Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 2010, Page 16, Image 16

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îl!e Porthmh (Pbseruer
C lassifieds / B ids
To Place Your Classified Advertisement
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com
Train Service
Portland, OR
Earn up to $4 0 ,0 0 0 first year and up to $75,00 0 in future years.
Portland, OR
Union Pacific offers a competitive compensation and benefits package.
To join our dynamic, challenging and diverse team apply immediately
online at www.up.com (select "Jobs at UP" then "View positions")
U n ite d W a y o f th e C o lu m b ia -
W illa m e tte h a s an im m e d ia te
o p e n in g fo r an A d m in is tra tiv e
A ssistan t to perform a w ide range
of adm inistrative duties in support
o f th e V ice P re s id e n t-R e s o u rc e
D e ve lo p m e n t/W o rk p la ce G ivin g
and the W orkplace G iving Team.
M in im u m
o f th re e
ye a rs
a d m in is t r a t iv e
a s s is t a n t
e x p e rie n c e re q u ire d . N o n p ro fit
de ve lo p m e n t e xperien ce a plus.
Forw ard co ver letter and resum e
e m p lo y m e n t @ u n it e d w a y -
p d x .o rg . R e fe re n c e Jo b # 3 0 0 .
Position closes 4 /9 /1 0 .
A nnua l Balm o f G ile a d ,B la ck,
Chruch W eek of P rayer for the
H ealing of AID S Breakfast
An Equal Oppoftunily Employer
Providence Portland
Medical Center
4 8 0 5 NE G lisan S treet Rm.
H C C-1 2 3 Level B
April 2 0 ,2 0 1 0
7 :3 0 -9 :0 0 0 am
H IV a n d A fr ic a n
W om en
THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 2010 @ 6:30pm
' Racial Profiling
' M ice Depa" m e”
K ey N ote S p e a k e r R e ve re n d
M ary D iggs-H obson, C ofounder
a n d E x e c u t iv e D ir e c t o r o f
A frican A m e rica n s Reach and
Sub-bids Requested
Check out our new plan room at
S P f
P It 0
I I ( I S
M em ber of:
G K 0 I P
AMOCiaTID ««Malli tOW’UtlOM
P.0. Box 66100 Portland, Oregon 97290-6100
(503) 777-5531 FAX (503) 771-2933
Oregon CCB #10723; W A Reg #EM ERIC*379NT
e m a il:kristen d@ e m erick.co m
w w w .e m ericksp g.com
Our company is an equal opportunity employer and requests sub-bids from minority,
women, disadvantaged, disabled veterans or emerging small business enterprises.
Affordable housing for Seniors and Disabled m ay be available at this
tim e. Incom e restrictions apply. If afford able units are not available
at th is tim e, qualified ap plican ts will be placed on a w a itin g list.
G uardian M anagem en t LLC is an equal o p p o rtu n ity provider.
The City of Portland, through its Towing Board of Review,
is offering a contract for Abandoned Vehicle Towing anc
Storage. The co ntra ct will be fo r a term , co m m e n cin g Ju ly 1, 2010
and expiring June 30, 2013, subject to the Tow ing Board o f Review's
right o f term ination for unsa tisfactory perform ance. A p p lica n t m ust
be able to sh ow that the ap plican t has been en gage d for at least
o n e y e a r in p ro v id in g V e h ic le T o w in g a n d S to ra g e s e rv ic e s
substantially sim ilar in type and volum e as those required under the
proposed contract. The Towing Board o f Review reserves the right to
reject ap plicatio n s from ap plican ts w ho do not, in the ju d g m e n t o f
the Board, have sufficient experience, personnel, financial resources,
or equipm ent to satisfactorily perform under the contract. The contract
will be aw arded to the a p p lica n t th a t ach ieves the h igh est num ber
o f points fo r th e ir ap plication, experien ce, fa cility and bid am ount.
All applications and bid schedules m ust be subm itted to the Revenue
Bureau, 111 S W C olum bia St, Room 600, Portland, OR 97201, not
later than 4 :3 0 P.M., M onday, April 12, 2010. A p p lica tio n s will be
review ed and inspections co nducted to d eterm ine prequalification.
Bid sc h e d u le s and the bid ve rifica tio n m ust be su b m itte d in a
separate, sealed envelop e m arked "Bid sch e d u le for A ban don ed
Vehicle Tow ing and Storage Contract o f (nam e o f applicant/bidder)."
Bids will be open ed at the M ay 19, 2010 Board m eeting, 1:30 PM,
8th floor conference room B, 111 S W C olum bia Street, at w hich the
selection o f an A ban don ed Vehicle Tow C o n tractor will take place.
For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n , c o n ta c t th e T o w in g C o o rd in a to r at
M a ria n .G a vlo rd @ P o rtla n d O re g o n .g o v or phone (5 0 3 )8 6 5 -2 4 8 9 .
A p p lica tio n s are ava ilable on line at:
h ttp ://w w w .p o rtla n d o n lin e .co m /o m f/in d e x.cfm ?c= 2 9 9 8 0 &
or at the R evenue Bureau office a d dress above, or by e -m a ilin g the
Tow ing Coordinator.
2010-2012 Digital Orthophotos
M etro, a m etropolitan service district organized und er th e law s of
the State of O regon and the M etro Charter, located at 600 NE Grand
A ven u e, re q u e sts w ritte n p rop osa ls fo r natural co lo r and co lo r
in fra re d d igita l o rth o p h o to s o f th e P ortlan d m e tro p o lita n area
(approx. 1,382 sq uare m iles).
Details co n ce rn in g the p roject and proposal are co ntained in the
All inform ation subm itted by Proposers shall becom e public record
and will be su b ject to d isclosu re und er the O regon Public R ecords
Act, e xce p t those portions o f the proposals for w hich P roposers
Bid Documents may be viewed at our main office, 8850 SE Otty Rd,
Portland. They may also be viewed electronically by contacting
Kristen at kristend@emerick.com
712 S W St. C lair Avenue
Portland, O regon 97205
Phone: 5 0 3 -2 4 8 -9 6 4 5
TTY: 1 -8 0 0 -7 3 5 -2 9 0 0
and tim e will not be considered fo r selection. P roposals subm itted
m ust be contained in sealed e nvelop es, identified on the e xterior
with “RFP No. 1 0 -1 6 4 8 -R C, O rth op ho to P ro je ct”. P roposals m ust
be received at th e M etro offices located at 6 00 NE G rand Aven ue,
Portland, O regon 97232.
Gresham, OR - Bid Date: April 7, 2010 - 2:00 PM
Proposals are due to be received no later than 2:00 p.m.,
Thursday, April 22 ,20 10 . P roposals received afte r the due date
T riM e t Civic Drive MAX S ta tio n
Emerick is seeking participation from DBE subcontractors and suppliers.
Please contact Emerick directly for assistance in obtaining bonding, lines
of credit or insurance in regards to bidding this project.
Uptown Tower
A m e r ic a n
S e atin g is lim ited Please RSVP
c a llin g
5 0 3 -9 8 8 -
3030x25691 by Tuesday March
3 0 , 2 0 1 0 D o n a tio n s w ill be
excepted at the event
C o m ity A M E. ZioaChwch 3605 E Util Street. V»a»iver,IA
Clifford R Coot. City of Vancouver Police Chief
Chris Smet. City of Vancouver Assistant Polite Chief
C la s s “A ”, W e s te rn S ta te s and
D edicated Runs. 2yrs. exp., clean
DM V, w e e k ly pay. D e p e n d a b le
H ighw ay Exp. 888-434-3669
Administrative Assistant
U NIO N PACIFIC. North America’s largest railroad is a high tech, Fortune
200 company in a growth mode This makes us an excellent place to start
and grow your career.
Drivers: O/OP’s - Solo & Team s
M a rch 31. 2010
Call 5Ö3-288-OO33
To Place Your
Contact: Kathy Linder
Phone: 503-288-0033
Fax: 503-288-0015
request exception from d isclosu re co n siste n t w ith O regon law.
Each proposal m ust be subm itte d in a form as d escribed in this
proposal docum ent.
All p roposals m ust conform to the RFP fo rm a t and be co m p lete
including the use o f any required form s. M etro m ay acce pt or reject
any or all bids, in w hole or in part, or w aive irregularities not affecting
substan tial rights if such action is deem ed in th e public interest.
M etro and its contractors will not discrim inate against any person(s)
based on race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orie n tatio n , age,
religion, physical handicap, political affiliation or m arital status.
M etro exte n d s equal o p p o rtu n ity to all p ersons and sp e cifica lly
e nco ura ges m inority and w om e n -o w n ed businesses to acce ss and
Darticipate in this and all M etro projects, program s and services.