Pa£e 8 il'1' jJnrtlanb (Dhseruer F ab living W / R E B E K A H STA R Should Guys Groom? In a recent conversation w ith a gentlem en friend o f m ine, I w as tell­ ing him about a new product that will be hitting the m arket soon. It’s a universal product in skincare and I suggested that he try it. He told me that he d o e sn ’t use any skincare products, ju st soap and w ater- the old school w ay. He agreed to try it once, but after that it’s a w rap! I thought it was funny how the idea o f skincare was pretty m uch o ff lim ­ its as far as he w as concerned. A nd th a t’s the way it is w ith a lot o f men. It's well understood and I kind o f like that a little bit. O n the other hand there are guys w ho are undercover about it (w hen I operated a skincare salon, som e o f the m anliest men w ould schedule bi-m onthly, after hours ap p o in tm en ts) and th e re ’s the o n e ’s that go to the extrem e with regular facials, m anicures, pedi- Free B ody B a sic s — This physician recom m ended class is appropriate for all ages and health conditions. Plan to attend this one-session class and learn the sim ple guidelines for safe exercises, including stretching. Call 503-256-4000 to register. F am ilies with M ental Illness - A free, 12-w eek course for people w hose fam ily m em bers live with m ental illness is offered at Em anuel H ospital, Mt. H ood M edical C enter and Providence M edical Center. The cures, w axing, etc. A s far as w axing goes, you m ay not agree, but let me ju st say it: M en should have hair! On their heads, if possible, but certainly on their b o d ­ ies. I’ve heard argum ents to the contrary- “you d o n ’t w ant a bushel hanging out o f your m an s' button u p !” T o w hich I’d respond: W h o ’s m ore appealing, the ultra depilated B runo o r his very hairy-and sexy- a lte r ego, S ach a B aron C o h en ? C hest fur co n n o tes virility, test­ osterone, bad-boy danger! Ladies, d o n 't you like danger!? U nfortunately, som e m en a re n 't hearing that. A recent survey o f m ale college students by G illette found that 80 percent have done below the neck hair rem oval, with an even gay-straight split. A nd the trend is n 't lim ited to hair rem oval: In re­ cent years, m ale groom ing has b e ­ com e a record-breaking, recession- p ro o f industry- netting $23 billion a year, a w hopping 500 new products hitting the m arket last y e ar alone, course has been described as “life­ ch an g in g ” by form er participants. R egistration is required by calling 503-203-3326. m any w ith nam es that suggest a new G atorade flavor o r the latest breakthrough in the auto industry ( E n e r g iz in g H y d ro G e l o r B odyC ruzer). M e n ’s m agazines try to lure them in w ith articles “ 36 best new product for your ‘groom ing cab in et” . I definitely have well over 36 g room ing products in m y b ath ­ room . B ut I d o n ’t think that a guy w ho likes girls should. T he rule o f thunih on this m ale prim ping su b ­ ject is pretty sim ple in m y book: Do not spend m ore tim e on you r a p ­ pearance than your lady does. Guys m ay be able to get aw ay w ith a facial or pedicure here and there, m aybe slightly g room ing their brow s, a splash o f cologne, but definitely not going overboard w ith any o f it. I’ve seen a couple o f guys w ho had their ey eb ro w s done and if you can tell they have been d o n e -th a t’s a l­ ready too m uch! S eeing a straight guy w ith a perfectly arched e y e ­ brow is pretty frightening! The irony is that m ost guys w ho indulge in the extras think they are stocking up on product and p rim p ­ ing for w om en. T hey start all the w ay back in ju n io r high, sw im m ing in O ld Spice or Brut to go to the school dance. T hen grow to having H ealth W atch cational support group m eets on the 1st T uesday o f the m onth from 1:15 p.m . to 2:45 p.m . at A dventist M edical Center. For information, call 503-251-6830. M anaging C hronic H epatitis C -- T hird W ednesday o f each m onth at 5 p.m. T he inform ative session is led by a registered nurse to help you C ancer R esource C en ter — Provi­ m anage side effects o f m edications dence St. V incent M edical C en ter and dosage preparations and a d ­ and the A m erican Red C ross have m in istra tio n ; d o c to r referral re ­ jo in e d forces to create the first in- quired. Toregister, call 503-251 -6313. hospital resource cen ter providing B etter B reathers - An asthm a edu- books, printed m aterial, co m p u ter THE SPINA COLUMN Dr. Biiiy R. Rowers TM on9°>n9 series of questions and answers about Amencas natural healing profession Part 28. Industrial Injuries: What to do if you are hurt on the job : I w a s lif tin g a h e a v y office has an excellent track record object on the jo b site and my w ith helping problem s like yours. ju s t collapsed on me. I have W e m ake every attem pt possible o get since gone to several com pany you back on the jo b safely as soon as doctors only to get yet another possible - often within a few days. pain pill. O ne doctor has m entioned This is obviously beneficial not only su rg ery . W hat d o you th in k I to you but your com pany as well. It is should do? not uncom m on for a w orkm en ’ s com - 2 A : You should im m ediately Z Vre- quest to see a C h iro p rac­ tor. A pproxim ately 90% o f back injuries have the capacity o f being helped through C hiropractic. O ur p e n s a tio n b a c k s u rg e ry to ru n $ 100,000. I’m sure your em ployer w ould ju st as soon not have ex ­ penses like that. Speak to your em ployer today about having a C hiropractic consultation. If you have had a lifting injury or suffer from pain, w hy d o n ’t you call us today. A life o f suffering is indeed a w asted life. D o n ’t let it be yours. flo w e rs ’ Chiropractic Office 2124 N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon97212 P h o n e: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 * 5 5 0 4 March IZ. 2010 th e fre s h e s t h a irs ty le s in h ig h school. Just w aiting for the ladies to com e stroke their egos. Look at these g u y s fro m M T V ’s ‘T h e Jersey S h o re.’ Pauly D says he spends about an hour on his hair and not only that but tans and spends n u ­ m erous hours in the gym . C o m e on P au ly D, m ay b e y o u do sp en d th at m u ch tim e bu t p le ase d o n ’t ad m it to it p u b lic ly -n o t c u te at all. O d d s are th o u g h , if th ey are no t try in g to sco re w ith the lad ies, they w o n ’t be p a tro llin g the frag ra n c e aisle at M a c y ’ s o r s n e a k i n g in th e b a c k d o o r at th e spa. So lad ies, w h a t d o y ou th in k ? D o y o u like th e s u p e r - d u p e r b u ff, lin e - u p c le a n sh a v e d fe lla ? O r th e m o re ru g g e d lo o k ? L e t’s let th e g u y s k n o w how w e feel. .B ackstreet Boys, and N ’sync spend som e o f th eir royalties m aintaining their h ig h lig h ts...I c o u ld n ’t stand that blonde look on the brothas! 2 0 0 2 : S a lo n .c o m w rite r, M ark S im p s o n in tr o d u c e s th e te rm “M etro-sexual” and becom es the m ost hated w riter o f all tim e! T hat is too funny! 2004: Just as N ew sw eek reports a spike in straight m en getting bikini waxes, David B eckham ’s Faux-hawk hits H ollyw ood creating a new hair p h e n o m e n o n ... A nd we still are in it 6 years later. 2009: Pop culture introduces a kind o f slo p p y th ro w n to g e th e r look th a t’s takes q u ite som e tim e to prep are... G o fig u re ! W h eth er you are considered a m ore rugged m anly-m an o r m etro- A T rip T hrough T ime sexual, it’s alw ays great to take a 1980: W hen M agnum P.I. debuts, certain am ount o f pride in your a p ­ even your dad ju m p s on the ‘stach e’ pearance. A fter all, you only get one b an d w ag o n ! chance to m ake a first im pression! 1980-1994: T he m em orable and W hat do you think about groom ing very p opular hairstyle that created habits for m en? Let me know by a w ash and w ear look- ‘T he Jheri posting a com m ent on our Facebook C u rl' leaves its m ark on black m en in Page: FaB Living w /R ebekah Star or A m erica, not to m ention car w in­ sending an em ail to R ebekahL iv@ d o w s, c o u c h e s and e v ery w h e re y ah o o .co m . I ’d love to hear from e lse ...F o llo w the drip! y o u ! T i l ’ n e x t w e e k - L iv e 1997: Boy bands such as D ru Hill FaB ulously! access and m ore for individuals and fam ilies dealing w ith cancer. The c e n te r is open M onday through T hursday, 9 a.m . to 4 p.m . Lead Poisoning Prevention - Learn how to protect y o u r fam ily from lead poisoning. Ideal for folks in live in o ld er hom es w ith children or preg­ nant w om en. Q ualified participants receive a free kit o f safety and test­ ing supplies. Call 503-284-6827. M arceline F aillaat 5 0 3 -2 2 8 -6 140. H eart Talk Support G roup -- Meets on the seco n d M onday o f each month; from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more inform ation, call 503-251 -6260. Fam ily C aregiver Support G roup - - T his topic-oriented group o ffers a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges and rew ards o f provid­ ing care to an older relative o r friend. M eets the first T hursday o f each m onth at 3 p.m . at L egacy G ood Sam aritan H ospital. P a ren tin g C la sses - N ew borns d o n 't com e w ith instruction m an u ­ als but parents and parents-to-be can learn about a variety o f topics C hronic Pain Su pport G roup - fro m p a in a n d c h ild b ir th to M eets the first W ednesday at 4 p.m. breastfeeding to infant C PR and to 5:30 p.m . and the third W ednes­ m uch more. For a schedule o f events, day o f each m onth, from 7 p.m . to c a ll 5 0 3 - 5 7 4 - 6 5 9 5 o r v is it: 8:30 p.m. For m ore inform ation, call 503-256-4000. p ro v id e n c e .o rg /c la sse s. Cardiac-Rehab Exercises - A medi- cally supervised exercise program for people dealing w ith heart co n d i­ tions. F o r inform ation, call 503-251 - 6260. S trok e A lert S creen in g - C heck y o u r carotid arteries w ith a painless ultrasound to assess y o u r risk. Fee $40. T o schedule a screening, call 503-251-6137. Em pow erm ent through Relaxation -- Free inform al m editation classes that address breathing techniques, som e g entle ancient A frican yoga poses and m ental balancing tech ­ n iq u e s — P eo p le h av e left th ese classes jo y fu l and w ith a peaceful view o f their lives. W e have these s e s s io n s b i- m o n th ly - C all D r. C holesterol Profiles - G et the re ­ sources to help you keep an eye on y o u r cholesterol and o ther indica­ tors o f heart health. E ducational m aterial provided. F o r m ore infor­ mation, call 503-261-6611. B ereavem en t S u p p ort G rou p s — Free, safe confidential group m eet­ ings for those w ho have experienced the death o f a loved one offered on various nights and locations. For inform ation and registration, call 503-215-4622. Powerful Tools For Caregivers -- 6- w eek educational series designed to help fam ily caregivers take care o f th em selves w hile caring for rela­ tives or friends w ith chronic illness. C lass size is lim ited, and registration is required. Call 503-413-8018.