Page 20 111,1 Portiani» (Dbseruer April 7, 2010 SAFEWAY Ö to your Horne ui « Ingredients for life. « k. . » SATURDAY & SUNDAY ONLY! Rancher’s Reserve® Beef Top Round London Broil Extreme Value Pack. Or Top Round Roast. SAVE up to $2.50 lb. Baked Salmon Fillets with Goat Cheese and Coriander Club Price Ingredients • 4 tbsp. olive oil • 1/2 c. onion, ehopped • 1 tbsp. garlic, finely ehopped • 1/2 c. dry red w ine • 4 tbsp. capers • 1 tbsp. fresh rosem ary, chopped (or 1 tsp. dried) • 1 tsp. fresh oregano, chopped (o r 1/2 tsp. dried) • 1/8 tsp. hot red pepper flakes • 1/2 c. canned tom atoes, crushed • Salt to taste • Pepper to taste, freshly ground • 12 pitted black olives • 4 ( 6 oz. ea.) boneless salm on fillets • 1/3 lb. goat cheese, crum bled • 2 tbsp. anise-flavored liquor (like Ricard) • 4 tbsp. fresh coriander, chopped 129 I ™ I Pork Shoulder Blade Roast H) B e r« -In Or Bone-In S Country Styl« Rib Club Price HI Alaskan Sockeye Salmon Fillets Of Thighs Or lenders or Ih n Steed f$ 2 4 9 lb SAVE up to SI 00 lb Club Price I S Whole Under 2 Ins 57991b t Froren,'ttiawee h i SAVE dp to $4 00 b Club Price I Safeway Variety Breads SAVE upto$3.iX)ea Club Price I i 2 4 -or Selected varieties ; Club Price $ 1.50 ea SAVE up to S2 5 0 lb Club Price I Club Price t U save up to 5 «« on 2 Directions 1. H eat 2 tablespoons of the olive oil in a saucepan. A dd onion and garlic. 2. C ook briefly w hile stirring. A dd w ine, capers, rosem ary, oregano, pepper flakes, tom atoes, salt, p ep p er and olives. 3. Bring to a boi, and sim m er 5 m inutes. 4. Pour 1 tablespoon of the oil in a baking dish large enough to hold the fish in one layer. A rrange fish skin side dow n. Sprinkle w ith salt and pepper. Pour the tom ato sauce around the fish fillets. Brush the top o fth e fillets w ith the rem aining 1 tablespoon oil and the cheese. 5. B ake in a preheated 475 degree oven for 5 m inutes. 6. Sprinkle w ith the Ricard. Sw itch to the broiler and broil for 5 m inutes. Do not overcook. 7. S prinkle w ith the coriander and serve im m ediately. Serves 4. r- Jumbo Artichokes EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE Club Price HI Ingredients • 1 pound ground beef, lean • 1 sm all onion, chopped • 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt • 1/4 teaspoon pepper • 10 3/4 ounces cream o f m ushroom soup, condensed • 4 o u n c e s m u s h ro o m stem s and pieces, drained • 3/4 cup sour cream , or y o g u rt Directions 1. In m edium skillet, brown g ro u n d b e e f and onion; drain excess fat. 2. Stir in garlic salt, pepper, soup and m ushroom s. S im m er covered, 15 to 20 m inutes. 3. Stir in sour cream ; heat through, but do not boil. 4. Serve over rice, noodles or chow m ein noodles. Serving Size: 4 Club Price I 9 6 to 18-oz Selected vanebes Ckib Price $ 2 50 ea i SAVE up to $ 2 58 on 2 Gallon Limit 2 Club Price I Safeway SELECT® Laundry Detergent Ground Beef Stroganoff Nabisco Oreo or Honey Maid Dairy Glen Milk High in Potassium1 | SAVE up tc $ 2 99 on 2 ! 130-31 2« Lgudor 130 or i 2« Pewder 9 6 1 carts 11 Selected varebet 10 §C for TT ” ■ Mlw Club Price Yoplait Yogurt 4 to 6-ov Seine ted varieties ; Club Price 50e ea HI save up to 9 0 t on / DiGtomo or California P in a Kitchen Pizza to Club Price I ¡1 1 9 1 0 3 2 7 -0 2 I Selected varieties SmtMteidPtmiam Sliced Stan 19Í 16« «ertedvSirtn. SAVE US n $3 Ob < ■ ea CLUB PRICE Caliimhii-CiKt Estates or Chateav St« «¡ettette ’ WM-SebAwtet,' BU Y A M Y 2 participating Lipton Tea (12-pk. 16.9-oz b ottles) or Pepsi (24-pk, 12-oz. cans) and C B T 1 FR E E bag o f Ruffles Potato Chips (9 to 10-oa. ‘ia la iflw tirn rim lr* Ruffles P o t a t o C h ip s SATURDAY SUNDAY ONtY! J | J A 12-Patk Widmer. £ E Oh« Miii «tn Safeway Out Cjrtl between 4 r IC-CU- W. Item t « » poxnasef i ___________ . ' ■ ! ki> ¡ldi!«; 'üt «tifir TfeomuMb Club Card B I Specials LO W PRICES or purclwsed items only Club Price ! 7 8 WED TMUR 9 10 11 12 That's our ; * 74 Prices in this ad good th rough April 13th. ALL LIMITS ARE PER HOUSEHOLD, PER DAY. 13 ENI notch free items I emit one coudoh ner nurrtiased tom firet-ww .«iih^™ ^ PO-OB m excess of 52 gallons No k m sates lor resale Liquor s X , ¡6 4 o i Selected varieties I (SAVE up to $1.01 49 E Ä T “ 9tMi! Setawr, ' ■ ■ e tat» « * # « o ö r utter HHH Always great of EVERYDAY A PR IL I l Ocean Spray Cranberry Cocktail Drinks ?, ! . lhe ,e9U!3r applies. Manufacture« coupons may be used