March 17, 2010 ‘ri’1' ^lortlanò (Pbaerucr Page 7 ^Vomeri ¡n History/Careers Long Overdue Recognition Women pilots blazed trail We need your input! (AP) — They flew planes dur­ ing World War II but weren't considered real military pilots. No flags were draped over their coffins when they died on duty. And when their service ended, they had to pay their own bus fare home. These aviators — all women — got long-overdue recognition last week. They received the Congressional Gold Medal, the highest civilian honor given by Congress, in a cerem ony on Capitol Hill. About 200 women who served as W omen Airforce Service Pi­ lots, or WASPs, were on hand to receive the award. Now mostly in their late 80s and early 90s, some came in wheelchairs, many sported dark blue uniforms, and one, June Bent of W estboro, Mass., clutched a framed photo­ graph of a comrade who had died. The Oregon Department of Transportation invites you to a public meeting to discuss what information we should gather when we update the Disadvantaged Business Enterprise DISPARITY STUDY later this year When: March 24,9 a.m.-ll a.m. Where: ODOT Region 1 Headquarters in Portland 123 Flanders NW, Rooms A & B Wearing her World War II uniform, aviator Eleanor Brown o f Victoria, Texas, attends a Congressional Gold Medal ceremony to honor the Women Airforce Service Pilots or WASPs. (AP Photo) In a c c e p tin g th e a w a rd , W ASP pilot Deanie Pam sh, 88, ofW aco, Texas, said the women had volunteered without expec- tation of thanks. Their mission was to fly noncombat missions to free up male pilots to fly over­ seas. "We did it because our coun­ try needed us," Parrish said. Thirty-eight W ASPS were Women Filmmakers Showcased in Festival P o rtla n d ’s h is to ric H o lly ­ w o o d T h e a tre , 4 1 2 2 N .E . S an d y B lvd. h o sts th e an n u al W o m e n ’s F ilm F e stiv a l w ith the w o rk o f to p w o m en d ire c ­ to rs an d c o -d ire c to rs as w ell as p ro v id in g su p p o rt an d re c ­ o g n itio n fo r th e n e x t g e n e ra ­ tio n o f le a d in g w o m e n f ilm ­ m akers. T he event takes place T hurs­ day, M arch 18 th ro u g h S u n ­ day, M arch 21. Forty-four selections o f films, including features, docum enta­ ries, shorts an d an im ations are on the schedule. In ad d itio n to the thought provoking lineup o f in d ep en d en t film s and d o c u ­ m entaries, there w ill be the o p ­ portunity to participate in film ­ m ak er p an els and talk s w ith filmmakers. T h e co m p lete list o f the festival ’ s program m ing is avail­ able at p o w fe st.c o m . "S u b scrib e "~ ~ ~ ’ . JUSt $60 pCF year Attention: Contractors and Smail Business Owners Attn-. Subscriptions, The Portland Observer, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208. I I (please include check) I N ame : ___ I I T elephone : I A ddress : I I I or email I We want your suggestions on what we should include in the new study, which is a follow­ up to the 2007 Disparity Study. killed in service in World War II. But they were long considered civilians, not members of the military, and thus were not en- titled to the pay and benefits given to men. They were only afforded vet­ eran status in 1977 after a long fight. It's estimated that about 300 of the more than 1,000 WASPs are still alive. For more information, contact ODOT Office of Civil Rights, (503) 986-4350 Oregon D ep a rtm e n t o f Transportation Advertise with diversity * /// Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 2035 Regional Transportation Plan and A ir-Q uality C onform ity Report The Regional Transportation Plan guides investments in the region's transportation system for all forms of travel. To review these documents, visit Public comment period March 22 through May 6, 2010 Submit written comments by: US Mail: RTP Comments, Metro, 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland, OR 97232 Web: Public hearing 5 p.m. Thursday, May 6, 2010 Metro Council Chamber 600 NE Grand Ave., Portland ( for current public transit information) Testimony time is three minutes per person. For the public record, please bring a written summary of your remarks or be prepared to summarize them on a comment form at the hearing. All Metro meetings are wheelchair accessible To request language or sign interpretation or a hearing device, please call Metro 48 hours in advance at 503-797-1551 or TDD 503-797-1804 Questions: Call Pat Emmerson at 503-797-1551 or send e-mail to rtp@oregonmetro gov. M etro