Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 07, 2010, Page 13, Image 13

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    Pase 13
Apr'17'2010__________________ iht Ttortlanfr (Observer
A rts
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Tenant Search for Firehouse
City hopes to find
a new operator
W ith the pending closure o f the
non-profit Interstate Firehouse C ul­
tural C enter, Inc., the Portland Parks
and R ecreation D epartm ent is invit­
ing proposals for future tenants o f
the m ulticultural com m unity center
at 5340 N. Interstate A ve.
“ W e w ant to m ove quickly to find
a new tenant and lim it any closure o f
the firehouse building,” notes Lisa
Turpel, the departm ent's W orkforce
and C om m unity A lliance m anager,
“ and w e w ant to proceed in a w ay
th a t’s transparent, as well as ex p e­
d itio u s.”
Turpel said the goal is to m inim ize
the im pact on the com m unity by
ensuring a w ide range o f arts p ro ­
gram s continue, especially for youth.
The follow ing are the prim ary
criteria established for any p o ten ­
tial future tenant:
1) Provides m ulticultural arts p ro­
gram m ing, show casing d iverse art-
1505 NE Killingsworth
Portland OR, 97211
Mon-Thurs 11:00 AM - 10:00 PM
Fri-Sat 11:00 AM - 11:00 PM
Sunday 12:00 AM - 7:00 PM
The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center needs a new operator.
ists and offering arts p rogram m ing
o fin terest to P ortland’s diverse com ­
m unities
2) C om m itm ent to the com m unities
o f north and northeast Portland
3) A proven track record o f finan­
cial stability and com m unity engage­
m ent
T he building currently consists
o f a sm all dance studio, tw o art
galleries, a 100+ seat theater, and
sm all kitchen area, all o f w hich are
A D A accessible. A n elev ato r ser­
vices the ground and second floor
For information on proposals, con­
tact T odd L o fg ren via em ail at
Todd.Lofgren@ portlandoregon.gov.
(A P) — Jen n ifer H udson didn't
gain a huge am ount o f w eight w hen
she w as preg n an t w ith h er son, but
it w as enough to m ake her do a
double-take w hen she saw a picture
o f herself.
“ I didn't realize it w as m e,” the
sin g er and actress said T hursday.
“ I w as like, ‘W ho? ... O h, m y G od,
this is m e .’ A nd now w hen I look
back, w ow , look at the difference
from then to n o w .”
H udson, a fo rm er “ A m erican
Idol” finalist w ho w on a best su p ­
porting actress A cadem y A w ard for
“ D ream g irls,” has lost the baby
w eight and m ore, and she says it's
because o f W eight W atchers — for
w hich she is the new spokesw om an.
H udson said she has alw ays been
happy w ith her curves but after she
gave birth to D avid D aniel O tunga
Jr. last A ugust she felt the need to
take control o f her body and her
eating habits.
“ H ow can I m ake a b etter m e, or
grow o r do som e changes, anything,
ju s t experim ent, because I have m e
back now ," she said. "This is a good
w ay o fh o w I w ould w ant m y chi Id to
grow up, because so m any tim es in
grow ing up, you gain really bad
h a b its ... so 1 w ant to m ake sure that
...I'm being a good exam ple for him .”
Check out our new private nightclub suite.
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Featuring Packy's
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An elephant-sized
celebration with birthday
cake for everyone!
O ’ <
She (Oregonian