r TAX SOLUTIONS CENTER- ] I Grand Opening Special Coupon