Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 2010, Page 19, Image 19

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    March 31. 2010
jJortlanb (Dhsertter
Young, Black & Gifted
continued ¿ ^ f r o m Front
the atm osphere at Jefferson. It's
more o f a fam ily than a school."
Holt said that her supportive
fam ily and friends help keep her
on the right path.
"It's all about your environ­
ment," she said.
D anielle D ixon, a senior at
Jefferson who is also featured in
the exhibit, spends her spare time
trying to get scholarships when
s h e ’s n o t p a r tic ip a tin g in
Jefferson D ancers program or
playing volleyball.
She set h er sig h ts on the
T uskegee Institute in Alabam a
after going on a tour o f histori­
cally black colleges.
“ It opened my eyes,” she said
o f the tour.
Dixon also attributes her suc­
cess to a positive fam ily environ­
ment and supportive friends, and
hopes to study elem entary edu­
“ I ju st love working with little
children,” she said.
W illiam s hopes that the project
will encourage other students. She
also hopes people will keep in
mind that these a re n ’t the only
am bitious and talented black stu­
dents in Portland.
“T here’s a ton others we d idn’t
interview ,” she added.
Church of God in
Christ United
4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­
land OR 97211
You are cordially invited
to worship with us in
these services:
Sunday Service
Sunday School 10:00 A.M
Pastor &
Bishop & Mrs. A.L. Wright
Page 19
Dr. Edwards’ S.U.V. Platform after the Rally
I f elected to be President o f the GBCNW Dr
Edwards has established a platform that he
would like to address during his Presidency.
They are as Follows:
1. Re-Establish the Youth Conven­
2. Select a sight for an Office Build­
ing to house Headquarters
3. Establish a Benevolent Fund for
the Convention
4. Appoint a 3-member committee
to locate space for an O.B. Williams
5. Reschedule the Parent Body Pro­
gram to accommodate auxiliaries
6. Allow 10% o f all monies received
will offset Home Mission & Emer­
7. Plan to change the sign Allen-
Fremont Plaza to O.B. Williams-Allen Plaza
8. Appoint Ministerial Rep to travel, report &
received info for Convention
9. Work toward sending a GBCNW choir to Na­
tional Convention
10. Officers to be housed in Office Building: Presi­
dent, Treasure, Corresponding Secretary and Di­
rector o f all finance o f GBC and GBCNW
11. Allocate less preaching and have more teach­
ing and workshops to include more community
involvement, Adult/Youth Counseling and Reha­
bilitation Programs
12. We should replace politics with doing the Will o f
the Lord
13. Implement a Monthly Newspaper/Newsletter for
each Church to Advertise any Annual
Events, Special Dates and/or Guests
14. The Convention needs to establish
a six (6) day Street Evangelistic Ministry:
Two days in Portland and Vicinity Area,
Two days in Seattle Area and Two days
in Tri-State Area. Each Moderator will
host these events. This will grow our
memberships, offer Plan o f Salvation and
baptize the unsaved
15. Te list above will be honored by The
S.U.V. PLATFORM: Service Unity and
Vision. With your help and support, we
will have a Great Convention and we can
say “W e’re Proud o f Our Convention”.
Questions asked:
1. Will there be more opportunity foryouth teaching?
Answered by # 11 that we would Activate the STATE
OF CONGRESS and yes, inclusive for the youth.
2. Would he be willing to invite out o f state guest,
teachers & counselors? Yes
3. Will he consider reorganizing the Scholarship Pro­
gram? He will work with them on the Guidelines, ie
Applications, G PA ’s and Terms or Quarters, etc
4. Would you consider repurchasing the space where
the O.B. Convention Center was located? No and
actually it belongs to New Hope MBC.
Worship Service 12:00 Noon
Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M.
Weekday Service
Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:00 P.M.
Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00
Hodge Comprehensive
Counseling Service
Dr. H. L. Hodge, Ph.D.
Life Change Specialist,
Licensed Pastoral
Counselor, Professional
Trainer. Dr. Hodge has
20 years addressing
Life Stressors
Healing from past hurts,
adapting to new circum­
stances or recovering
from a crisis; a Faith-
Based counselor will be
life changing Hodge
Comprehensive Counsel­
ing provides. Life
change HCCS provides
cognitive behavioral
services from a Biblical
perspective with sound
psych ologica! principles.
Portland Congress Center
1001 SW Fifth Avenue,
Sdite 1100
Portland, OR 97204
HCCS Speciaties Are:
• Education Training - Work­
shops & seminars to facilitate
personal enrichment.
• Counseling - Helping clients
fin d solutions to life problems.
• Substance Abuse Education
Providing tools fo r overcoming
& recovering using Meditation
& Relaxation Techniques fo r
Stress Reduction/Pain Manage­
• G rief Counseling— dealing
with lose & separation, anxiety,
depression, & phobias as well as
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Disorder the 5th most common
mental health disorder.
Phone: 503-220-1790
Fax: 1+503-220-1815
-B y Appointment O n ly-
Good Friday
New Song Community Center
2511NE MLK Blvd.
Corner of NE MLK Blvd and Russell Street
For directions or more information,
call 503-488-5481 or log on to
w iM w .m fliiniiortland.com