Page 12 'riu |Jortlanò (Dhserurr y March 31. 2010 i l ’ ls V FN ÎFD1 ENEEEEAINMENE 7?r The Portland Chapter of the Links, Incorporated Invites you to join us at the Sheraton Portland .Airport Hotel for: The "Sneakers B all" Saturday, April 24, 2010 No-host bar and silent auction begin at 6:00 PM Sit down dinner at 7:00 PM Wear your tux, gown, or after five attire and that favorite pair of snazzy sneakers to Dance, Dance, Dance! Music by The LaKhonda Steele Band X Prize for the best matching attire and sneakers! All Proceeds will benefit The Portland Chapter of The Links. Inc. Scholarship I’nnd and Programs Tickets - $60 Ticket Information: 503-707-7204 Special Request: please bring one pair of Sneakers to support The Portland Chapter of The Links, Inc. Haiti Relief efforts. Abba Reunion Possible Swedish supergroup Abba may perform again nearly 30 years after they split, the former male members o f the band hinted Friday. The group, one o f the most suc- eessful in history, has enjoyed con­ tinued fame since breaking up in 1982, thanks to tribute bands mim­ icking their satin outfits and easy- listening music and lyrics. They attracted new fans recently with the musical "Mamma Mia!" which was turned into a film. But they have persistently shunned the chance to regroup, turning down as much as $1 billion to tour again in 2000. H ow ever Benny A ndersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus told The Times new spaper in London that an in­ tim ate one-o ff perform ance that could be screened around the The supergroup Abba broke up in 1982. w orld could be a possibility. Observers have always thought too many barriers existed to the band reforming, including the reclusive lifestyle o f the blonde female mem­ ber Agnetha Faltskog. The o th er fem ale m em ber, Frida L yngstad m arried a G er- man prince and lives in the Sw iss A lps. She is th o u g h t to be re la ­ tiv ely am enable to a reu n io n , the n ew sp ap er said. Jazz Tenor’s Legacy’s Preserved SESAME STREET LIVE A VEE CORPORATION PRODUCTION APRiL 3 0 - MAY 2 e? MCMOflAL (OÌISEUM Tickets: Rose Ouarter Box Office 877-789-7673 comcast^ •vith Elm° ’ '^ " ^ 3 Considered one o f the world’s greatest tenor saxophonists, jazz legend Dexter Gordon (1923-1990) was once quoted as saying, “Jazz to me is a living music. It’s a music that since its beginning has expressed the feelings, the dreams, and hopes, o f the people.” The Library ofCongress in Wash­ ington, D.C. has taken steps to en­ sure the survival o f Gordon’s musi­ cal heritage by acquiring more than a thousand items from his career spanning more than five decades. The collection comprises a wide range o f G ordon’s work from all television appearances. Gordon was born in Los A nge­ les on Feb. 27,1923. Heperformed with Lionel H am pton’s and Louis A rm strong’s bands in the 1940s, but soon distinguished him self as a key player in the em erging be­ bop style. In the late 1940s, his recorded saxophone duels with fellow tenor man W ardell Gray, such as “The C hase” and “The Dexter Gordon Hunt,” served notice that a m ajor phases o f his career. Consisting new jazz stylist had em erged. A prim arily o f sound recordings, the jazz innovator, he influenced nu­ collection also includes interviews merous musicians, including John and items from G ordon’s film and Coltrane. Middle Passage— Local writer and Live Jazz — Every Friday and Sat­ poet Nabeeh Mustafa and play­ urday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the wright, producer and director Floyd Third Degrees Lounge at the River Cruse reproduce their 2005 produc­ on the Columbia every Friday and Place Hotel, 1510S.W.HarborWay. tion “On Life’s Term: The Middle Saturday night. Known as the No cover or minimum purchase. For Passage,” a dramatic play that has “Gentleman o f Jazz,” Brown has a more information, parallels between slavery and ad­ career spanning over 40 years. N orm an Sylvester B and— Boogie diction, on Saturday and Sunday, Cat Norman Sylvester and his band April 3 and 4 at 7 p.m. at the Miracles perform Friday, April 2 at Trails End Club, 4069 N.E. Martin Luther King in Oregon City; Saturday, April 3 at Jr. Blvd. the Cascade in Vancouver; Satur­ Ten G ran d s — Local artists Tom day, April 10 at G em ini’s in Lake Grant, Michael Allen Harrison, Oswego and Saturday, April 17 at Janice Scroggins and seven other Clyde’s. top entertainers will play simulta­ Sam son the T. Rex — A magnifi­ neously on 10 pianos on one stage cent -foot-long Tyrannosaurus rex in two benefit concerts at 7 p.m. Friday, April 2 and Saturday, April P ortland Homes — “At Home in skeleton, one o f the most fearsome 3 at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Portland: 1909-1914,” explores the carnivores ever to walk the face o f Hall. Net proceeds go the Snowman variety o f architecture during the the earth is on display at OMSI. The Foundation to purchase pianos for city’s boom years between 1900 and 66-million-year-old fossil known as local schools and youth facilities. 1920. The exhibit runs through July Samson is one o f the most complete 11 at the Pittock Mansion, 3229 N.W. Tyrannosaurus rex specimens in Mel Brown Live — Portland jazz existence. Pittock Dr. giant Mel Brown performs at Salty ’s