March 31. 2010 Portland (JObserurr ■Wi,. m i Caught Between Old and New Play explores mainstream plunge “ How the G arcia G irls Lost th e ir A c c e n ts ,’ a p la y by K aren Z acarias based on the b e st-se llin g novel by Ju lia A lv a r e z is n o w s h o w in g throug h A pril 17 at M iracle T heatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. U prooted from th eir hom e in the D om inican R epublic, the four G arcía sisters arrive in N ew Y ork C ity in 1960 to find a life far d iffe re n t from rapi (Anthony Green) shares his disapproval o f a class speech written by his daughter Yolanda th e g e n te e l e x i s te n c e o f (Anthony Green) in Miracle Theatre Group's production o f ‘How the Garda Girls Lost their Accents m a id s, m a n ic u re s and ex - onstage through April 1 7 at the Miracle Theatre, 5 2 5 S.E. Stark St. ten d ed fam ily they left b e ­ hind. As they plunge h ead first into the freew h eelin g A m eri­ can m ainstream w ith its d iz ­ zying choices and challenges, they rem ain forever caught betw een the old w orld and the new . W hat they have lost — and gained — is revealed in th is p r o v o c a tiv e s to ry b u rstin g w ith passion. T ick ets can be purchased from m ilag ro .o rg , by phoning 503-236-7253 or v isitin g the PDX T icket N etw ork box o f­ fice at the H ollyw ood T h e­ ater, daily 1-9 p.m . The M iracle T heatre G roup has been d ed icated to b rin g ­ ing the vibrancy o f Latino th e­ atre to the N o rth w est co m ­ m unity and beyond for m ore than 25 years. Earn your M.A.T. in Early Childhood/Elementary Education through Oregon State University. Classes held in Portland and Salem. Sanjaya Malakar ‘Idol’ Clocked at 110 mph The Washington State Patrol says former "American Idol" star Sanjaya M alakar was caught speeding 110 mph on Interstate 405 outside o f Seattle at Kirkland. He was stopped March 23 ab o ut2:3 0 a.m .an d g iv en a$ 4 1 1 ticket. Trooper Dan MacDonald told The Seattle Times there was no one else on the freeway at the time so Malakar does not face a reckless endangerment charge. The 20-year-old singer from Federal Way gained fame three years ago on the "American Idol" talent show. In just 11 months, graduate with your: • Teaching license • ESOL/Bilingual Endorsement • Master’s degree Information session Thursday, April 8, 4:30 - 6:00 P.M. Reflections Coffee Shop 446 NE Killings worth St, Portland REGISTER ONLINE For more information, contact Ken Winograd 541-737-5988 • winograk(S> Oregon State U N IV E R S IT Y