-------------------------------------^Llortlaub (Observer_______________________ F a B living W/ REBEKAH STAR Juice Cleanse alcohol prior to juicing. DIY: Most programs cost be­ tween $50 and $ 100 per day. If you have a juicer, you can do it yourself for significantly less. The Norwalk Juicer(nwjca,.com, $2,395) is gener­ ally considered to be the best, but the Breville Die-Cast Fountain Elite is a close second, and a fraction of the cost (brevilleusa.com, $299). W hat it is: All juice, all the time. How it works: The basic premise April 7,2010 Are you ready for Spring Cleaning? From juice cleanses to salt rooms. IV cocktails to sweat therapy, detox continues to he the health trend du jour. And. says Dr. Rashmi Gulati, the director at New York's Patients Medical, there’s no better time than now’ to clear your body o f toxins. In the fa ll and H ow it w orks: IV therapy can be used to build up the body’s nutri- tional stores — i.e., infuse minerals and vitamins directly to tissues and cells— and to extract toxins through behind juicing is that it frees up energy to engage in deep cleaning. the use o f chelating agents. Either Blueprint Cleanse founder Zoe way, the main advantage o f IV Sakoutis explains, “The energy nor­ therapy is that it’s a direct line to mally spent on breaking down a bloodstream. sandwich, a Twinkie, or even a big N eed to know : This is not your healthy salad can now be re-directed standard spa treatment and should to helping the body ‘clean house.” only be administered by an accred- Need to know: The cleanse will W hat it is: An intravenous injec­ ited physician, nurse, or medical go down much better if you prepare tion that bypasses the digestive assistant. your body for it — which means track and delivers detoxifying agents DIY: Patients Medical’s Dr. Wil- phasing out meat, dairy, coffee and directly to the tissues and cells. liam Lee recommends the Core Re- IV Therapy store Kit by Ort ber- and protein can be mixed wit TT Q 1 _ x *1 d l(J lilC W hat it is: H therapy, historic« one o f Europe’ss have manmade s H ow itw orks: highly dispersible it is able to travel tl and absorbs bactei your lungs. It’s al a beneficial impac asthma, and alien w inter, Gulati explains, the body’ goes into a state o f quasi-hibernation. Come spring, your body — in har­ mony with nature — is ready fo r a rebirth. Here, we take a look at six different way’s to detox, how they work, and what you should know. Molecular, a fi- ch powder that vater or juice. and help move stagnant energy, stimulating the immune system and the parasympathetic nervous sys- j n y tem N eed to know : Make sure your r J »therapy, or salt / meant a visit to caves. Now we rooms. ;causeofthedry, iture o f rock salt, »ugh the airways and mucus from thought to have 1 skin irritations, therapist is certified in manual lym- phatic drainage therapy (LDT) and avoid this type o f massage if you have a heart condition or are under- going radiation or chemotherapy, DIY: Dry brushing is a great way to maintain lymphatic health. Take a soft-bristle brush and apply light strokes on the arms, legs, and abdo- men in the direction o f the heart. American Diabetes Association ALERT! DAY Mud Therapy W hat it is: A full-body mud or Sweat Therapy W hat it is: Call it a steam room, 1 in 5 Americans are at higher risk for developing type 2 diabetes. You might not know it, but you can find out if you’re one of them with a simple test. And then take steps to delay or even prevent a disease that kills more Americans every year than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Join the movement to Stop Diabetes. TAKE THE DIABETES RISK TEST at stopdiabetes.com or 1-800-DIABETES. » I • I l i I I I I i t t i I I I I I I I STOP DIABETES sauna, banya, or hammam, the basic idea is this: It’s hot, you’re sweat­ ing. H ow it w orks: Our skin is the biggest organ in our body and when we sweat, w e’re not just cooling down our body, but also eliminating toxins. N eed to know : Lower tempera­ ture saunas are thought to be more effective as a detoxifying technique because they stimulate a “fat sweat” as opposed to a “water sweat.” Ei­ ther way, be sure to take it slowly and drink plenty o f water. DIY: You don’t need a sauna to sweat— exercise works just as well, if not better: By reducing body fat, you’re eliminating storage space for toxins (they love to hang out in the fatty cells). Lymphatic Massage W hat it is: A gentle massage targeting the lymphatic system. H ow it w orks: Soft-touch open­ ing techniques promote lymph flow clay wrap or bath. How it w orks: “Bentonite clay particles carry a negative electrical charge, while toxins carry a positive charge” explains Kelli Ziegler, di­ rector o f the Spa at Camelback Inn. “The negatively charged molecules draw the positively-charged toxins out through the skin pores.” Need to know: Mud therapy is not for the claustrophobic, as it typi­ cally involves being wrapped up in a cocoon-like sleeping bag or layer o f towels and heating pads, for at least 20 minutes. It’s also not recom­ mend for pregnant women or those with iodine or shellfish allergies. D IY : Ziegler recommends Living Clay Com pany’s Detox Clay Pow­ der ($22.95). It can also be useful to exfoliate the skin prior to your mud rubdown in order to slough o ff dead skin and open up the pores. A lso reco m m en d ed is N atu ro p ath ica’s E spresso Mud Body Scrub ($48). Like Dr. Gulati says, spring is natures time to rejuvenate! Let’s also rejuvenate our bodies and make a point to become more and more healthy. I have tried most o f these six ways ofcleansing and it’s amaz­ ing how easy it is to get that extra pep in your step- try one! I love to hear your feedback, so please visit our Facebook Page- FaB Living w/ Rebekah Star and post your com­ ments or questions. Until next week- Live Fabulously!