Page IO 'n't Puritani) (Dbserüer March 31, 2010 ISIIITÀINMtNI ‘Complexions’ Embraces Diversity Dancers fuse jazz, hip hop Overflowing with power and speed. Complexions embraces diversity with 14 dancers o f dif­ ferent ethnic and dance back­ grounds as well as with its range o f dazzling work encompassing everything from big, dynamic ensembles to poignant duets and solos. The contemporary ballet from New York City comes to Port­ land via Portland’s White Bird dance series on W ednesday, April 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Complexions was founded by D esm ond R ich ard so n and Dwight Rhoden, two former stars with A lvin A iley A m erican Dance Theatre. The New York Times has Desmond Richardson merges ballet, contemporary dance, jazz called Richardson, "one o f the and hop-hop into one thrilling experience in ‘Complexions, ’ great modern dancers o f his coming Wednesday, April 7 to the Schnitzer Concert Hall, down­ time," and Rhoden "one o f the town most sought-out choreographers ballet, contemporary dance, jazz mance and community leader o f the day." and hip-hop into one thrilling ex- Renee Mitchell, will be held in Complexions makes its long perience. the lower Iobber, free to all ticket- overdue Portland debut with a “ White Bird W ords,” a pre- holders prior to the main perfor- spellbinding program that merges show talk by local writer, perfor- mance at 6:45 p.m. Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - I month free 5010 NE 9th U nit A, Portland, O regon 97221 F ro d Meyer BRQADWAyTJTAcRoss A merica iPORTLAND Early Access to tickets! SAVE over 20% Each ticket includes a $10 donation to Jefferson High School • Special Offer Code: Jefferson • April 13-18 • Keller Auditorium Hours o f operation: M -F 9 am - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 11 am - 6 pm