Page 4 îl,t sportiani» (Dhsvrner March IZ, 2010 positions. director of Oregon Action, brought Patrick Nolen, a local activist, up how two Hillsboro police offic­ brought up the issue of why police ers had recently resolved an inci­ aren’t tested for drugs and steroids, dent w here som eone threw a northeast Portland people are not a practice that is prevalent in many Molotov cocktail by subduing the only being displaced because of other jobs as well as police depart­ susupect without inflicting harm gentrification, but the black residents ments across the country. “I ask you, picture that same situ­ are being targeted by the police. “Why are these officers not be­ ation happening with Portland po­ “A citizen review board must be ing held accountable for the same lice officers; the difference would more than an advisory board,” he thing I am?” he asked. have been deadly,” she said. added, calling for it to have elected Jo Ann Bowman, the executive She also faulted the Police Bu­ reau for not doing enough to keep citizens safe, and for not holding officers accountable. “They don’t even want to break a nail in their service to the commu­ nity,” she said. “And 1 think it’s appalling that we hear this over, and over, and over again.” Bowman also called for police officers to be drug tested. Rob Chapman, a resident who said he served in the military in Iraq, argued that Portland police officers are not subject to the same account­ ability he was, and was tired of them never complaining about being scru­ tinized. “So cry me a river with that one,” he said. After the public had commented, Police Reforms continued ¿^ J 'ro m 3 examiners need to get information from sources other than the police bureau. Travis Giobbi, of the Freedom Socialist Party, said that in north and A 'Time for Tieafmq The 1.1» Gospel Picnic Upcoming Event July 17,2010 at Columbia Park Entertainment Food & A Joyful Noise •w* W "F" For more information please call 503-740-6671 and leave a voicemail or contact by email at members of the committee, who seemed amenable to the sugges­ tions made, responded. “One thing that I want to make clear to all o f you is, 1 agree we need change, we need accountability from 'to p to the bottom,” said Rochelle Silver, a member of the committee. “I want you all to be living in a wonderful city, where we can re­ spect the police and they respect us,” she added. “It’s times like this I’m proud to live in Portland,” said Llewellyn Robison, another member of the committee. “We have to make the officers accountable, and we have to move faster,” she added. Hank Miggins, vice-chair o f the committee, noted that the comments he heard were pretty uniform in the concerns they expressed about the Police Bureau. Bigham thanked the crowd for their concrete suggestions, which he said would be seriously consid­ ered. “It’s just a start, there’s a lot more we need to do,” he said of the meet­ ing. Family Opens Defense Fund sure 1 1 s e c o n d -d e g re e m a n ­ Driver charged slaughter and driving while in­ charges. in fatal accident toxicated “The L in d sey , S tanton and The fam ily o f a young man ac­ cused o f m anslaughter and driv­ ing drunk in a crash that killed his friend is praying for healing and appealing for donations to help secure his equal defense. Brad Lindsey Jr., 21, was ar­ rested after the Feb. 26 accident in Gresham . His best friend, Jamell Taylor, 22, was in the passenger seat and died when the van they were in crashed into an electric pole. Although Lindsey turned him ­ self into police, he first left the scene and has been charged with hit and run. He also faces a M ea­ Greenidge fam ilies are asking for your help to assure that the com ­ m unity does not lose another young m an,” said representatives o f the Lindsey fam ily. “Brad and Jamell had been friends from early in life. If not for this horrible acci­ dent, they would have rem ained brothers and friends.” A defense account has been e stab lish ed w ith W ells Fargo Bank to accept donations for Brad Lindsey. C ontributions can be made at any W ells Fargo Bank to account No. 6936210407 or you can wire funds using routing No. 121000648. Looking for volunteers and churches to make this event a community blessing! Sponsored by The Portland Observer Newspaper & Rainbow Outreach Ministries Cull 5O3-288-OO33 Be safe Stay off the tracks TriMet and MAX Operator James W. w ant you to travel safely. TRI ads@portlandob sen