Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 2010, Page 5, Image 5

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    March 31, 2010
Creating Affordable Home Options
serve first time
and minority
T w o new
h o m e b u y e rs
a c h ie v e d
th e d ream
homeownership through Proud
Ground, a non-profit organiza­
tio n
c re a tin g
a ffo rd a b le
homeownership opportunities for
low- and moderate-income first­
time homebuyers, and the Mi­
nority Homebuyer Assistance
The collaborative is a coali­
tion of local nonprofit organiza­
tions dedicated to promoting mi­
nority homeownership through
culturally specific homebuyer
education and counseling ser­
vices that are offered in both in
English and Spanish. The group m a riK S io rrouo uround and the Minority Homebuyer Assistance Collaborative, Tracie Cole (second from left) has realized the dream
o f homeownership. "I feel such joy, " Tracie exclaims, “I can't believe this is really mine. ” Tracie is joined at the Pardee Commons
—co m p rised o f the A frican
ribbon cutting in southeast Portland by (from left) John Mohlis o f the Portland Development Commission; Tom Walsh and Serena Cruz
A m e ric a n
A llia n c e
fo r
Walsh o f Cityhouse Builders; Portland City Commissioner Nick Fish; and Greg Brown o f Albina Bank.
H o m e o w n e rsh ip , H a c ie n d a
Community Development Cor­ my kids will want to become
poration, and Portland Com mu­ hom eow ners.”
nity Reinvestment Initiatives —
T racie and another Proud
also makes small grants avail­ Ground homeowner helped by
able to help households on their the nonprofits recently joined six
way to homeownership.
other households at Pardee Com ­
Tracie Cole is a perfect ex­ mons, a 10-unit Earth Advan­
ample of the difference the col­ tage Platinum Home develop­
laborative can make.
ment in Lents that uniquely com ­
Tracie fell in love with her bines duplex-style townhomes
F .w- _ » *
brand new, Earth Advantage and detached units with shared
town home in the Lents neigh­ green space and green features.
f H
•• ’»• / *
borhood from day one. Though
Since 1999, Proud Ground has
the home was offered through helped 120 families buy their
Proud Ground for just $ 124,499, first home. For more informa­
the monthly payments were still tion, contact Proud Ground at
just a bit too high for Tracie’s 503-493-0293, extension 10 or
visit proudground.org. For infor-
B ut
m in o rity m atio n ab o u t the M in o rity
collaborative’s $5,000 down- Homebuyer Assistance Collabo-
payment grant wa§ just the right ra tiv e , c o n ta c t the A frican
amount to bring Tracie's monthly A m e ric a n
A llia n c e
fo r
payments down to a level that H om eow nership at 503-595-
made owning her first home pos­ 3517 or visit aaah.org/M HAC.
Call 503.823.3292
For information about Hacienda
or visit pdc.us/nhp
“There’s not a better feeling Community Development Corp.,
than becoming a homeowner,” call 5 0 3 -5 9 5 -2 1 11 or v isit
Tracie explains as she describes haciendacdc.org; For informa­
the impact homeownership has tion on Portland Com m unity
on her and her three children. “I Reinvestm ent Initiatives, call
feel such joy; I can ’t believe this 5 0 3 -2 8 8 -2 9 2 3 o r v is it ;
is really mine. Hopefully now pcrihome.org.
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